Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Black, Gray and White

Chapter 15

by dust101 10 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Fleur,Harry,Tonks - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-12-28 - Updated: 2009-12-29 - 6837 words

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter and the crew...

A/N: Back after a long Hiatus... Hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. R&R

Chapter 15 - Foot-in-your-Mouth


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster’s Office

The lovely Fleur Delacour and Nymphadora Tonks are currently laughing inwards as they watch the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore and the potions master, Severus Snape, try to interrogate the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor, Harry Potter.

It has been an hour since the welcoming feast was abruptly ended, and the trio was brought to the headmaster’s office. The two ladies are currently sitting on a couch at the side of the room, while a Spanish Inquisition is happening.

“Harry, it’s imperative that you tell me where you were for the last two years.” The old man sitting behind his desk, said in his grandfatherly voice.

“Albus, for the last time, I don’t see why telling you what I’ve been doing has anything to do with you.” The raven-haired wizard, whom is quickly losing his patience, answered.

“I’m very worried about you. You disappear for two years and you come back, not only with a Defense Mastery, but also one of the strongest mental shields I have ever encountered.” Albus said, making Harry smile and the greasy professor scowl. “I’m just worried that you’ve delved into the dark arts and you may not know the consequences.”

“I obviously know the consequences… If I’m not careful, I could turn out like him.” He said pointing at Snape, who was glaring at him.

“What do you mean? A Death Eater?” The headmaster asked. “He’s done with that life now.”

“No, I didn’t mean that. I meant that I would turn into a greasy asshole, who’s a virgin because he became impotent while he was playing with his potions.” Harry answered nonchalantly.

“That’s it!” The said ‘greasy asshole’, quickly drew his wand, but froze halfway as a knife stabbed into the bookcase behind him, an inch away from his face. With wide eyes, he turned to look at the boy still sitting innocently on the chair infront of him, smiling at him.

“Severus, I don’t think my apprentices like it when you draw your wand against their master.” Harry said, as he took a sip of his tea. He tilted his head towards the two forgotten women at the side of the room, Fleur with her wand glowing white and Nym, with another knife in her hand.

No one moved as the occupants stared each other down, except for the young wizard who was still drinking his tea, seemingly oblivious to what was happening around him.

“Severus, that’s enough.” Albus commanded. “Nympha –”

“Albus, finish that and she won’t miss this time.” Harry said smiling; his eyes closed sipping his tea.

The old wizard turned towards the beautiful brunette, who had her hand cocked back, ready to throw the knife she was holding at him, and flinched. “Ah yes, Ms. Tonks. I would appreciate it if we handle discussions among staffs through words and without weapons being thrown around.” He laughed uncertainly.

“You know I don’t like being called that.” She said dangerously.

The headmaster nodded. “I somewhat recall something to that extent. Anyways, I think this meeting is over.” He said trying to decrease the tension in the room. “Your room is prepared and is located beside the DADA rooms. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

Harry finished his cup and stood up. “Let’s go girls.” He said heading for the doors.

Fleur nodded, while Nym stayed glaring at the two men behind the desk. Harry and Fleur stood by the door waiting for her, “You’re lucky Fleur just made me cum before I threw that knife or I wouldn’t have missed.” She said before walking towards the smirking duo and throwing the door closed.

The two men quickly glanced towards the couch and their eyes widened. The red, velvet couch was stained wet where the metamorphagus was sitting.

“Oh boy…” Dumbledore said blushing, as he recovered from his shock.
Japan’s Department of Mysteries, Unspeakables Research Wing

“Director Fujiwara! You have to see this.” A hooded man said who was infront of several monitor screens.

“What is it?” The famous Japanese wizard asked.

The man let the memory of Fleur, of Harry dueling Voldemort in a standstill, the night he almost died in Malfoy's manor. The Unspeakable paused the memory as a black mist started to form on Harry’s forehead. “Sir, I can’t be certain… but I believe that is a –”

“Horcrux…” Master Fujiwara finished.

“Yes sir.” The man confirmed. “I’m fairly sure that the mist is a soul fragment.”

The Unspeakable’s Director stood motionless, staring at the mist. He then suddenly turned black and seemed to melt through the floor, until fully disappearing, leaving behind an astonished agent.

