Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Art Of Love

Donna's Waffles

by death_b4_disco 2 reviews

'He took me in his arms and squeezed me tightly, kissing me on the top of the head before taking my hand and leading me into the medium sized kitchen. '

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-07 - Updated: 2010-02-07 - 1056 words

A/N: Okay! Thanks for all the reviews again! I love you guys! Okay, enjoy!


Rhianne's POV

I stepped into the shower and exhaled, the droplets of moisture splattering on to my skin felt like heaven. I hated feeling dirty. I picked up the bar of soap and lathered it using my hands, once I had enough bubbles on my hands I rubbed them over my body, cleansing myself. I sighed in relief when I felt clean enough, and began to work on the haystack that was my hair. I dragged my fingers through it angrily before finding the shampoo and squeezing it all over my head, scrubbing desperately to get the blood and dirt out of my hair. That was when I found the massive gash on my head. I poked it causing myself to wince. I felt around the gash, to see how big it really was, I felt the multiple strips of butterfly stitches across the cut and decided to stop poking around.

When I felt clean enough I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my head and one around my body. I dried myself off and dressed myself in the borrowed clothes.

Walking out of Gee's room I spotted a rubber band on his desk, I tied my damp hair at the nape of my neck and walked towards the smell of pancakes and the sound of laughter.

I knocked on the door before I entered the kitchen, I had no idea why and felt like a douche doing so afterwards, mentally kicking myself as always. I heard a chair move and then the door opened, Gerard stepping through it and shutting it again. He looked down at my outfit.
"You look cute" he smiled to show he meant it as a compliment. He took me in his arms and squeezed me tightly, kissing me on the top of the head before taking my hand and leading me into the medium sized kitchen. Sitting around the circular table that was in the middle of the room were Mikey, Frank, Bob and Ray , Gerard had sat down and started eating again. Seeing that there was no more room at the table I went and sat up on the counter. Suddenly all the guys stood up and stared at me.
"Have my seat!" said Ray, moving behind the back of the chair as if he was holding it out for me.
"We saved you some food." Mikey waved his hand to the middle of the table, there was more than enough pancakes and waffles to feed a small army left.
"It was hard while Bob was around, he loves Donna's waffles!" Frank joked, starting the guys off into laughter again, I guessed it was a joke I missed while in the shower.
"Guys sit down! It's all very nice of you and I really appreciate it but I'm not hungry, eat up!" as soon as I gave them the okay they sat down, all except Gee who was staring at me suspiciously. Bob went to grab the rest of the waffles but Gee quickly slapped his hand away, Bob looked up with a confused and hurt expression.
"Rhi, when was the last time you ate?" Gee broke the silence and every looked at me waiting for the answer. I calculated in my head, I hadn't eaten yesterday or the day before did I eat on Thursday?
"I honestly can't remember." I replied truthfully "I had a cookie Thursday lunchtime?" that was the last time I remembered eating. It wasn't that I didn't want to eat. I just never felt hungry so forgot to eat.
"You haven't eaten since Thursday?" Gee looked with a shocked expression on his face, so did the other guys.
"How the hell are you still alive?" Mikey asked gobsmacked.
"She's British! The British shall never die of starvation!" Frank joked in a British accent, all the guys gave him daggers and he sunk into his chair "Sorry!" he muttered before paying close attention to the waffles, like Bob.
"You have to eat something Rhi!" said Ray, concern all over his face.
"Have a waffle, they're fucking amazing!" Bob said with a mouthful of waffles, pointing with his fork to the ever depleting supply. At that point Gerard pulled me by both hands off of the counter and sat me on his lap at the table, he gestured to Mikey who placed a waffle and a pancake on a clean plate in front of me. They placed the lemon and sugar in front of me.
"Eat" Gee ordered.
"But I'm no-"
"No buts Rhi! Eat!" even though I thought I couldn't stomach a rich breakfast at the moment I gingerly took a bite out of the waffle that Frank had squirted chocolate sauce and cream all over.
"Mmm! They're fricken amazing!" I mumbled with my hand over my mouth. Bob had been right, they were delicious. I took another, bigger bite this time and smiled as the food entered my stomach, I hadn't realised how hungry I had become. Everyone smiled as I went on to the pancake, squirting lemon juice and sprinkling sugar on it, again it was amazing. I finished off that and smiled contently.
"Jesus Christ you've got an appetite for someone so small!" exclaimed Frank.
"Like you can talk, midget!" Mikey joked. Frank gave him the finger and stuck his tongue out, making me laugh, the whole table burst into laughter.


"Do you want anything else?" Mikey asked as he cleared up the other guy plates.
"No thanks Mikey" I replied and got up to start helping him.
"Rhi sit down, I can do this." Mikey said as I began washing up.
"No I want to help, you guys have been so nice to me, it's the least I can do." I turned back to the sink and load of water splashed into my face. "What the fuck?" I wiped the water off my face and opened my eyes to see Frank bent double laughing his head off. I picked up a load of the soapy foam and placed it on top of his head. We spent the next hour having a water fight while washing up.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews again! You guys are awesome! R&R my lovelies!
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