Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

"Soon Everything Will Be Back to Normal"

by rawr-ness 0 reviews

Frankie takes a little break from finding Gerard...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-02-05 - Updated: 2010-02-05 - 733 words

Mikey's Point of View

"Where is he?" Alex screamed from downstairs. I ran down to her and shrugged.

"Wait... you don't think -" She started, I stared at her and shook my head.

"No, I - I mean I don't think --. Follow me, where gonna go find Frank."

"MIKEY! We can't just leave, what about this, this whole situation here in Jersey. You know that half of the population has died out, including vampires. We can't just leave." I turned around to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

I ran too her and gave her the biggest hug I ever gave. We stood there holding each other, I rubbed her back, attempting to calm her down.

"Everything will be alright. Okay, you stay here if you want but I need to find Frank, if we find Frank we find Gerard and everything will be normal again. You got that?" She took a deep breath and nodded, kissing my cheek.

"I love you, Mikey, be careful."

"I will. Good luck kid." She smiled and went into the kitchen. I watched her walk away from me and once she was out of sight I jumped out the window, in search for my two brothers.

Frank's Point of View

I haven't been out long, a couple of hours although Mikey and Alex probably already noticed. I could smell Mikey quite near, but I ignored it. I sighed as I walked around a deserted parking lot somewhere in Texas, smelling something that I hadn't had in a long time.

I smiled in pleasure as I followed the sent, leading me to a small bar near a gas station. I smiled and walked inside, getting lots of looks from the people inside.

"Can I have a beer, please?"

"You twenty-one?" The bar tender asked. I took out my wallet and handed him a fake licenses with my picture. He nodded and handed me a tall, cold glass of beer. I drank it all at once, smiling in pleasure as it burned my throat. I asked for several more, until I knew I was mad drunk.

"Give me another." I slurred out as I let out a hiccup.

"I dunno man, you can't drink too much all at once."

"I want another beer, please." I smiled like a little child. He sighed and handed me another beer, the glass was smaller than the rest but I drank it anyway. This one in sips rather than all at once.

A burst came in from the door and I turned around to see a thin boy with light brown hair and his glasses on the end of his nose. Mikey.

"Hi there -" I burped as I walked over to him. "Mikey." I smiled as he sighed and picked me up.

"How much did he drink?" He asked the bar tender. I heard muttering and then the bar tender's voice.

"Twelve beers."

"You let him drink twelve beers, in how long."

"About an hour." I could hear Mikey cursing under his breath as he dragged me out of the bar.

"NNNOOO," I whined. "I want another beer!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Huh, I thought you'd be fun when your drunk. Turns out your just a pain."

"I love you Mikey." I kissed his cheek as Mikey chuckled.

"Okay, a little fun."

"YAY! Look Mikey, I'm a princess!" I said when Mikey lifted me so he was holding my legs as well.

"Your an idiot, that's what you are. Come on, I booked a hotel. Who knows, we just might find Gerard." Mikey mumbled the last part under his breath, so I didn't hear him clearly.

"Do you think Gerard loves me?" I asked playing with Mikey's hair and then grabbing his glasses and putting them on my face. I widened my eyes and then squinted to attempted to see through them.

"He's head over heels for you, sometimes he just doesn't know how to show it. Gimme those back." I smiled when I could see clearly and rested my head on Mikey's shoulder, falling asleep.

I heard a giggle and within seconds, felt my body being placed on a soft, warm bed.

"Goodnight, Frank. We'll find him, don't worry. Soon everything will be back to normal."

Soon everything will be back to normal...

I repeated these words in my head as I drifted off to sleep.
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