Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted


by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

A Family that kidnaps Children. (Twisted Ferard)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-02-11 - Updated: 2010-02-12 - 573 words - Complete

The night had began the sky was all black with stars lighting up the sky, the wind was blowing just enough to make the trees blow along. I watch from the car window passing the tree’s I could feel my heart racing I was beyond nerves. I look up towards the front my dad driving and my mom sitting in the passenger side. I wonder why their not nerves this is a big moment for me, I tried to stay clam even though I was beyond nerves. I lead my head on the cold window tying to sleep, maybe I pretended I was asleep then we could go home.

Sleep would not come to me no matter how hard I tried to sleep all my nerves were getting the best of me, I tried to stay clam but noting was helping me. I look out the window trying to clear my mind this would be my first time I just hope everything would good as plan, I close my eyes one last time hoping sleep would take over.

“Frank I know your awake son, “My father said.

I slowly got up all my nerves had come back; I could feel my heart beating. I look around to see the house it was all dark outside, no one was around. I could hear the crickets outside I was trying to stay clam but failing, I did not say a word my nerves were getting the best of me.

“What’s wrong honey, “My mom ask while looking at me.

“What if he doesn’t like me, “I said in worried tone.

“Frank you’re almost eleven it’s time, and of course he’ll like you, “My dad said.

“Don’t worry Frank everything will work out, “My mom said with a sweet smile. I felt somewhat better but I was still beyond nerves this was my first time.

He was right I was turning eleven it was time and I just hope he would like me, I was still nerves nothing could stop that. My mom and dad look at each other I wonder if my dad felt this way before he met my mom. I never really ask how it went when my dad met my mom I just know they both love each other more then anything. My parents look at each other before my mom said,

“It’s time, “

We all got out of the car walking towards the house I stayed being my mom I felt more safe being behind her. We reach the front door my dad was in front of the door he put the tape over the window making an X. My mom was putting the broke color glass on the ground I never really understood what it was for. My dad look at us before breaking the window the glass didn’t not shatter everywhere, my dad reach inside unlocking the backdoor.

Once my dad had the door unlock we all headed in making sure not make any noise, my mom went into one room while my dad and me went towards the bedroom. Once we took of everything in the bedroom my dad and I headed out, I saw my mom standing near the backdoor way, and that is when I saw him. My heart had finally clam down my nerves were slowly going away, and that's when I saw my future husband.
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