Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

"Nothing More Than a Brother..."

by rawr-ness 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-03 - Updated: 2010-01-04 - 789 words

Gerard's Point of View

It was a little awkward in the car. None of us said a word the whole ride there, and at times I would drift off to little fantasies about me and Frank. I would burst into laughter when Mikey would accidently see one and then have an expression of embarrassment and disgust on his face. I didn't blame him, but I still got a good laugh out of them, and made them more and more intense the more he would take a peak.

When we finally got home Frank jumped out of the car with excitement. I loved how he wasn't afraid of all this, but embraced it as he got to know more. I wonder what Alex would think of him, though it wasn't as if her decision would affect him living here.

Alex's Point of View

"Come on, catch up!" I sprinted back home to lazy to await for Jade to catch up. I loved her but Gee was going to kill me if I wasn't home when he was there.

"Come on, Alex, almost there."

Perfect, I thought as I landed on the couch and switched on the TV as soon as Gerard and Mikey walked through the door.

"Hey Alex. Ray and Bob are here." Great, humans for us to eat.

Eat him and you're on the streets. That was odd, Gerard was protective of them but never really threatened me about it. I took a sip from them every now and again, when they weren't looking. I sniffed the air and noticed a new sent.

It didn't seem familiar. The sent sort of reminded me of a young child. I looked at the door and noticed a short boy with dark brown hair, it fell in front of his face as he looked down at his shoes. He didn't seem to bad. There was something about him, I could tolerate him.

"Who's the fresh meat?" I laughed as I flipped on recordings of Invader Zim.

"No." Mikey took the remote and thumped me on the head, sitting on the other couch.

"Since when was I your dog?"

"Since we first got you from the pound, shame we haven't gotten you fixed yet."

My jaw dropped as I flew on top of Mikey, having one of our usual wrestle sessions. He laughed as I attempted to bite his ear and quickly grabbed my leg, somehow pinning me down on the ground.

"I win." He smiled as he drew his fangs back in and gracefully jumped on the couch.

"How is it you're a boy, but you're more graceful than I am." I said as I plopped down on the couch.

"Cause I'm not a pig." He smiled with all his teeth as I looked back at Gerard and the human.

"You never told me who you were."

"Frank, Frank Iero."

"He's gonna be living here from now on." Gerard stepped in front of him and gave me his cold, "father-like" glares.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm Alex, they adopted me awhile ago."

"From the pound." I sighed as I heard Mikey laugh. Ray and Bob didn't seem to be around, liar.

"Can I take a sip?" I smiled, doing my best to make my eyes wide. Frank looked at Gerard and he shrugged.

"Depends on Frank, and on you, you can't drain him."

"I won't I just want a taste, he smells good, skittles." I smiled as I remembered the sweet candy. Frank laughed and shrugged.

"You won't insert venom?" I tilted my head. I sort of liked him, he acted like Mikey, only he had more energy. I sighed and nodded my head.

"I like him though, he's like Mikey. And if he knows we're vampires he can't be too freaked out by the fact of being one."

"No venom."

"No venom." I agreed as he tilted his head and I took a quick bite into his neck. His blood was sweet. It did taste of skittles, but many other sweets as well.

"You're tasty." He laughed as he held his sleeve to his neck.

"Sorry 'bout that. It should stop soon." He smiled and for some odd reason... I blushed.

What the hell was happening? Falling for a human was something Gee would do (and has done) but I was the strong one. I didn't fall for humans, I haven't even had any like of vampires.

I couldn't like this human, he would be nothing more than a brother.

Nothing more than a brother.
So... good, bad???
What do you think of Alex and Gerard BOTH liking Frank???
Which do you think would make a better couple?
Leave comments, I'd love to hear what you guys think :]
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