Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Hogwarts Too Exposed - A Slytherin Among Us


by Neil 0 reviews

Nudity, love triangles, pregnancies and death, coupled with Quidditch, deceit, injustice, adventure and mystery. Sounds like another tranquil year at Hogwarts. Join me for Hogwarts Too Exposed - A ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Draco, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Published: 2006-04-18 - Updated: 2006-04-18 - 8987 words

Hogwarts Too Exposed - A Slytherin Among Us Chapter Twenty-two


"WARNING" This chapter contains a large amount of sexual content which some readers might find objectionable.

"No, Harry!" she screamed, lunging for him. But instead of grabbing him and stopping his progress, her arm passed through his body as if he were a ghost. Hermione found herself lying in the street and watching helplessly as Harry, still running toward the shop, faded out of existence.

She reached out and squeezed her wrist tightly; it unquestionably felt solid. WHY? Why if Harry had faded out of existence was she still here? Whatever the consequences of their actions, they were supposed to be together.

Then suddenly she felt as though the very ground on which she'd been lying had been pulled out from underneath her quite violently, and she felt herself falling, tumbling through space and blackness. Her mind was crying out through the void, Help me!

But then she felt something solid under her, and she groaned with pain. She suddenly realized that she had a body - a body that hurt - or rather, a head that hurt. She tried unsuccessfully to sit up; she wanted to rub the back of her head but she couldn't. Cautiously, she opened her eyes. The world didn't come into focus right away, and she struggled to prop herself up on her elbows.

"Hermione, are you all right?" Madam Pince asked concernedly. "Did you hit your head, my dear?"

"I'm fine," Hermione said, not at all reassuringly, as she rubbed her head. "What happened?"

"You were asking me if I had seen your girls today. Just as I answered, 'no', you seemed to pass out. Perhaps you should see Poppy," Madam Pince suggested, "especially considering your condition. Would you like some assistance?"

"No, really. I'm fine," Hermione insisted. "All I need is a bit to eat." Hermione glanced at the wall clock and noticed it was a couple of minutes past twelve.

"If you're positive," Madam Pince said, not the least convinced. She watched apprehensively as Hermione departed the library and headed toward the Great Hall.

Hermione unquestionably felt odd, but she had no idea if the symptoms were physical or mental. She wasn't even sure that she had actually passed out; however, she felt she must have because she had a dream. No, it was a nightmare, and she remembered it more vividly than any dream she had ever experienced. It seemed so real.

Hermione shivered as she approached the Great Hall, her dream constantly replaying in her head. She gave Harry a gentle peck on the cheek as she quietly took the seat next to him. Then she noticed Harry was rubbing his head.

"What's wrong, Harry? Do you have a headache?" she asked with disquiet.

"Yeah! Banged my head on the staircase wall coming down from our quarters. Must be getting clumsy in my old age," he said kiddingly. "I'm lucky it happened near the bottom, or I'd be having lunch in the infirmary.

"Weird thing is, I must have passed out for a moment." Harry said, rubbing his eyes. "I have memories of the weirdest dream."

At the mention of the word dream, Hermione froze. "Harry," she said anxiously, "was the dream about Jamie? Did she die?"

Harry didn't have to respond. The shocked appearance on his face was sufficient enough answer.

"How did you know?" he asked, both amazed and skeptical.

"Harry, I think we both had the same dream and at exactly the same time. What are the odds of that happening: two people having the same dream? Do you think it was some sort of forewarning?" she asked, nervously playing with her necklace. Abruptly, Hermione remembered that she hadn't put on a necklace when she dressed for breakfast.

She fumbled with the neck of her robes, pulling from beneath them a very long, very fine gold chain. Harry looked completely bewildered until Hermione was holding the chain out, a tiny, sparkling hourglass hanging from it.

"It wasn't a dream," he said in disbelief. Harry shuddered. "Jamie actually died, and we violated wizard law and went back in time to prevent her death."

Hermione nodded her head desolately in agreement. "We saved Jamie, but in doing so, I fear we caused the death of Mr. Ollivander."

Comprehension dawned on Harry's face as he remembered lastly hurrying toward the little shop before the ground seemed to be pulled from under him. "Then we're about to experience those forty-eight hours again," he said. "That means Severus should be receiving notification from the Ministry before long."

Harry barely completed his sentence when his attention, along with that of every one else in the Great Hall was drawn to the Phoenix that had entered and circled the hall and was now holding his leg out to the Headmaster. As soon as the message was detached, the bird disappeared with a pop.

Severus read the message, seemed ready to stand, and then read the message again. He either didn't believe or didn't want to believe what was written upon the parchment. Slowly he rose to his feet. The hall, already silent, was ready for him to speak.