Outskirts of Diagon Alley

Gabrielle and Grant have been following Violet Duex who was with a young girl, looks to be 14 years old and wearing a muggle cap, around Diagon Alley. They just walked in and were currently buying some potion ingredients from the apothecary.

“Athena, that’s her personal bodyguard. We don’t have that much information on her. All we know is that Violette handpicked her to be with her at all times. She’s only 14, but she’s as good as anyone in the business. Her name is Astoria.” Gabby heard Master Jefferson through her earpiece. “Stay sharp, don’t losethem.

Gabby confirmed the instructions and moved to the same aisle the duo were filling a bag with what looks to be, Stag-Horned beetle horns. She moved in closer, as she pretended to look at some glowing mushroom heads.

“… I don’t trust LeStrange… Voldemort… attacks…” She heard bits of their conversation, but couldn’t make any sense out of it. She moved in closer as she looked at the ingredients beside the pair. She grabbed a jar of orange feathers, pretending to look at it.

With her back towards the pair, she strained to hear the pair’s conversation without causing suspicion, then all of a sudden…



“… Whoever owns that thing is a genius. I mean the level of protection on it is better than some countries.” Violet told the young girl holding the bag open, as she impatiently dropped more beetle parts in. “That’s enough“. She said weighing the bag. “Oh yes, our new headquarters is under the fidelius, so I need to tell you the location.” She leaned in to the girl’s ears and whispered. “The new headquarters is located at –“ She was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking behind her.

She quickly turned around, while the young girl beside her drew out a knife. They saw a woman with her back towards them and a little girl about 5 years old sitting on the floor, orange feathers and broken glass were scattered around her.

“Oh dear, are you alright.” The woman whose back was facing them asked the little girl with tears brimming in her eyes.

“Yes. I’m sowwy I wasn’t wookin where I was going.” She said, drawing breaths.

“Put that away. It’s just a little girl.” Violet told the young girl beside her. “Let’s go Astoria.”


Gabrielle quickly turned around, “Shit!” She cursed as she found no one behind her. The little girl’s parents found her and quickly apologized for their daughter. “It’s alright.” She said as she looked around. “I have to go.” She said as she took out her wand and with a flick, fixed the jar with all the feathers in it, and floated back to the shelf. “See ya.”

She quickly went through the aisles looking for her target. After searching the store for a while, she realized she lost them. “Fuck!” She said, frustrated. She pressed her earpiece, “I’m sorry Master Jefferson, I lost them.” She said tiredly.

“Yes, I know. I’m currently in pursuit. They are heading towards Knockturn Alley. Meet me there.” He answered through the ear piece.

“Damn stores and their anti-apparition wards.” She whispered as she quickly looked around and saw the backdoor was nearest to her. Rushing towards the exit, she did not see the set of eyes following her every movement.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Defense Professor’s quarters

Harry opened his eyes as he felt the right side of his body starting to get cold. He looked to his left and saw the beautiful face of his veela girlfriend. He looked at his right, expecting to see his equally as beautiful metamorphagus, but saw no one.

He gently sat up as to not disturb his bedmate’s sleep and slowly got out of bed. He quickly put on a shirt and jeans before silently getting out of the room. He thought for a second, before coming to a decision and walking towards the staircase leading to the seventh floor.

With ease, Harry got through perfects doing rounds, the resident ghosts and even Filch and his cat Mrs. Norris. He then suddenly stopped in front of the tapestry where Barnabas the Barmy was dancing ballet with some trolls. He paced back and forth three times, muttering, until a door magically formed on the once blank wall.

He slowly opened the door and smiled as he walked in. In the room he found Nym, sitting on the grass, looking at the night sky. He slowly closed the door and sat behind her, pulling her towards his chest. She complied unresistingly and leaned on his chest.

“I didn’t need to use the map, or our mind link to know you were here.” He whispered in her ear.

She smiled and turned her head to look at his face. “I was just thinking.”

He gave her a peck on the lips as he held her tighter against him. “Thinking about what?” He asked.

“About us.” She said, smiling. “Remember when I first met you?”


Harry ran aimlessly through the castle, his mind racing. He just got into another fight with his bestfriend Ron Wesley about the stupid tournament in the common room.

“Why won’t the fucking idiot believe me when I say I didn’t put my fucking name in that fucking cup!” He yelled to no one.

