Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by vex93 0 reviews

drama, death and suspense. please comment and review! :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-08 - Updated: 2010-01-13 - 1698 words

My fingertips where almost at bleeding point, closed eyes; all I could feel was the bass of Mikey’s guitar in my feet, and mats slightly out of time drumming booming through my ears.
With every strum of my guitar new layers of a screaming crowd filled the stadium. I al- BAAMM. “Frankie!” Gerard’s voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I was in a dream.
“Frankie, man what’s wrong with you, Mr. Schecter called your name like 500 times” said Gerard, informingly.
“Oh uhm, Gerard I must have been daydreaming, which by the way was totally awesome, I’ll tell you about it after cla-a,” I was suddenly cut off by Mr. Schecter standing over our table with an intimidating look on his face.
“Frank Iero, what’s going on with you? This is the third time this week I have caught you drifting off during my science class, and now I catch you talking with Gerard” shouted Mr. Schecter. The skin on his face looked like it was about to melt off as he exuded irritated heat. I stuttered for a second.
“Im sorry sir, it won’t happen again” I murmured in an attempt to replenish the calm.
“Yea sir it was my fault” Gerard so kindly added in, making Mr. Schecter give off one of his infamous frowns.

As soon as Mr. Schecter stopped glaring and turned around, I rested my head back onto the table. Science was a class that brought an uncomfortable feeling to the pit of my stomach, but lucky for me Gerard was there to keep me from falling off the edge of insanity. He has been my best friend, since two years ago when I moved here from Manchester Middle School. Belleville high school is not a lot better than Manchester. The usual bullies and nerds remained, with the exception of a rare few individuals who exceed the meaning of Incredible. Gerard Balto, as you already know. Then of course Mikey Balto; he was Gerard’s younger brother, and like a brother to me. The Balto family and I have always been close, they never hesitated to treat me as one of their own. Ray Toro is someone who cannot escape your mind. The instant you meet him your eyes rise and settle on the massive afro that lies on his scalp. Ray is also Mats younger brother. Then there was Mat. Its not like we weren’t friends, but I just wish I had the opportunity to become close to him. Everything started twelve months ago. The day Mat Pelissier killed himself.

Earlier; before the accident. The 5 of us decided to put together, what I like to call the most amazing band in the history of New Jersey. Myself and Ray on lead guitar, Mikey on bass, Mat on the drums and Gerard with vocals. The most unlikely combination of guitar meshed together, with the unique styling of Gerard’s voice, created the most amazing composition to hit this earth.

There we were, an unknown and unnamed band full of adolescents who had just received a record deal. It was incredible; nothing in the world was capable of ruining this pure bliss.

Oh how wrong we were.

October 31st, my 17th birthday weekend. All of my closest friends and I crammed into the vintage mini van fulfilling the ultimate cliché dream.
Gerard would direct this endeavor, with Ray by his side, playing co-pilot. Mat, Mikey and myself were practically piled onto each other in the back seat, as sardines would be in a tin can. They had all planned to take me on a road trip for an entire week in celebration of my birthday and as a group nailing a record deal for the band. My memory was faint, but from what I could recollect we were twenty minutes away from our final destination as we pulled out of the highway. Enthralled by our conversation I remember Gerard constantly telling Mikey and myself to stop making so much noise. Finally with enough annoyance of our loud screaming Gerard took his eyes off the road to hit Mikey. "Gerard look out!!!" I yelled pointing to the road ahead of him. He looked out and slammed on his breaks, leaving us just a little in the intersection.

"That was close.” He spoke to soon. I looked out Mats window.
"MATT!!" I yelled nervously, pointing at the window. I grabbed him, pulling him down onto the floor of the car, as the colliding car ran into ours, making us spin. All I saw was Gerard's head smash into his window, before mine did the same. The car dramatically spun more out of control, throwing the car on its side. Glass blazing over us everywhere.

