Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

Fact or Fiction

by rawr-ness 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-30 - Updated: 2009-12-31 - 1125 words

Hmm... maybe safe was the wrong word., I thought as I hung upside down, awaiting to be dumped into the trash can.

"Hey, get back to class!" I heard a familiar voice come from the other end of the hall way. "Frank, are you okay?" asked the voice as the four guys dropped me so I hit my head and knocked over the trash can.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sighed as I picked up the trash can. "Just sort of getting tired of being picked on all the time." Gerard chuckled as he lead me into his classroom. "Sit down, relax, you are gonna be here for an hour anyway." I laughed as I looked down on the empty canvas.

"I'm not very good when it comes to painting." I admitted as I looked up at him, he smiling at me. "Did I say something funny?" I raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit awkward with Gerard staring at me endlessly and me nothing to say.

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded as I watched Gerard move in closer and closer until our noses were almost touching. "It's dangerous here in Belleview. You shouldn't have come here." I looked down and felt a cold hand go up my shirt and onto one of my bruises on my back.

I winced in pain as he immediately removed his hand from my back. "What happened?" He asked with warm sincere eyes. I shook my head feeling tears run down my cheeks.

"Frank..." He lifted my head up and looked me directly in my eyes. I couldn't help but to get lost in his.

"Can you tell me what happened?"


"Um... it was probably one of the bruises I got from the kids that used to pick on my back in my old school." He sighed and walked back to his desk. He sat down, turning to look me directly in the eyes, as if to wear me down.

"...Where's the rest of the class?" I asked finally noticing that there was no body else in the room. He chuckled as he closed his eyes.

"Looks like their all out having lunch. All of them usually like to go out to eat." He smiled as Mikey bursted through the door with red liquid in a glass.

"Hey Gee!! Guess who came to say hi, want some er... punch." Gerard chuckled and I watched as two men came in through the door. They didn't seem like they went here, possibly the same age as Gerard, maybe older.

One of them had long, blonde hair and was rather tall and large. The other had light brown afro hair, and was rather fascinating to stare into. I smiled to myself as Mikey sat down next to me.

"Who are they?" I whispered in Mikey's ear. He leaned over and whispered into mine.

"The one with the 'fro is Ray Toro, the one with the blonde hair is Bob Bryar, their both friends of Gerard." I nodded as they stepped over to shake my hand.

"So I see we're no longer the only hu -"

"Nothing!" Gerard instantly shouted as Ray looked offended of Gerard's interrupting.

"Wait, you haven't told him any-"

"No, I haven't and I think I'd like to keep it that way." Gerard gave them both cold glares.

"Do you know how dangerous it could be for him to not know, he has to!"

"How about you and I go to our house. I'll introduce you to the family." Mikey said not taking his eyes off the three men

"Don't. Even. Think - about it." Gerard spoke slowly and giving Mikey a threatening look.

"Am I missing something?" I asked looking at Ray and Bob.

"Frank, listen to me. Belleview isn't safe for you. The reason is that Belleview, New Jersey -"

"I swear Toro if you tell him a thing you'd be vamp food."

"Vamp? As in vampires.

"Um... I meant lions." Gerard faking a smile as he looked at Ray.

"Ray, what were you saying."

"Belleview is infested with vampires, except for me and Bob. And I guess you, now. That's why it's now safe for us. We managed to get their respect, Gerard is a very powerful vampire here in Jersey and he protects us, I'm sure he'll do the same with you. See Gerard is sort of the leader of all of the vampi-"

"You're scaring him!" shouted Gerard as he stepped over to my side and kneeled down so he could look me in the eyes. "You're... okay with all this, right?" I nodded, oddly enough, with a large smile on my face.

Hmm... maybe murdering the bastard would be easier now with vampires around. I thought as I looked over at Gerard with wonder.

"So... do you guys, you know, drink human blood." He nodded.

"We don't drain the body, all we really need is a sip and it's simple to control the hunger. We only really need two sips to last us four months. Why do you ask?"

"Do you drain the blood from those who do wrong, from those who aren't liked?"

"Well, if one is only un-liked by one person then we leave them be to draining. But if they did wrong say, they murdered a young boy or raped young woman, then yes we do drain the body and hide it in a forest, then report it to the police. Since vampires are capable of draining blood without a big scene, blood everywhere stuff like that, police think it's a suicide attempt or maybe just a heart attack. For a criminal they rarely do autopsies."

"In other words, their are no autopsies at all because cops are lazy." chuckled Mikey as he drank the red liquid from the glass.

"If vampires only need two sips for four months, then why is Mikey drinking a glass of blood."

"This is actually fruit punch." laughed Mikey as he pointed to an empty juice carton behind him. "Vampires need their Vitamin C." He smiled with pride. I laughed as I took the glass from his hands and took a sip. "Delicious." I said taking one more sip and handing it back to him.

"Well now that you know, do you think it's time to meet the family." Mikey looked at Gerard with eager eyes as I sat there, a bit frightened.

"First, I'd like to know a bit more about Frank. Starting with the reason he lied to me about his bruises and why he asked if we murdered." Gerard smiled as he took a seat in front of me, staring at me, once again, directly into my eyes.

This time, I didn't know what it was but... I couldn't lie.
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