Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The Midnight Duel

by rawr-ness 4 reviews

I WILL be doing all 7 books if you're wondering. Hope you enjoy. Sorry, it's not much :P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-25 - Updated: 2010-01-26 - 1808 words

"Frank, Frank, Frank, Frankie, Frankie, Frank! Wake up already!" I opened my eyes slowly and saw Gerard sitting on top of my stomach as usual.

"Good Morning!" He smiled, his voice higher pitched. I laughed and pushed him off the bed.

"You have to stop getting up so early."

"Come on, wake up Mikey. It's time for breakfast."

"Okay." I grabbed a pillow and tossed it at Mikey's head. He moaned once and placed his hands over his eyes as he rose from the bed. Gerard laughed.

"We're not doing anything, we swear." Mikey slowly removed his hands from his eyes, and sighed in relief to see me and Gerard on different sides of the room.

We both laughed as Mikey and I got dressed in our robes. Mikey had to go to the hospital wing, they still weren't done mending his hand, although they let him come to classes and meals and into the common room.

Gerard, Jason, and I walked to breakfast and sat down in our usual seats. Next to Alice, although she wasn't in our house, she spent most of her time with the Gryffindors. Fin came sitting next to Alice. Then came Bert, chuckling as he stood next to Alice.

"Well hello there, Iero. See you didn't get thrown out of Hogwarts yet."

"What do you want, Bert?" Gerard said, standing up immediately. Bert's eyes grew wide as he stepped back and Matt and Erik stepped in front. Gerard didn't back down, he was older than all three of them anyway. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Looks like you're more brave with your side-kicks right next to you." I remembered yesterday, how he was slightly scared of me doing something to him in the air.

"You think you're so great, don't you? How 'bout we prove who the better wizard is. Tonight, wizards duel. No contact - just wands." He chuckled. "What's the matter, Iero. Don't know what a wizard duel is, I suppose."

"Of coarse he does! I'm his second, who's yours?" Gerard said immediately. He was still standing. We watched as Bert looked at Erik and Matt, seeing which one was bigger.

"Matt. We'll meet you in the trophy room alright? Midnight, no worries, the trophy room's always locked."

Gerard nodded as he stared Bert down, till he walked away. Gerard chuckled as he sat down.

"You're an idiot, you know that." Jason said as he patted his twin's back.

"I bet it's not even gonna be much of a fight. What's the worse two first years, can do? No offense, love." He kissed my cheek as I shook my head.

"What is a wizard duel anyway? And what did you mean by second?"

"Oh, Gerard's your back-up. Just in case you die." I looked at Gerard wide-eyed as he brought me into a soothing hug.

"You're not gonna die. Stop scaring him Jason. You only die in a real battle. As I said, the worse you two can do is probably just send sparks at each other."

"Okay, how about this... what if I wave my wand and nothing happens?"

"Throw it away, call me in and we'll beat the shit out of 'em." Gerard laughed as Ela stepped in and slammed her books on the table.

"Excuse me." She said raising an eyebrow. I heard a sigh as Mikey came behind her.

"I couldn't help over hearing what you and Bert were saying --"

"Bet you could." Gerard said under his breath. Jason hit him up side the head.

"-- and you mustn't go wandering around the school at night. Imagine all the points you'll lose Gryffindor if you two are caught. Which you probably will be."

"That's what I was saying." spoke Jason again as he smacked Gerard up side the head... again.

"Oh, let 'em be, Ela. I actually wouldn't mind tagging along, if you don't mind."

"Nope, you can't. If we do get caught, which we probably won't, the more we bring means the more points we lose." Gerard smiled proudly.

"You really are something." Ela sighed as she sat down.

"I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing." I said feeling slightly awkward.

"Good-bye." Gerard and Mikey picked me up by my arms and carried me to Mikey and I's first class. I didn't get to eat yet...


The day wasn't very exciting. It was 11 pm now, meaning that everyone was asleep already. Gerard was sitting on my bed, and the both of us were playing wizard chess. Mikey was sitting on the floor next to the bed, playing with the shattered pieces.

Two of Gerard's friends and Jason were here as well. Their friends were Muggle born and were talking about sports, video games, comic books, and music. Mikey and Gerard didn't know what was going on, but Jason seemed to know everything they were talking about.

I turned to look at them and noticed the boy with puffy hair staring at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Dammit, Ray, stop starin' at him. He's no more exciting than Mikey."

"I'm not that boring." I laughed as Mikey tossed a shattered pawn at me and stuck out his tongue.

The boy named Ray chuckled as he slid over and gave me his hand to shake.