He stopped running as his strength left him, and started to take deep breaths. He closed his eyes and started to pace. “Let me think. I need a place to calm down and think.” A series of clicking sounds made him turn around with his wand drawn, only to find no one, but an unassuming door.

Looking around and finding no one, he realized that he was by himself in the eerily quiet seventh floor. He checked his broken watch, it could only tell the hour as the minutes and seconds hand wasn’t working, and found out that he was well past the curfew.

‘How long have I been running around?’ He asked himself. He was about to turn back when he heard the telltale purr of Mrs. Norris.

“Do you see anything Mrs. Norris?” The raspy voice of Argus Filch asked.

‘Oh shit!’ Harry yelled in his mind. He looked around and contemplated on hiding behind the weird tapestry of trolls in tutus, but thought better of it. He quickly yanked the door behind him open and gently closed it as the footsteps of the caretaker were becoming louder.

He leaned his forehead against wooden door and sighed in relief. He heard a sob, which made him spin around and finally noticed to his amazement what the inside of the room looked like.

It looked exactly like the Hogwarts Lake. He quickly took off his shoes and socks, and walked towards shore. The fine, soft sand under his feet felt real. ‘This can’t be real.’ He thought. He was pondering about the authenticity of what he’s experiencing when…


He smacked face first to what felt like a wall. He rubbed his nose, as he pushed his hands in front of him. To his astonishment it felt like a wall. ‘What is it?’ He asked confused, because he can see the shore of the lake in front of it.

“You’ve reached the end of the room.” A voice from behind him said.

He quickly turned around and saw someone sitting on the grass, ‘the patch where Hermione, Ron and I would usually sit.’ He thought bitterly. He cautiously walked towards the person, as he can’t tell who he or she was, because the moonlight was blocked by clouds.

“You could put your wand away, I won’t hurt you.” The voice said, which Harry thought was feminine.

“Forgive me if I don’t trust you. I’ve been in too much shit to just believe someone off the bat.” He answered, his wand now in front of him.

“Good.” The voice whispered.

The clouds finally moved past the moon, illuminating everything, Including the person behind the voice, who turns out to be a girl. She had deep blue hair, her eyes were purple and puffy, head resting on her knees and the saddest expression he had ever seen on someone.

He quickly ran and knelt beside her. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked her.

“No…” She answered, a sob escaping her lips.

Harry noticed that she wasn’t any girl he’s ever seen around the school. ‘Maybe she’s from Beauxbaton or Durmstrang’ He thought., as he noticed the uniform she’s wearing. She turned her head, tears spilling from her eyes, and his breath caught. ‘She painfully beautiful.’

Another sob escaped her lips, then she suddenly flung her arms around him and sobbed on the crook of his neck.

Harry, never having been in a situation like this, didn’t know what to do. What he knew for sure, is that he doesn’t like seeing this creature in tears. “Damn, I work fast. You’re already giving me hugs, when I haven’t even asked your name yet.” He said jokingly.

She pulled back, and gave him a sad smile. “I’m sorry.” She said. Harry didn’t know if it was about, the hug or the crying. “I’m Nym– Tonks.” She corrected.

He smiled at her, “Nymtonks, I’m Harry.” He said, exposing his famous scar.

She smacked his arm, “Prat! It’s just Tonks.” She said scowling, making Harry laugh.

“I was joking.” He said rubbing his arm. “Now, will you tell me why you’re crying?” He asked.

Tonks looked at his eyes, debating her response. She then looked away from his intense gaze and whispered, “They found the body of my parents in a Death Eater hideout.”

He gasped, “I’m so sorry.” Harry said, hugging the girl tight.

“They disappeared last year… I became an auror to find them.” She said against his chest. “I just graduated… top of the class… yay.” She whispered harshly. “I knew that they had a very low chance of survival being who they were, but… I just wished…” She trailed off angrily swiping a lone tear on her cheek. “What good is being an auror if I can’t even protect my own family’s lives?” She growled out, clutching on his shirt, as fresh tears fell from her eyes.

He had no answer, so he just stayed silent, holding the broken auror.

“I’m useless… I’ve got nothing to live for.” She whispered, breaking the silence. “Maybe I should just kill myself.”

