Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > So Shut Your Eyes
Deal With The Devil
20 reviewsGerard reveals his painful past to Willow but is shocked by what she reveals.
So Shut Your Eyes
(#) hey_nena 2010-01-10
I'm so upset over this chapter! My initial reaction was to think Gerard and Willow were so stupid.
Although I don't get why Gerard opened up to Willow but he still DIDN'T say "I love you."
And then after Gerard tells her about his ex WHY did Willow decide to still test him and not explain the whole pregnancy?! I don't want to make assumptions, but why didn't she say she got pregnant on purpose so that she could 1)have the family she wanted 2)always have a link to Gerard and the love she had for him. Instead of having Gerard be stuck on the fact that she planned the pregnancy?
I hope Mikey and Bob help them straighten this out once they get back to New York.So Shut Your Eyes
(#) hey_nena 2010-01-10
I'm so upset over this chapter! My initial reaction was to think Gerard and Willow were so stupid.
Although I don't get why Gerard opened up to Willow but he still DIDN'T say "I love you."
And then after Gerard tells her about his ex WHY did Willow decide to still test him and not explain the whole pregnancy?! I don't want to make assumptions, but why didn't she say she got pregnant on purpose so that she could 1)have the family she wanted 2)always have a link to Gerard and the love she had for him. Instead of having Gerard be stuck on the fact that she planned the pregnancy?
I hope Mikey and Bob help them straighten this out once they get back to New York.So Shut Your Eyes
(#) x_Charlie_x 2010-01-10
I'm glad about the answers about Gerard's past and it does make his behaviour understandable if not fully justified.
Fucking hell Willow... I really wish sometimes that she would just speak and not just assume things and expect people to understand what she thinks and feels but then I guess she has a way of understanding poeple without them saying anything... so it probably changes her view on things.
I can't believe she did that though, I'm hooked.
Can't wait for next week, will be tough to wait it out but I fully understand the need to make the end perfect =) which I'm sure it will be.
Also, I'm really glad youre gunna keep writing after this =)
Argh, please let them figure this out!!!!!So Shut Your Eyes
(#) sickly_ill 2010-01-10
I kind of has a feeling this was going to happen. Damn! Gerard is such an asshole, but Willow is no better. She's having his child and she didn't even tell him. And it wasn't even an accident. I'm starting to dislike them both just as much.
(#) baublehead66 2010-01-10
Somebody needs the box that man's ears. If she wanted the baby for money she would have made sure he knew. She wouldn't have run to Georgia and hidden from him. And she really needs to stand her ground, tell him to shut up, and explain the baby.
I am so bummed you're waiting until next week to post. Gene Simmons sticks his tongue out at you on my behalf. thank you.So Shut Your Eyes
(#) somethingorother 2010-01-10
Oh my god!!! I didn't expect that. Both the revelation about the baby from his ex-wife and from Willow.
And yet he still can't stay calm and treat her right and tell her he loves her.
It seems a little odd though that she purposely got pregnant. It doesn't seem like something she would have done.
Wow....amazing chapter.So Shut Your Eyes
(#) xBlackHeartedAngelx 2010-01-11
I expected her to be pregnant but I thought she would have been just before she left paramour.
I can kind f see why Gerard is angry with her cause I would have been in his position (sex change happening there) but I would have tried to keep the anger under control.
Willows just as bad now. They both have bad communication skills.
So Shut Your Eyes
(#) JusAnothrFaceNThCrwd 2010-01-17
I literally just stayed up all night reading this through. It's almost 1pm and I still haven't slept. Please post more!!! Loving it.So Shut Your Eyes
(#) xxMloewxx 2011-01-28
OMG! I really didn't expect that!
I wanna know why she did it! Gerard is soo hurt! :(
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