Categories > Original > Poetry

..And Once Again, Your Words Have Failed Me

by Projectmatt 1 review

A poem I recently wrote when I was very stressed and needed to let my creative juices flow. Criticism is highly appreciated.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2010-01-09 - Updated: 2010-01-09 - 119 words

I'm no longer here.
I'm not your hope.
But yet you still scream
and through the grey smoke,
I can see you pleading me..
to be everything.
But I am nothing.
Yes, I am nothing.

Falling through the clouds,
I open up my mouth.
It attempts to yell,
but my words tangle.
My mind's mangled
and I fall right into hell.

As the flames grasp at my face,
I can still see you, buried in hate.
You sprinkle yourself in ashes,
I pray and pray but it's too late.

My sins cry out
"Why did you doubt?!"
"You can be everything!"
As the fading light dies,
I finally see,
there's nothing you could do,
that could have saved me.
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