“Don’t… Don’t do it. What about the rest of your family? Your friends?” He demanded.

“I don’t have any family left Harry. And I don’t have real friends.” She answered. “I’m an only child, and my mom was disowned by her family. My dad was a muggle and I’ve never met his side of the family… As for friends, I don’t have any. I’m a metamorphagus Harry.” She explained, changing her appearance to a blonde, blue-eyed bombshell.

“Wow. That’s amazing.” Harry whispered, now holding a beautiful blonde on his lap.

“Yeah… I can change my appearance into anyone. “And ‘My friends’ –” She spat out, “ –would always ask me to change my appearance for their amusement. I was a toy to them and that’s what I did, so I’d fit in.” She sighed.

“Tonks, can I see the real you?” He asked uncertainly.

She smiled at him sadly, and transformed. Her hair changed to wavy, dark brown, her face became more aristocratic and her body got slimmer, while her height shrunk about two inches. Turning to look at the boy’s face, she found him with his eyes wide and his mouth open. She flinched and was about to revert back, when she heard him whisper. “You’re beautiful.”

She quickly looked back, her cheeks burning. “Thank you.” She said ducking her head. “At least, one person thinks so.”

He frowned at that, “Only a blind person wouldn’t think so.”

“Thank you Harry.” She said, looking down.

Harry quickly made up his mind. “Tonks, I want to be your friend.” He said, grabbing both her hands. “I want to show you what real friendship is.” He said with so much conviction, it brought tears to her eyes.

She smiled brilliantly through her tears and nodded her head. “You already are.”

Harry wiped the tears on her cheeks with his thumb. “Ummm, Tonks? Can you please stand up? I can’t feel my legs anymore.” He said, starting to blush as he noticed the position they were in.

She smirked and wiggled her butt, before nodding. “Sure.” She said, smiling as she felt something poking her thigh.

She sat beside him on the grass, while he stretched his legs. “So, Tonks… Will you tell me more about yourself?” He asked.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, “Alright.” She said. “What do you want to know?”

He thought about it, ‘I don’t want to bring anymore painful memories to her…’ He pointed at her uniform. “So you’re an auror?” He asked, receiving a nod, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, because of the international dignitaries here for the tournament, the DMLE Director assigned aurors in the castle to keep everything orderly.” She answered. “I’m supposed to watch over the French dignitaries because I’m a girl, and there are some veelas in attendance.” She answered.

They proceeded to talk about everything, skipping any discussion about their parents and the painful memories that entails. Harry noticed the similarities between her experiences and his. They were both loners growing up and that people have expected them to be someone else they weren’t. He was supposed to be the great and might boy-who-lived, while she was asked to become someone else other than herself.

She yawned and Harry checked the time. It was already four in the morning and he noticed that she was having trouble keeping her eyes open. “You should go to sleep Tonks.” He said.

She nodded and rested her head on his lap, surprising him. “Harry, you make a good pillow.” She told him. She then looked up to his face, “Will you still be here when I wake up?” She asked tiredly.

He thought about it, “Yes Tonks, I will.” He whispered, moving her splayed hair off her face. Silently thanking that the next day is a weekend.

“Good.” She whispered before making herself more comfortable and drifting off to sleep.


“…And now, we’re more than just friends.” She said, kissing him sweetly on the lips.

“But you’re still my bestfriend.” He said after the kiss ended. “You and Fleur.”

“Yes, and you’re ours too.” She responded.

They sat there silently, watching the realistic night sky that the room provided, enjoying each other’s company.

“Nym, love. We have our first day of classes tomorrow. I think we should go and sleep.” He said, to the girl in his arms.

The witch sighed, her eyes closing and nodded. “We should.” She said getting up. “Are you ready for this?” She asked.

He gave her his crooked smile, “The question is, Are they ready for me?”

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Narcissa was walking around the old Black home, remembering snippets of memories of herself, Beatrix and Sirius, playing as children. She stopped at the door of the room where the Ancient and Noble House of Black Tapestry was located. She smiled sadly at the blasted face of her cousin Sirius off the wall beside his brother, Regulus.

She traced the lines that led to her name, and frowned at her husband’s name attached to hers. Her face darkened, as she glared at her son’s face.

