Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Parade

You're going down, clown!

by SmashAuthority2 6 reviews

Gerard tracks down the clown....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-01-14 - Updated: 2010-01-14 - 1878 words

It's been ages when I updated this so.... here we are!

That night Gerard had nightmares, usually the only thing he dreamed of when he was asleep was his parents brutal murder but tonight his mind taunted him with vile images of the Joker shaking his thing to that song which he couldn't get out of his head. He tossed and turned helplessly and finally got out of bed and went to sit by his window. He closed his eyes and tried to block out everything he had seen at work. He failed, it didn't help that everyone in the city was talking about the clowns performance. T.V personalities were mocking it, news channels kept showing repeats of it incessantly and event the internet had gone into overdrive. Apparently dancing clowns were a big hit on YouTube. When it was finally morning he got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. Raymond was already there getting everything ready even though Gerard didn't really feel very hungry. His appetite had been murdered.

"Why the long face, Master Way?" asked Raymond in concern. "Is it because of what you saw on TV yesterday?" Gerard nodded. "I watched it on the news," he shuddered at the memory as he served the young man coffee.

"He's really mad at me now. I wonder what he'll do next," said Gerard taking a sip.

"Just kill him and get it over with. No-one would miss the lunatic," advised Raymond casually.

"I can't do that. I told you, I don't kill people," replied Gerard sternly.

"I don't think anyone considers the Joker a person, Master Way," chuckled Raymond.

"I'll think of something to do with him," promised Gerard as Raymond leafed through the morning newspaper.

"Well it'd better be soon. Look at this," he handed the paper to Gerard and walked out the room.

The front page was dominated by a huge black and white photo of the Joker. A photographer had captured the clown gate-crashing a birthday party. In the picture the Joker was wielding a machine gun and posing next to a terrified boy who looked no older then five years old, he was pointing the gun at the child's head and had a big smile on his heavily made-up face, like he was enjoying the whole thing which he probably was. There was a puddle at the kids feet suggesting he had wet himself, something the Joker's men were pointing and laughing hysterically at.

Gerard's hands trembled at the image before him, yet another person his arch enemy had scarred for life. He threw the paper down and decided he would hunt the clown down tonight and teach him a lesson. He immediately went on the internet, he would check the Joker's Twitter page and no doubt discover where he would be tonight. Sure enough, the latest tweet gave away everything.

Breaking into Art Galley tonight and stealing some paintings. Maybe killing a few peoples. Who wants to join the fun? xx

Gerard felt a shiver run down his spine. Selina Kyle worked there! Her life would be in danger, as well as everyone else's! Gerard knew he had to inform the commissioner about this. He picked up the phone and dialled the emergency number only he had access to. After the first ring Commissioner Mikey Way picked up.

"It's me," he said, slipping into Batman's growl effortlessly.

"What do you want?" replied Mikey with irritation.

Gerard frowned, he knew Mikey would still be mad at him for not bringing in the Joker sooner. "The clowns going to break into an art gallery tonight."

"So? What do you want me to do about it?" asked Mikey in a bored tone.

Gerard stared at the phone in shock. Man, could this kid hold a grudge. "I thought you should know as you are the commissioner of this city."

"So? You're the one with all the cool gadgets. You do something about it," he said enviously.

"What's gotten into you, commissioner? Am I going to have to come and pay you a visit?" Gerard said, letting the threat hang in the air.

"Dude, you would never hurt me and you know it," chuckled Mikey, a guitar could be heard faintly in the background.

"Fine," Gerard snapped. "I'll get him on my own!" he hung up angrily. He didn't need anyone, he'd been alone since he was eight and could handle himself. Well, with the help of the ever faithful Raymond.


It was late and Batman was hiding in a supplies closet in the art gallery, patiently waiting for the arrival of the Joker. He couldn't believe he had been reduced to hiding in a closet full of smelly mops and brooms but he really had no choice. He needed to be inside the gallery to stop the Joker from doing any real damage, namely to Selina. There had been a couple of hairy moments when he thought someone was going to open the closet but he had been lucky, apparently the janitor was late today so he had plenty of time to wait for the clown....if he ever showed up. He was already an hour late. It was just typical of the clown not to show up on time, it didn't help that it was stuffy amongst the mops not to mention the Batsuit was making him sweat like crazy-he must have lost a stone in body weight already.

