Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The End Is Only The Beginning

120-the square dance

by Luv-Bytes 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-01-14 - Updated: 2010-01-15 - 2690 words - Complete


I get to math class and was shocked to find Laura sitting at my desk.

"Wow first you try to take my locker and now my desk!" I say teasing her slightly as I stood in front of my desk.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." She says blushing a little as she gets up.

"That's all right as long as you keep your hands off my boyfriend we'll be okay." I say sitting down and she looked at me unsteadily. I smiled so she did to.

"I was just waiting for the teacher to come in." She says and I look up and notice the room was still pretty empty. "I wasn't really sure where to sit." She says as Mikey comes in.

"You can sit there." I say pointing at the desk next to Mikey's. "That kids never here right?" I ask Mikey and he nods a little looking at Laura. He didn't recognize her. I kinda introduced them and we started talking before class started.

Apparently Laura's parents pulled her out of Catholic school cause there were more scholarships available in public schools or some crap. I guess she's pretty smart or something. I was kinda jealous in a way. Her parents pushing her to go to college. I suppose if my mom was around she'd be doing the same thing... but since she's not...

Fuck I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself after high school and here's Laura going on about majoring in graphic arts next year or some crap. I slouched down in my seat a little as the teacher came in and class started...
I was trying to do my work. I really was and Mikey leans over and passes me a note. I give him a funny look and he shrugs as I open it. It was from Laura. She wanted to know if I had lunch the same time as her. I guess she didn't want to eat alone in the cafeteria...

I wrote her back that we go out for lunch and she's welcome to come and I hand it back to Mikey. He passed it back to her.

A few seconds later he hands it back to me. She wrote {who's we?}

{me Gerard and Ray} I write and hand it back to Mikey. He sighed a little and tossed it on her desk.

{ray?} she writes back.

{yeah you met him in the morning he and Bob helped you with your locker didn't they?} I write and I pause for a second... {what did you think of Bob?} I write smiling a little and Mikey gives me a look when I hand it back to him. He was getting a little pissed. He likes doing math problems for some reason and the constant note passing was distracting him. Either that or he saw the look in my eye as I wrote that last part and could tell I was interfering and he didn't like it...

{yeah they did. Bob seems nice. He doesn't have the same lunch though?} She writes and I smile.

{nice?} I write and I draw a little face sticking out its tongue. {Puppies are nice... lollipops are nice.. what did you think of Bob?} I write and she laughs a little when she reads it.

[He's cute!} she writes and I smile. Yes! {Does he have a girlfriend?} She writes and I froze. A girlfriend? No... a wife?

Yes... fuck..

{uh no.} I write. I mean that's not a lie. And the fact that Bob and I married shouldn't stop him from dating right? {So you like him?}  I add and I toss the note over Mikey's head this time and it lands on Laura's desk. She opens it and blushes a little.

{I didn't really talk to him that much but he seems nice. He walked me to class and held the door for me.} She writes and I smiled. Oh Bobby! Then I remembered what Gerard said about why guys hold doors open and I laughed to myself. Bob and Laura... It was perfect.

The bell rang and I told Laura where to meet us for lunch. I wanted to talk to her some more. I liked her. Bob seemed to like her and most importantly she seemed to like Bob...

Mikey walked me down the hall to social studies. Laura was walking with us. Her class was across the hall from mine.

Ray was standing in the hall by the door. I didn't see Sara anywhere...

"Hi Laura." Ray calls out to her.

She smiled and waved. "Hi mmm bye." She says in one breath ducking into her classroom. Ray just stood there spacing out a little.

"Earth to Ray." I say tugging his arm a little as the bell rang.

"Huh?" He says looking down at me.

"Where's um Sara?" I ask a little nervously. I did not like what just happened. They way he was looking at her. It was so obvious. I could tell. I mean I'm really good at noticing these things... Laura was gonna be with Bob. I had decided it and it was final.

"Sara and I broke up." Ray says and I frown as we go into our class.

"Why?" I cry out upset. This was so not good.

"You never even liked her Elle!" Ray laughed a little.

"So." I say pulling out my book. "What exactly happened Ray?" I ask sighing a little.

"The accident, that's what happened." He tells me plainly.