“I’ll kill that bastard if I see him again…” She growled out as her body shook with anger. She felt a presence behind her and she quickly drew her wand and fired a severing charm.


Remus dusted himself off as he emerged from the green flames of the fireplace. “Hello, Sirius.” He greeted his friend’s portrait.

“Oh, hey Remus! How was work?” The marauder asked.

Werewolf took off his coat and hung it on the rack. “It was long and tiring…” He answered, sighing as he did so. “…but no news have been released about Harry. Which is weird… maybe Hogwarts’ rumor mill ain’t what it used to be.”

“Maybe…” The naked man contemplated, as he rubbed something behind the curtain covering his lower half. This made Remus flinch and grab a drink on the bar beside the room. “Hey, by the way… can I ask you for a favor?” He asked, and got a nod. “Dobby isn’t here, and Kreacher, my house elf is dead. So, there’s no food. Can you make some for Cissy? She hasn’t eaten all day.”

Remus looked at him smiling, “You guys have made peace with each other… that’s good.” He said, taking a sip of whiskey. “I’ll go see what’s in the fridge I could make.” He said, before heading to the kitchen.


“Narcissa! It’s me! Remus Lupin! Sirius’ friend?” He yelled, after he ducked from an angry red spell heading right for his head. He quickly put his hands up, showing her he means no harm.

“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Lupin!” She said, quickly sheathing her wand. “I was just worked up about something…” She tried to explain, looking at the tapestry on the wall.

“It’s ok… I understand. I came looking for you to tell you, I’ve made food downstairs. If you’re hungry, would you mind joining me for a meal?” He asked gently, as he extended his hand as an invitation.

She looked at his hand, then at his gentle, smiling face, then quickly at the floor. “Sure, Mr. Lupin.” She answered shyly, as she placed her hand in his.
Somewhere in Knockturn Alley

Gabby crouched behind the man leading their operation, who’s currently holding a pair of night-vision binoculars up to his eyes. “Master Jefferson whe-”

“Code names Athena.” He gently reminded her, as he adjusted the magnification on the binoculars.

“But I don’t like your code name. It makes me sound like a little bitch every time I say it.” She whispered harshly.

This time Grant looked away from his binoculars and smirked at the beautiful girl behind him. “Then, I won’t respond to you. Besides, you ARE a little bitch.” He said, ruffling the veela’s blonde hair. Who swatted his hand and gave him a death glare.

She continued to glare at him, even though he already looked away and went back to watching something in a small tavern, across the building they were occupying. After a couple of minutes, she sighed loudly and gave up. “Big Daddy, what is going on in the tavern?” She asked, scowling.

He leaned back and moved to whisper in her ear. “Nothing.”

She looked at him dumbly, “Nothing? What the hell do you mean nothing?” She asked incredulously.

“Like I said, nothing. There’s nothing going on in that tavern.” He said pointing at the building across from them.

“So, why are we watching it then?” She asked, very confused.

“Oh, I was just testing this new binocular set. It’s pretty cool.” He said holding up the said item.

Gabby reeled back, “What the fuck? Where’s Violette and her bodyguard Astoria?” She demanded.

“Those two? I lost them somewhere in the Alley. They’re very good at evading.” He said in a matter-of-fact kind of voice.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Harry’s currently eating breakfast at the staff table alone, on one side of the table, while Snape and Dumbledore sat on the other side. He was thinking of how smooth the week has been going for him and his ‘Apprentices’, well… as well as it can be. Dumbledore and Snape were still pestering him about his disappearance, the castle can’t seem to decide whether they loved him or hated him and Moaning Myrtle was giving him the creeps. The way she keeps popping out of nowhere and just watch him…

Harry was brought out of his reverie when a copy of the Daily Prophet landed infront of him, and there was a photo of himself, taking up the entire front page. He quickly skimmed through the paper and realized that the entire thing seemed to be about him and his return to Hogwarts as a teacher. It also recapped his story as a child and how he became the-boy-who-lived, his conquests in Hogwart’s, the tri-wizard tournament, his financial status and his political influence.

The newspaper was suddenly yanked from his grasp, and was quickly replaced by the week’s Witch’s Weekly.

“Everyone now knows that you’re back in England.” Nym said as she sat down beside him, eating toast.