Batman sighed, the things he went through to keep this ungrateful city safe. His thoughts wandered to Selina, she had walked past a few times looking as beautiful as ever. He still hadn't figured out how he was going to get her to agree to go on a date with him, what with him being a serial playboy and all. He knew she wouldn't be impressed if he sent her expensive gifts. She just wasn't that shallow.

He was brought back to earth sharply when he heard a sound he would recognize even if he was in a coma. It was the Joker's screech-like laugh and it filled the entire gallery. Batman jolted forwards and pushed the door wide open. He glanced around, there was not a soul in sight so he sprinted in the direction the laughter had come from, it seemed to be coming from the area where the gallery's semi-naked human sculptures were displayed.

Batman raced around a corner and stopped. Standing a few feet before him was the Joker who was imitating a pose of a naked woman's statue. One of his men was taking a picture, no doubt to upload on his Twitter account later. Batman spotted Selina with her arms wrapped around herself. She was huddled together with her fellow colleagues in a corner looking extremely scared.

Batman stepped into the room and made his presence known. Joker spotted him immediately and sighed loudly. "Look everyone! My ex-boyfriends come to join the party."

"What are you doing clown?" hissed Batman as the Jokers men backed off a few feet.

"Don't call me that!" snapped the Joker and stamped his foot. "I always hated it when you never called me by my real name."

"Your real name is Frank Iero, if you've forgotten," reminded Batman.

"Who? I have no idea what you are talking about," shrugged the Joker pretending to look confused.

"Whatever. Let these people go," threatened Batman darkly.

"Or what? What's the big black bat gonna do?" taunted the Joker with a lopsided grin that made him look more twisted then ever.

Without warning, Batman threw the nearest object (a small figure of a greek man sitting on a rock) at the man closest to him. It struck him on the side of the head with a thump and he went down like a ton of bricks.

"Nice aim," whistled the Joker looking clearly impressed. "Just one problem though. He wasn't one of my guys."

"Aww crap," muttered Batman under his breath.

"You see," yelled the Joker spinning around to face his terrified hostages. "This is the man protecting your city! What a retard!"

Selina stepped forward bravely. "It was just a mistake," she said defiantly. Everyone around her nodded their heads in agreement.

"Aren't you the chick I threw out a window once?" asked the clown with a frown.

She nodded nervously. "Do you want a repeat of that incident?" asked the Joker in a dangerously low voice. Selina shook her head. "THEN BACK THE HELL UP SISTER AND SHUT YOU'RE MOUTH!" he screamed furiously.

While he had been distracted, Batman had busied himself in knocking out the Jokers henchmen silently and easily. It had been his plan the whole time. By the time the Joker turned around to face Batman, he was completely alone.

"Holy moly, Batman," he whispered, looking around at the unconscious bodies in awe. "I take it back. You are a badass!"

"Now it's your turn," said Batman menacingly and his fist connected with the Jokers jaw. A loud cracking sound filled the air and the clown fell to his knees and screamed like a girl.

Batman stood above him awkwardly, he hadn't known it would be this easy to take the Joker down. He usually put up more of a fight. "You broke my jaw you ass!" yelled the clown in pain. "I might have to go to hospital and I don't have insurance. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to hit women?" he screeched.

Batman grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to his feet. "I'm taking you back to the asylum and this time you're staying there."

"But I was having so much fun," sniffed the clown as huge tears filled his eyes.

"You can have all the fun you want in your padded cell," assured Batman and he began dragging him towards the entrance. When they stepped outside they were blinded by flashing lights.

"FREEZE! GCPD!" shouted someone ahead of them. Batman turned his head and saw Mikey Way and what looked like the entire police department standing with guns drawn and ready to fire. When Mikey recognized Batman he smiled. "Stand down people. Stand down, he's one of us!" the cops immediately relaxed their stances.

Batman dragged the Joker down the stairs and held him firmly while he was handcuffed, he stood guard while he was put in a van, only when the doors were securely fastened did he relax. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked around, it was Mikey.

"I'm sorry about before," said the commissioner looking sheepish.

"It's fine," replied Batman with a small smile.

"Dude, I figured you've always got my back so I should always have yours, you know?" he extended his hand out. "No hard feelings?"

Batman was touched and shook his hand, "Never."

Mikey turned away for a second to observe the growing crowd and swarm of paparazzi. "Damned media. They never know when to give it a rest. You wouldn't mind giving us a hand getting rid of them would you?" he joked. When he didn't get a reply he turned back around to where Batman had been standing. He was no longer there.

"How does he do that?" wondered Mikey with a smile.

It's been a while, so what do you think? xx
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