When the car came to an abrupt halt I paused and looked around, Mikey lay next to me, still unconscious. I feared to look at everyone else. Instinct told me to break the window and before I was able to analyze the situation my bare elbow was hitting the cold glass. The initial blow shattered the window into hundreds of pieces. I maneuvered my body through the newly bare window frame, cutting my stomach with the remaining glass. Matt was crawling towards me. Also trying to find a way out. As Mat got up to push Mikey through the window, my two feet hit the ground. I only feared what situation Ray and Gerard where in.

Not a pin would be heard if it were to be dropped from great heights. The silence, which hung in the air, was beyond eerie.
Eventually Gerard, Mikey, Mat and myself where all circled around Ray, everything had just become real. Afraid of the situation our friend was in; our ideal adventure had become a disaster. Our dream had become a nightmare, one that we could not wake from.

The rest of the next few months were a complete blur to all four of us. Harsh as the days passed, neither of us were able to comprehend what had happened, nor speak about it. Mat began to grow awfully quite and barely ever eating. A sad, yet angry expression lay upon his face. Not a smile in sight; But how could he. His brother was dead. Occasionally muttering a few words, refusing to look Gerard in the eyes. Mats eyes spoke more than any words could ever. Golden, brown with a fiery rage shone through his dilated pupils.
In my opinion Mat began to loath Gerard after the accident, as Gerard was the one behind the wheel. More time passed and as the situation weekend, Mat grew far worse.

None of us where in full conversing terms with Mat between the accident and 12 months ago when Mat took his life. Although It was clear Mats intentions weren’t blindly to just take his own life, he was prepared to make Gerard suffer with him.

December 25th, Christmas day. It was a chance for all of us to get together and reminisce of our beloved friend, in an atmosphere of family and friends. Mikey, Gerard and myself all eagerly sat at the dinner table, across from our parents who where arguing on who brought the best bottle of wine. Mat was nowhere to be seen, Gerard took it upon himself to go look for our hiding deviant. Gerard’s mission proclaimed unsuccessful, we decided to venture outside onto the veranda of the house. Gerard feeling a little more eager to explore, stepped out into the cold icy road. I remember the feel of the dry air on my skin. The night was dull, but something about the silence made me feel uncomfortable. There was no movement in the weather, which made it all the more strange.

Suddenly, it was all too clear, Mat emerged with great speed grasping to the driving wheel of the car, specifically directing himself at Gerard, almost targeting him with only his eyes. Without hesitation Mat forced the car engine to roar. Mikey and myself stood, frozen in astonishment, unable to move even an inch. Mouths literally hanging. I felt like my feet were barricaded to the ground, I was watching my friend attempt to run over what I call my brother! and there was nothing Mikey or myself could do about it.
Was a horrible memory reliving itself? Was the only thought that ran through my mind.

My muscles rekindled movement and I roared across the streets gaining attention of the neighbors dogs.
“GERARD LOOK OUT!” Mikey and I yelped in unison. Confused and terrified, Gerard jolted against the icy gravel with great force, causing him to bruise his arm quite badly. Mat enraged, sped past the 3 of us with such great power the rocks from the ancient gravel shot up, like bullets in every possible direction.

Nobody completely knew where Mat went after that, it was the last time Gerard, Mikey and myself saw him. Declared missing, January first, Mat’s body was found rotting, stale, like somebody’s old sandwich in a school bag, piled onto rocks in the community lake near the school.

Two brothers, two best friends, two amazing boys dead. The emotion that came from the pit of my stomach was unbelievable. Although Mats uncanny urges to have Gerard dead were undeniable, I can’t say I still don’t feel sad and miserable about his death.

The bells high pitch ring ran through my ears, and woke me up from this old memory filled day dream, a slow yet relieved smile appeared of my face. Science was over.
“Finally” I sighed with relief, as I poked Gerard in the arm.
“Frankie, are you okay, you seemed kind of out of it in science, is something bothering you?” said Gerard with a caring gesture upon his face.
“Oh, no im fine I just had the most amazing day dream. Just like old times with Mat and Ray” the smile on my face lowered at this point.
“Frank, I miss Mat and Ray too, lets go to lunch and you can tell me about it” Gerard said patting me on the back, with a reassuring smile as we left the science room..
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