"Hey there. I'm Ray Toro."

"I'm Bob Bryar." The boy with blond hair scooted up next to Ray and shook my hand as well.

"I'm --"

"We know." I nodded awkwardly as they chuckled.

"So I heard you and Gerard were going out --"

"Oh come on, leave 'em be. Even Dumbledore prefers..." Jason said as Gerard couldn't help but chuckled. I blushed.

"We were talking about the wizard duel, thank you. But if you want to talk about you two's undying love, we don't really care." Mikey let out a small laugh as he watched Jason nod and back away slowly, hiding within the curtains.

“Yeah, we’re gonna in half an hour. Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering -” Bob looked at Ray, Ray finished the sentence.

“We just wanted to know if we can -”

“Knight to D5.” His knight moved and it’s sword swung, cutting off my queen’s head.

“You stink at wizard chess,” laughed Mikey as he picked up my queen’s remains. Most of the pieces were mine, only two or three were Gerard’s

“Does that mean we can -”

“Nope, more people come, more points we lose if we’re caught.”

“What time is it?” I asked looking around but finding no clock.

Ray lifted his wrist and revealed a silver watch. “11: 26.”

“Do you wanna get going?” I looked at Gerard as he nodded. He grabbed his wand off the nightstand as we slowly walked out of the room and down the stairs into the common room.

“You’re not going.” We both jumped, seeing Ela standing in front of us and her wand producing a small light.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in a hushed voice.

“I came to make sure that you weren’t sneaking off to meet Bert. What if you get caught?”

“We won’t.” Gerard said as he took my hand and lead me to the portrait hole.

“You two get back here right now!”

“Shh!!! Do you want us to all get in trouble?”

“Come with me then.” She pouted as she jumped outside the portrait hole, and the painting closed behind us.

“Now look what you’ve done.”

“Hi guys.” We both jumped and turned around to see Mikey, smiling widely.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Gerard asked as he lifted Mikey off the ground by his shirt.

“I was bored and wanted to come. Come on now, the fat lady is gone anyway, you’ll just have to stick with me.”

“You’re unbelievable.” Gerard whispered as he lead us to the trophy room.

“You two, be quiet alright. I think I hear someone.”

“Come on Mrs. Norris, they should be ‘round here somewhere.”

“What is Filch doing here?!?” I asked pinning Gerard up against the wall.

Gerard attempted to look through the corner but I kept him pinned up on the wall.

“Since when were you stronger than I was.” He chuckled.

“You two better not start doing each other right here on the floor.” Ela said as she pushed the two of us apart.

Mikey stuck out his tongue in disgust as Ela sighed.

“Look there’s a room right there. Gimme your wand.” She snatched my hand and lifted it to the lock on the large wooden door.

”Alohomora.” She whispered as the door on the lock clicked open and we went inside.

“How long do you think we’ll be in here for?” Mikey asked.

“I dunno, until Filch walks away I guess. Shh, I’m trying to listen.” I pressed my ear against the door and hoped to hear his disappearing foot steps, instead I heard a small whimper and felt someone tug on my robe.

“Frank.” Mikey whimpered again and tugged on my hand.

“Not now.”

“Turn around!!” He finally screamed pulling me and pushing me in front of a big, black, three-headed dog.

“Run!” I screamed as we all shoved the door open and ran for our lives. We didn’t care if Filch was there, though he wasn’t cause we didn’t see him when we ran.

We ran as fast as we could until we reached the Gryffindor tower. The fat lady had returned.

“What were you four doing at this hour?”

“Nothing - pig snout.” We all said at once.

The portrait opened and we jumped inside, heavily breathing.

“That - was a close one - wasn’t it.” Gerard chuckled as he lay on the floor to catch his breath.

“I told you that you shouldn’t go. Bert set you up. He said the meet in the trophy room and he probably told Filch that you were going.”

“Not now, Ela.” I sighed as I sat on the couch. I heard footsteps and saw Jason, Ray, and Bob appear out of the darkness.

“You guys took awhile, how’d it go?”

“Bert set them up,” smirked Ela as she walked away to her room and disappeared into the darkness.

“You guys wanna get some rest. It’s really late.”

“What time?” Mikey asked.

“3: 37.” Ray said as he pulled out his watch again.

“How did we take that long?” I gasped as Gerard shrugged.

“I dunno but we really need some rest. Mikey, Frank go to bed.”

“Alright.” We both said disappointedly at the same time.

“Night.” I spoke as I disappeared into my room. As I closed the door I heard Gerard mutter, “Night, love.”

I smiled as I lay into my bed, for the first time, dreaming of me and Gerard.
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