Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Day My Life Changed Completely.

The bad news.

by ElenasaurGoesRawr 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2010-02-07 - Updated: 2010-02-07 - 448 words

Bob hesitated outside the van. Taking a deep breath, he walked inside. Frank was comforting a young teenage girl who was fighting back tears. he looked up at Bob with hopeful eyes; Bob shook his head. He felt so horrible. How was he going to tell this girl, who was probably their fan, the worst news of her life?

"What's your name?" He asked, sitting down next to her as Frank went outside to see what was going on.


"Rachel," Bob said. "Rachel. I'm so sorry." He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.

Rachel's POV
I knew it. In that moment, I knew she was gone. But there was still that little speck of hope inside me, wishing it wasn't true. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please tell me she's okay," I wispered. My voice didn't sound like my own, it sounded helpless and weak. "Is my mom alright?"

Bob sighed, which was enough to drive me to tears again. He hugged me tighter and I cried in his chest as he said the news that changed my life forever: "Rachel, your mom didn't make it. She died just before the paramedics got here."

The rest I don't quite remember. Everything inside me felt numb. I remember Bob asking me to talk to the police, to which I said no. He asked me a bunch of other questions like my full name and my address and stuff, but I don't remember answering them. I wasn't at all there, it was like I was outside my body watching as someone else took control for me. He told me he had to go outside and apologized again, but I brushed it off. I just wanted to be alone.

"She doesn't want to talk."
"She has to."
"She won't."

Bob stood firm with glowering eyes as he argued with the authorities. "Look, she's too upset to do anything. She just needs a couple days. I have her information right here, you can figure something out and call us." The policeman looked unsure before Bob spoke again. "She's not going to cooperate with you if you take her now. And how are you going to find a place for her to stay so late at night? Where will she stay, the fucking police station overnight? Hell no."

The rest of the band shook their heads at Bob. What was he thinking? This was a lost cause, they had no authority over the police. They would do what they want. Why would they let her stay with someone who isn't family, not to mention a band on tour? What they heard next shocked them all.

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