Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Death Note II - Life Note

A New Friendship

by Dariadarr 0 reviews

Category: Death Note - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-01-31 - Updated: 2010-02-01 - 1648 words

Chapter 4

“See ya later Misa.” I waved as I walked to the bus stop. “So Ryuk have you made up your mind to help?” I asked. “I’m only going to be here for the entertainment. Though it seems that things are a lot better here in the human world than last time.” Ryuk said.
“Why?” I asked hopping into the Taxi and popping the lollypop in my mouth out from out of the heat. While Ryuk and Jealous just walked through the doors and sat in the front and the other beside me.
“Because a Half Pipe has Death Note pages, that is very rare for a non fully trained Halfie.” Ryuk said. I told the taxi driver where to go and looked over at Ryuk sitting next to me. His and started to giggle, which then turned into a laugh fest. “What?” Ryuk asked annoyed. I pointed to his head.
“You can’t see any of your head from your eyes and up.” XD I laughed (Yes I kno it’s not fune but it’s fune 2 Sukai Un.) “You wanna know how annoying your laugh is?” Ryuk asked.
“No.” I started to snort. The taxi driver looked in his review mirror with shock, horror and amusement written on his dark face. My face went red and I blocked my nose. I hated that about me if I laughed too much for too long then I’ll start to snort or my laughter will die down and no noise will start to come out but I still be laughing and I’ll look like a reege. When we pulled up I jumped out of the taxi throwing the money threw the window. My face was now bright crimson red. I hid in my bland and brunette hair and ran into the house. I went into the kitchen and laid down on the cold tile floor my faces normal light color coming back. I got up and fished for a new lollypop in my pocket as I walked to my bed. Grape flavor. I sat down, “Okay well I guess I’ll see you guy’s later?” I said putting the Life Note into my bag sucking my lollypop. “What are you talking about if you go somewhere we have to go with you.” Ryuk said.
“Not if she goes to the other worlds that’s not the Shinigami world.” Jealous said.
“What! So we don’t go with her?” Ryuk exclaimed. “But that’s probably the funest part!”
“Don’t worry,” I said slinging my mail bag on my shoulder. I started to focus my energy. “All your missing is seeing people die, scream in terror and other stuff.” I shrugged and the whooshing noise came and I was flying then I was sitting down. “Where are they?” I wondered. Why aren’t the here? I brought them back and they came here. I walked around the house looking just in case they had moved to a different room. “Uhh shit I should of wrote down their names to find them in the Life Note! Fuck now I have to walk.”

I had been walking for what seemed like an hour which means that in the living world it would have been two hours. So I had been here for over three hours wondering around trying to find God and Father. I was lost! Lost, lost, lost, lost, lost! “God damn it where the hell are the cars? I should’ve stole that taxi I saw before.” I bowed my head hiding in my hair trying to keeping my eye’s from the hot violent sun. I looked up and looked around. “Where am I?” I asked looking around. “You’re at an abandoned church.” I heard a vice say. Was it familiar? I looked up and saw him. He hadn’t changed one bit, apart from his height and different clothing.
“Mello?” I asked. “What are you doing here? Wait I mean how’d you die?” Mello looked different but again the same. I couldn’t help but stare. The last time I spoke to him I was being rude. Cheering on Near.
“Who are you?” Mello asked me.
“You don’t remember me? I’m Suk- I mean Sling. From Wammy’s. Wait how’d you wake up?” I asked. Normally the dead where in pain or in their death reality. I moved my fringe from my eye’s so I could see properly. Mello’s eyes hardened then softened. I returned this look and we stood there just looking into each others eye’s. This kind of made Mello uncomfortable but at the same time his face was happy. I blushed.
“So, uhh you’re Near’s friend? The only one who played with him and his toy’s.” Mello asked. I nodded.
“Yes. I’m sorry about you dyeing.” I looked down.
“How did you move from out of your death place?” Mello asked. I sat next to him on the bonnet of the Truck.
“I didn’t. Well I haven’t died.”
“So you can die and come back to life on purpose?” I laughed.
“No, I wish I could. But I can visit the dead. Close.” I said patting Mello on the back.
“I knew there was something weird, different about you.”
“You did?”
“Everyone at Wammy’s had their suspicion’s about you. Even Near. You were the one thing he or L couldn’t figure out.”
“I was an assignment?”
“Not really. Well we were told how you magically appeared on the doorstep when you were a new born, how you could hear voices and they would tell you when someone was going to die, why you screamed almost every time you looked in the mirror and all they other strange stuff about you.”
“Oh, so what did you come up with?” I asked him looking into his eye’s so I would know if he lied.
“Well,” Mello hesitated. “I thought you were and alien of some sort or from a different world. A lot a people thought that.” The look on his face was apologetic. I laughed.
“Alien?” His face was a bit embarrassed he turned his head away. I didn’t want that. For some reason I wanted to see his face. “You know I am kind of from a different world.” I said. Mello turned his head and looked me in astonishment.
“Where?” Mello was fully turned to me he grabbed my shoulders.
“Uhh well, I’m a half Shinigami.” I said in a shaky voice a bit scared. Mello let go of my shoulders but still stared at me. His face said he didn’t believe me. “I’m telling the truth. Please believe me.” For some reason I wanted Mello to believe me. I never really cared before, but now it was different. Why?
“I know. But does this mean you have a Death Note?” Mello asked.
“No. I’m only half. But,” I hesitated.
“What is it?” Mello asked. “You can tell me.” Mello said in a sweet voice getting closer. I was charmed.
“But I do have a Life Note. I can bring people back to life if I wanted.” I swayed a bit nearly falling off the Truck. Mello caught me first his hands in mine locked together. Mistake I showed a sign of crush.
“Do you have proof? Can you show me?” Mello asked. Oh there are a lot of things I want to show you. I released one of my hands and pulled the Life Note out of my bag. Mello took it with his freehand and looked at it. “This is the opposite book the Death Note and only I can use it.” I said. “This book was made for me.” Though I wished it hadn't, I've never liked things that were meant for me. Mello handed it back and I put it in my bag. We just sat their again looking into each others eye’s again. We did this for some time. There was nothing to talk about that had struck our minds. Then Mello started moving closer to me. So close I could feel his chocolate smelling breathe on my lip’s. He stopped just a nano fraction away from me then came rite in. His kiss was sweet, sweeter than the best made chocolate in the whole world. He pulled me closer and closer until I was sitting on his lap. My legs wrapped around his waist, my left hand in his hair my right on his shoulder. We both pulled away at the same time. We looked deep into each others eye’s for moments passed. He put his cold had on my hot cheek. “I never knew someone could go redder than a tomato.” Mello smiled caressing my cheek. I pulled away and looked down my hair consuming my face. “Hey don’t worry.” Mello laughed, putting a finger under my chin and pulling me up. “I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“For what? Getting embarrassed?” He asked moving my hair that covered my eyes.
“ Wait no I’m not embarrassed. I’m just, uhh. I don’t know.” I sighed. Why is my face going red?! I looked at the sky, the light is diming. In another hour or so it’ll be twilight time. It was time for me to go. I threw my arms around his waist and rested the left side of my head agents his chest hearing his heart beating. “I’m sorry but I must leave.” I whispered.
“What no. Stay here or take me with you.”
“I can’t stay. If I’m here to long I’ll die and I can’t take you back with me. I need to see how long you spirit’s worth. I’ll be back I promise.”
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