“Oui, and according to this ‘orrible magazine, you are the most eligible wizard in the whole world.” Fleur said, smacking the said tabloid to emphasize her statement.

Harry scowled at the magazine as he quickly flipped through the pages and smirked as he put it down. “…but I’m not eligible.” He whispered in Fleur’s ear making her shiver in delight, and playfully smack him.

This by play hasn’t gone unnoticed by everyone in the great hall, causing waves of jealousy to ripple through the student body for several different reasons. However, two redheads seem to be emitting the most amount of envy out of everyone in the hall.

‘I should be the one flirting with the two sexiest witches in Hogwarts. I should be the most eligible bachelor in the world. I should be rich. I should be famous. I should be…’ Kept repeating in Ron’s head.

‘I should be the one Harry’s flirting with. I should be the sexiest witch in Hogwarts. I should be his wife. I would be rich. I would be famous. I would be…’ Kept repeating in Ginny’s head.

However, oblivious to the bad vibes around the room, Harry and his ‘apprentices’ kept on with their overly friendly banter. They’ve decided to stick to being as professional as they can be outside of their private room, which means to everyone in the castle they aren’t dating… yet. Although, it isn’t uncommon among Master and Apprentices to be ‘friendly’.

They’ve decided to put an act, that if they were to start dating, it’ll be during their time working in Hogwarts together.

“Great, this is just great.” Harry said sarcastically.

“Don’t worry, it’s the last day of your first week. It’s been going smoothly so far. Non?” Fleur said encouragingly.

“Yeah, but this day we teach the Gryffindor’s fifth and sixth years for the first time.” He explained.

Nym’s eyes widened, “So, Ron and Ginny for the first time? Today?” She asked.

Outskirts of Knockturn Alley

“Athena, have you seen anyone from the list of targets yet?” Grant asked through his earpiece.

“Not yet Big Daddy.” Gabby replied.

“I love it every time you say that.” He said, laughing.

“Ugh, you disgusting old man.” The young French veela said through her earpiece. “You and Sirius would probably been the best of friends.”

Grant was about to retort when he spotted Violette and her young bodyguard. “Athena, I’ve spotted ‘Mommy’ and ‘her daughter’. Location is infront of the illegal pet store, ‘Pets R’ Us’ and heading west.” He said and gave chase to the pair.

He shadowed the pair at a constant distance and stayed blended with the crowd to keep his position hidden from the witch and her bodyguard. “Big Daddy, I’ve spotted them. I’m commencing shadow stalking.” He heard Gabrielle report.

He was about to reply when someone grabbed him and pulled him to a dark side alley. He was about to fight back when he recognized the face of his ‘attacker’.

“Grant, we need to talk.” Master Fujiwara said with a hint of urgency.

“Gab-. I mean’t Athena, I need to take care of something important. Continue with your course and update me constantly.” He instructed through his earpiece before turning to his friend. “Fujiwara, what is it?”

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, DADA Classroom

The day is almost over and so far, it has been going well for Harry. They just finished with the sixth years and the class went good. It was mostly due to Ron ignoring him while the redhead focused his undivided attention on Harry’s two teacher assistants.

‘I could live with that.’ Harry thought as he opened the doors and let the 5th year Gryffindors in the room.


Ginny flattened her robe as she anxiously waits, among her classmates, for the doors of the DADA room to open. She’s been running the conversation that she wanted to have with Harry in her head, explaining how she didn’t mean everything she said in the papers.

She was brought out of her musing when a bunch of her fellow Gryffindor girls headed towards the room, dressed like they were about to go clubbing. Their hairs were all done, faces with make-up on, and their robes were both tighter and shorter than usual.

‘They’re all trying to get Harry’s attention? My Harry?’ She laughed inwardly. ‘Like they have a chance.’ She thought as she tossed her hair aside.

Finally, the doors swung open, and standing there welcoming everyone was their DADA professor, Harry Potter. She went to the back of the line so she can have the most time to interact with him, as he shook hands and exchanged a few words with everyone who entered.

It was finally her turn, but without batting an eyelid, Harry turned around, left her hanging and stood infront of the class, intending to start with the lesson.

Ginny was stunned, her face taking on a dumb look, as she wasn’t expecting ‘Her Harry’ to act that cold towards her. She snapped out of her trance when she noticed that everyone was staring at her and Nymphadora Tonks was smirking at her.

