Categories > Original > Drama > The Girls

It Must Sound Like Coming Home

by ChaosRocket 0 reviews

Tai can't do what she needs to do.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-02-14 - Updated: 2010-03-08 - 519 words

"!" screamed Tai. She jumped up and shoved Iie, hard. "I can't do it!" she yelled, shoving Iie again. "Because it makes me sick! And it's you, you're stopping me, and I can't stand it!" She continued to advance on Iie, as Iie merely stood there, looking at her blankly. Tai shoved her again, and Iie slammed into the back wall. Tai grabbed Iie and shook her by shoulders. "Why don't you just fuck my sister? Would that make you happy?" Iie still gave no response, and Tai scoffed and shoved Iie away from her. Tai turned around and walked away from Iie, casting a disdainful look over her shoulder.

The girls never fought. Not ever, not like this.

"Well, it seems you are still Tai," the Princess said in a breathy voice. "Otherwise you wouldn't be getting so upset."

"Of course I'm still Tai!" yelled Tai. "If I weren't, there wouldn't be a problem, now would there?"

"I suppose not," sighed the Princess. "I have no solution."

Iie stepped away from the wall and walked towards Tai. She didn't even look shaken. She still had the dead calm that she'd been possessed of lately. "It isn't me, Tai. It's you. Your head's so full of home, I can't even think of my angel."

Tai looked stricken. "I knooow," moaned Tai. "It's filling my insides, I'm drowning in it." For a moment Tai glowed with an aura as red as the Princess herself did, and her hair seemed on fire.

"You are surrounded by a Haze, and you know what I mean," said Iie.

"Haze. The carved name of the meta-wound," said Tai.

"Yes. You are getting quite Hazy," said Iie.

"It feels like coming home," said Tai.

"But it isn't," said Iie. "And we are alone."

"Don't act like you're not a part of this," said Tai.

"Oh, we're all a part of it," said Iie. "But it's you, Tai. It's not even Faer right now, because she's not fighting and this has nothing to do with Keys. It's you."

"I will never fight again," said Faer. Complete surety and conviction, yet a hint of sadness.

"No," said Tai, confirming Faer's statement. "This is how it started...before."

"Complete isolation, and searching for a path. The journey," said Iie.

"The last journey left us a bit mutilated. And dead," commented Tai.

"So will you stay here? Where you are? In a dream?" asked Iie.

"Stop it," said Tai. "I told you, stop acting like you're not a part of this. You have an active Key. You do something."

"I have done what I could, and against your wishes as well," said Iie.

"Well I guess it didn't help much, did it?" Tai asked rhetorically.

"It was all there was to do," said Iie.

"And now, this is all there is to do. Because there's nothing left," said Tai.

"Maybe fucking your sister would make me happy. What do you think?" asked Iie.

"Don't joke," said Tai. "I'll wait then. Like last time. Just wait. If this wasn't stopping me, you would. You would."
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