"What?" I say a little confused.

"Her mom found out she stayed at your house with me and kinda freaked." He says and I make a face like oh please.

"really Elle, she got grounded and her mom said she couldn't see me any more and..." he kinda shrugged a little.

"And what?" I ask.

"And I'm kinda glad. That way I didn't have to break up with her." He mumbles.

"aw Ray." I pout a little. Fuck. It took me like a whole day to find Bob a girl. Now I gotta fucking find Ray one too?


"So umm Laura-" He starts to say and I hold my hand up and shake my head no insistently.

"no Ray stay away from Laura." I tell him and he just looks at me. "Seriously Ray, I went through a lot of trouble picking her out for Bob." I say and he laughs.

"You what?" He says fluffing his hair a little.

"I'm serious. She likes him. He likes her. Stay out of it." I warn him.

"How do you know she likes him?" He asks me lowering his voice a little.

"She told me." I say proudly. He looked a little disappointed.

"Are you sure?" He says frowning a little.

"Yes Ray. I'm sure...why?" I say having second thoughts.

"It just.. I kinda got the feeling she was into me." He says and I laugh. "I mean she hardly even glanced at Bob." He says and I shrug.

"I guess she's shy." I suggest. Ray pouted a little and slouched down in his seat and didn't say anything the rest of class.

Laura came out of her class at the same time Ray and I did. He gave her a small smile. She blushed a little. Oh fuck...

I grab her arm and interlock it in mine, pulling her away from Ray slightly.

"So come on we'll take my car to eat." I say as we head towards the end of the hall. Gerard was leaning against the doorway, he saw me and smiled a little.

"Aren't we going to your house?" Ray says as we approached the doorway.

"My house? Ummm" I say swallowing nervously. I look over at Laura, I was still holding onto her arm tightly. I can't bring her to my house. Not with some crazed convict running amuck. "I don't have any food, well food that we could eat." I say and Ray nods. He knew what I was talking about. Laura gave me a funny look. 

"Then I'll drive." Ray says pulling his keys out. I guess he didn't realize Gerard and I drove to school and my papas car was parked next to his...

"Oh so you are coming to lunch with us!" Laura says smiling a little. What the fuck is she talking about? I told her it was gonna be me, her, Ray and Gerard...

I was ask her but when we got with in arms length of Gerard he reached out for me and Laura got nervous I guess and dropped my arm. Gerard reached for my bag. I pulled it back a little.

"I got it." I say and he smiled and reached for it again.

"Let me carry it." He says and I resist.

"I can carry my own bag." I say and he tickles my stomach lightly and I drop it.

As we're carrying on Ray steps forward and holds the door open. "Laura." He says gesturing for her to go through it.

Aw fuck... Gerard picks my bag up as Laura goes through the door. I give Ray a nasty look. He looks back at me a little confused. Laura was outside. Ray was holding the door open and I was standing in the doorway. Gerard was behind me. He reached up and put his hand on the door holding it open and Ray let go.

"I'm warning you Ray." I hiss at him as I walk through it.

"What?" He laughs a little.

"Holding the door open for her." I hiss at him a little outraged. She was already going down the steps so I know she couldn't hear.

"What can I say Elle? My mom raised me to be polite." Ray says and I roll my eyes remembering what Gerard said earlier. Gerard chuckles a little, I guess he remembered too.

"Ass." I mumble to him as he hops down the steps towards Laura.

We were walking towards Ray's car. Ray unlocked the door and held it open for Laura. Un fucking believable... She got in and Ray looked up at me and shrugged a little. He couldn't help himself. He was just too goddamn polite..  I climbed into the back with Gerard...Laura was sitting up front babbling about her family to Ray. I was half listening. I spotted Mr. Samuel getting into his car across the lot. It looked like he was leaving for lunch too.. great... At least Gerard didn't see him.

Then something Laura said caught my ear. "Wait what does your dad do?" I ask and she turns a little.

"He's a car salesman." She repeats and I smile.

"So like I could just go and buy a car from him if I wanted to." I say and she makes a face.

"Well that's kinda how it works." She says and I smile. Gerard shook his head a little.

"Oh Laura you just became my best friend!" I announce.