She quickly took her seat at the back of class, her face red with embarrassment.


Harry asked Nym and Fleur to go through attendance quickly, before introducing the curriculum of the year. He let Fleur and Nym show the spells they are learning this year as he went through the list, much to the delight of the class.

“Now that that is over, I have a surprise for you.” He said, as he put down his class notes on his desk. “This year, you are learning how to duel.” He smiled as everyone cheered and talked among themselves excitedly.

Ginny smiled, as she finally had a chance to impress ‘her Harry’. “I already know how to duel.” She said loudly from the back of the class. She smirked as everyone looked at her including Harry and her TA’s. “Ron and I have been learning this summer.”

“Really?” Harry asked, genuinely surprised that his ex-bestfriend would do something during the summer that doesn’t include quidditch and eating.

She then smiled mockingly at Fleur. “Really. In fact, I wouldn’t mind doing a demonstration for the class with the French tart over there.”

“Weasley! Mind your tongue!” Harry yelled. “That’s 10 points off Gryffindor for insulting a teacher.”

“Teacher Assistant, SIR.” She reminded him sarcastically, not taking her challenging look off the beautiful blonde in the room.

“That’s another 10 points-”

“Harry!” Nym interrupted. “Let her show us what she’s got.”

Harry continued to glare at the redhead standing confidently at the back of the room as he talked with the girls in his mind.

‘Arry, let me do it.’ Fleur demanded.

Harry sighed, ‘Fine, but please don’t kill her. I don’t want to get fired yet.’ Harry conjured a dueling circle at the front of the class while Nym stood between the class and the platform. ‘Remember, we have a mission here girls.’

“Well, Miss Weasley, show me what you got.” The part veela said as she stepped in the dueling circle.

Ginny quickly went towards the front, twirling her wand confidently between her fingers. “You asked for it.” She said as she stepped in the circle. ‘I’ll impress Harry by beating this bitch.’ She thought as she moved across her opponent. ‘I can easily beat Ron, so I can probably beat her too. She’s only Harry’s apprentice.’

“Duelers, do you know the rules?” Harry asked.

“Yes.” Both answered.

“Good, I don’t need to explain.” He said. “Start whenever you’re ready.”

Fleur put her wand over her chest and bowed formally, but had to crouch to let an angry orange spell fly over her. “That’s how you want to play?”

“He never said we had to bow.” Ginny said superiorly as she fired another spell at her opponent. “Petrificus Totalus!” She yelled.

Fleur was reading all of Ginny’s movements and was easily stepping aside her attacks. ‘She’s very, very slow, yells out her spells and makes huge movements with her wand. Amateur…’ She thought, as she tilted her head back to let another very weak spell whiz past her.

Harry had to conjure see-through walls around the platform to protect the room and its occupants from stray spells. ‘Fleur, can you start fighting back? Class is almost done.’ Harry reminder her through their mind link.

Ginny laughed, “What bitch? You can’t fight back? Are you too scared?” she taunted as took in deep breaths. “You see this Harry? I’m better than your apprentice. Maybe you should take me as an apprentice instead of this French slut.”

“Weasley! That’s another 20 points for your language.” Harry yelled seething. “Besides, you shouldn’t be looking at me. You’re still in a duel.”

As soon as he said that, Ginny turned to her opponent only to receive a backhanded slap across her face that sent her sprawling on the floor. ‘God, that felt good.’ Fleur thought.

“You bitch!” The redhead shouted, as she wiped her bleeding lip with the back of her hand. “How dare you hit someone… in a duel? What are you? A- a mudblood?” She asked, making some students scowl.

“He didn’t say you can’t.” Fleur said smugly, pointing at Harry who was standing beside his other TA. “Get up and stop whining, little girl.” She taunted, emphasizing on the ‘little’ part.

“Fuck you!” Ginny spat. “I’ll kill you!” She yelled, as her wand glowed green. “Harry is mine!”

“Ginny…” Harry warned stepping towards the enclosed platform, to undo the conjured walls.

Seeing her opponent’s wand tip glow green, Fleur brandished her wand. She was about to shoot a severing charm at the delusional girl’s hand to stop the curse, when the said girl suddenly dropped on the floor.


