Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Little Game Called Life


by XxLovexMCRxMusicxX 3 reviews

Frankie sees...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [R] [?] - Published: 2010-02-12 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 552 words

I watched as Gerard took her hand and took her into the hallway-ish thing where the bathrooms are at I don't know why but I
probably have a guess why too. I get up grabbing my stuff feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Should I just grab my shit and
leave or should I just go say thanks to him and hope he gives me a ride home.
"I think I could take walking 1 mile or two home.", I muttered to myself and got up with my stuff and went out the exit.


I got Eliza and took her into the hall way behind this big Ad for toothpaste and shook my head. "Why're you here?", I said
crossing my arms. "Well... I miss you Gee. You never write, never call or text. Lost my address or my number.", ELiza said
with a stupid looking pout. "I sent you a box full of your things and things you gave me... doesn't that mean anything to you?",
I told her trying not to raise my voice.
"Yes, it means you want me to remember you with all your stuff..", She smiled trying to wrap her arms around me. I pushed her back,
getting a sick feeling in my stomach, "Er.. no it doesn't. It means... we're over Eliza." I started walking away until I felt her
plastic manicured nails digging into my wrist. "What do you mean "OVER"?", Eliza told me wide eyed and steaming. "Well by over is
that your relation ship with me is over.", I let my hand free leaving her there stunned, while I was looking for Frank, but he was
already gone.


Frank was in an alcoholic-endused-catatonic state with his buddies on the couch of his living room. His mother, who had taken two
sleeping pills, was asleep in her bedroom obviously not disturbed by the loud music. The music was so loud it shook they very
three story house from the windows to the floor boards. One of Frank's friends, Vinny, was tripping out in the corner because he
was on an acid trip, screaming "NO DON'T LET THE MONKEY HORSE EAT ME!!"

Frank got up and stumbled over his buddies who all over the ground shitting themselves and tripping out and walked upstairs.
Frank went into the second floor bathroom and was looking out the semi-open bathroom. He could see into a bedroom and Gerard was
laying there in the bed reading. Frank sat up on the sink and watched Gerard read a Graphic Novel until her saw a tall scruffy man
walk into the room. He looked to have a hospital wrist band on, and looked like he could be a boxer. A really big boxer. Gerard
looked shocked and started to shake his head and sat up in his bed letting the book slide down onto the floor. The man had this big
wide creepy grin spreading across his face. He went up to Gerard and grabbed him by the neck choking him. Gerard's feet barley lifted
off the floor, trying to get him to let go.
He was starting to turn a light shade of gray when the man let go. Gerard's hazel eyes were blood shot red and full of fear when the man
started to unbuckle his pants and close the windows.
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