"You need a car?" She asks and I nod. "Oh what kinda car Elle?" She says fixing her hair a little. She glanced over at Ray. He was trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the road and not on her.

"I want a truck." I say loudly and Ray laughs.

"Elle, baby." Gerard says shaking his head a little.

"No I'm serious." I say insistently. "I mean did you see that truck that hit me? It didn't have a scratch on it., just totally plowed us." I say to Laura and she looked a little concerned.

"Oh gosh are you okay?" She says looking me over.

"No I died." I say teasing her. She rolls her eyes a little. "But seriously I want a truck like that, did you see it Gerard?" I ask him and he sighs a little.

"Did I see it?" He repeats back lowering his voice a little. "Yeah I fucking saw it... fucking burned into my mind, watching it crash into you." He says lowering his voice even more. "I thought I lost you." He says and it hits me.

Maybe this is where all that cryptic talk is coming from. About things happening... what matters in the end...

"Gerard." I said softly. I wasn't quite sure what to say. And it didn't really seem to be a good time.

"I know." He replies and he reached over and wrapped his arm around me. I leant against him, resting my head on his shoulder as we drove.

"So where do you guys want to go?" Ray asks and I shrug.

"There's a really good deli up ahead." Laura says and Ray shakes his head no. Gerard snickered a little.

"Uh we kinda got thrown out of there." I say and Laura smiles.

"Well how bout the white castle?" Laura suggests.

"Okay." I say and Gerard shakes his head no.

"You wanna tell her or should I?" Gerard says and Ray laughs.

"What?" I say confused.

"We stopped there yesterday on the way to Crystals." Ray says and I just look at him.

"so?" I ask.

"So there was an incident with Frankie and  a pickle and-"

I cut Ray off. "Say no more." I tell him shaking my head a little.

"You guys just wanna go to Dunkin Donuts?" Ray offers and I bit my lip a little.

"Cant." Gerard says plainly.

"Oh. My. God." Laura says looking at all of us. "Is there any place that you all haven't been thrown out of?" She asks us shaking her finger at us, pretending to scold us.

"Uhhhh." Ray thought a little scratching his afro. She smiled. I frowned. Gerard gave me a funny look, like why are you frowning at her smiling at Ray. I ignored him. "Well we can have pizza or umm pizza." Ray says and I laugh.

"Well I'll let Laura decide." I say laughing a little. "Since she is my new best friend." I add.

"What about Bob?" Gerard says. "I thought he was your best friend?" He says teasing me a little as Ray pulled into the pizza places lot.

"He is.. he's my best 'boy' friend." I say as we get out. "Laura is my new best 'girl' friend." I explain.

"Does Lia know?" Ray teases me.

"Oh fuck." I laugh. "Well Lia is my best umm '-lesbian' friend." I say and they all laugh as we walk across the lot.

"Wait if Bob is your best 'boyfriend' what does that make me?" Gerard asks me as we approach the door and I smile.

"Mmm my best lover?" I say thinking a little. Gerard reached to open the door and then pulled his hand back suddenly..

"Wait, you better mean your only lover Elle." He says and I smile and don't answer him. "Elle!" he insists and I still don't say anything. I was teasing him and he knew it. He reached over to tickle me.

"Okay okay!" I laugh as he grabs at my waist. "You are my only lover." I yell out as an old lady comes out. She gives us a nasty look as we went in.

"And..." Gerard insists.

"And you are the best lover I ever had." I say loudly as we approached the counter. Gerard smiled and grabbed me and bit down on my neck from behind. I moaned a little. The man behind the counter glared a little at us. "Mmm sorry." I apologize weakly. Looked like he was gonna throw us out...fuck...

"uhh looks like we're gonna be taking our pizza to go huh Bob" Laura says as the man behind the counter continued to frown. wait... what did she say?

"Bob?" I say shaking my head a little.

"Yeah." Laura says looking at Ray. "You're name is Bob isn't it?" She asks Ray. He shakes his head no..."Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I thought your name was Bob and the other guy was Ray." She explains and Rays face lights up...
Fuck... that means she thought Ray was Bob and Bob was Ray...

That means that fuck...

Back to square one... sorry Bob...
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