Ginny Weasley, suddenly collapsed, faced down on the floor, surprising everyone.

“Magical Exhaustion?” Harry asked as he stood beside the equally perplexed veela.

“Maybe.” She answered as she cautiously approached the girl ready to stun her if anything. She turned the girl over and started laughing.

There, in the middle of the redhead's face, was an imprint of a small tree. Harry looked over the laughing girl’s shoulder and started laughing as well. He turned towards the metamorphagus smirking on the side and laughed even louder.


The whole class was confused, they were all certain that their fellow Gryffindor, was about to cast an unforigivable curse at one of their teachers, before she suddenly collapsed. And now, the said teachers, are laughing hysterically. “They’ve gone bonkers.” One of the students whispered, and everyone agreed. Until they heard Harry yell ,“Good job miss Tonks!” as he wiped the tears from his eyes. This made everyone turn to the pink haired woman standing on the side smiling.

“Who said Timberlands aren’t sensible footwear?” Tonks asked out loud before laughing.

The students just had enough time to notice that one of her boots were missing before a chime went off throughout Hogwarts, signaling the end of class.
Japan’s Department of Mysteries, Unspeakables Research Wing

Mistress Sofie appeared in the middle of an argument between two of her friends.

“…Fujiwara you’re basing your statements on assumptions!” Grant yelled.

“Grant! You saw the memory! It is the only logical explanation!” The Japanese hero yelled back.

“Grant Jefferson! Yoko Fujiwara! What is going on here?” The French woman demanded.

Both men quickly turned towards her and looked down. Grant sighed, “It’s about Voldemort.”

“What about him?” She asked.

“Fujiwara, believes he knows why Voldemort doesn’t die.” He answered.

“Horcrux.” Master Fujiwara said, as Sofie looked at him.

“Horcrux?” She asked. “Well they’ve encountered those before, especially Fleur. I trained her how to destroy one.”

“The thing is, he thinks Voldemort didn’t only make one.” Master Jefferson said grimly.

“More than one?” asked the shocked woman. “Is that even possible.”

“Yes.” Both men answered.

Sofie’s face hardenend, “How many?” she asked.

“Probably more than 3.” Fujiwara replied. “And… Harry was one of them.”

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Great Hall

Harry and his ladies walked in the great hall, heading to the staff table before dinner started. They were almost to their destination when they were stopped.

“Potter!” Someone yelled.

“That’s professor Potter to you Weasley!” The transfiguration professor corrected. “That’s 10 points from Gryffindor.

Harry smiled at the stern woman before turning towards his ex-bestfriend, along with everyone in the silent hall.

“You sent my sister to the Hospital wing you bastard!” Ron yelled.

“Actually that was me.” Nym said happily.

“I was the one dueling with her. Harry had nothing to do with it.” Fleur added.

These two statements made Ron pause for a second, as he looked at the two beautiful women in front of him. However, his anger got impatient and didn’t wait for his brain to process what they both said and continued his rant.

“How dare you! After what my family has done for you?” He asked. “Just because you’re rich and famous, doesn’t mean you can do as you please asshole!”

“Mr. Weasley!” Dumbledore warned.

Harry pinched his nose, trying to slow the oncoming headache. “Ron, you’re sister participated in a mock duel against Fleur Delacour, got mad and almost performed a lethal spell against a member of the Hogwart’s staff. If it wasn’t for Miss Tonk’s quick actions, somebody could’ve gotten hurt, and your sister expelled and maybe imprisoned without even finishing the first week of her fifth year.” He explained.

Harry watched Ron’s face trying to anticipate what he would do, but whatever Harry was expecting, he wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Ron’s face turned red, “How dare you threaten to expel and imprison my sister!” He yelled and took out his wand. His wand turned bright red before he was flung against the hall’s wall.

Everyone gasped including Harry, Fleur and Nym as they saw a small creature dressed in a pinstriped suit with a matching hat, holding the stunned redhead against the wall. The creature took out a revolver from the inside pocket of his suit, the potter crest on its breast, and pointed the gun right under the boy’s chin.

“You shall not hurt the Great Harry Potter!” The creature yelled, cocking his gun.

The stunned silence in the Hall was broken by the said raven-haired wizard asking, “Dobby?”

A/N: Timberlands are a brand of boots and their logo is small tree =P
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