"I have sad news to report," Severus began slowing. "If you've been keeping up with the news, you are undoubtedly aware that both our world and the Muggle world have in recent years been suffering at the hands of terrorists, cowards that seek to control the world by killing innocent children and civilians in an undeclared war.

"One of these groups is headed by an individual who has the audacity to call himself, 'The Great One'. The only thing great about this coward is his ego. Unhappily, an attack was carried out today which has been credited to this individual. The attack took place at twelve-noon in Hogsmeade. Regrettably, there were numerous innocent people injured today, many of whom are Hogwarts students."

Abruptly the hall was filled with murmurs and questions.

"Please," Severus almost begged, his eyes now actually tearing. "May we observe a moment of silence for our injured friends."

Harry was deep in thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hermione, Harry, we have to talk," Severus said despondently.

"Should we come to your office?" Hermione asked fearfully.

"No, that won't be necessary," he said quietly. "Just so we are away from prying eyes."

He led them into the chamber directly behind the staff table.

Hermione and Harry exchanged worried glances. If they had indeed succeeded in changing the time lines, why was Severus wishing to talk to them?

"What is it Severus?" Harry asked as soon as the door closed. "Is there something you need us to do to help with the injured?" Harry held Hermione's hand tightly.

Hermione's eyes were tearing, fearful that they had somehow failed and Jamie had still died.

"I wanted to discuss this in private with you both until I've received more details," Severus said softly, "but it appears that there were suppose to be two synchronized attacks today. It seems that Alex Ward and Jamie Zacherley happened upon and prevented an assault on Ollivanders Wand shop."

Harry and Hermione once more exchanged glances, but this time of relief rather than worry.

"Then no one was hurt in Diagon Alley?" Hermione questioned, obviously relieved.

"No," Severus confirmed. "There were numerous injuries in Hogsmeade, however. Poppy has already rushed to the village. I'm sure she would appreciate any assistance you could give her."

"We're on our way," Hermione said, as she grabbed Harry's hand, an unmistakable look of great relief on her face.

"Not much left of the Three Broomsticks, is there?" Hermione commented sadly to Harry as they approached the smoldering ruins of the building.

"No, it's amazing no one was killed," Harry replied, thankfully.

"There's Madam Pomfrey," Harry said, noticing the school nurse busily helping mend wounds. "Let's ask her what we can do to help."

Neither Harry nor Hermione had to open their mouth. As soon as Madam Pomfrey spied them, she pointed to a makeshift tent that had been hastily erected. "Go easy on them," she said. "They've been a tremendous help."

Hermione and Harry turned and walked quickly toward the tent, dithering slightly before entering. Kim and Emily were busy tending to victims, trying to make them comfortable until Caitlin or one of the healers could get to them.

Harry watched in quiet amazement as Caitlin treated an injured student that, despite all the blood, he could recognize as Doris Burke, the Slytherin Quidditch captain. He didn't know what other injuries she might have sustained, but a deep gash on her face was evident. A Muggle receiving the same injury would have a permanent and hideous scar.

Caitlin held Doris' hand as she calmly talked to the older girl, trying to reassure her. Then Caitlin placed her hand on the wound and concentrated. As Harry watched, a cut appeared on Caitlin's cheek; it bled momentarily and then healed and disappeared. As Caitlin's wound vanished, so did the one on Doris. Emily handed Caitlin a damp cloth with which she wiped Doris' face. There was not the slightest evidence of a cut having ever existed. Caitlin gave Doris a hug and got up to move to her next patient. As she did, she noticed Harry and Hermione, both beaming with pride.

Caitlin remarked to Kim and Emily and all three girls looked apprehensively in the direction of Hermione and Harry.

"What can we do to help?" Hermione asked.

They all remained until the injured had all been treated and then started walking quietly back toward the castle.

"Are we in trouble?" Caitlin inquired.

"For the moment let's just say you've equally won and lost points today," Hermione responded. "Neither your father or I are happy about the three of you sneaking off to Hogsmeade today. The school has rules in place for a reason, and you should not consider yourselves above them.

"But," Hermione paused, "your father and I broke a small number of rules when we were in school." Harry looked at Hermione and raised his eyebrows. "On this particular occasion, it seems that the benefits of you being here to help with the injured outweighs the severity of the rules broken."

"Why exactly did you three find it crucial to sneak into Hogsmeade?" Harry inquired as they slowly made their way out of the village and headed toward Hogwarts.

The girls looked nervously from one to the other before Emily sighed and said, "It was all my fault. I did something brainless at the Yule Ball and Caitlin and Kim were helping me make it right."

Emily proceeded to tell the entire story. Harry and Hermione were both unable to restrain from venting their fury when Emily told how she had removed her dress and allowed Tyler to take pictures of her nude.

"Emily, I realize you've been a naturist all your life," Harry said after somewhat gaining his composure, "but nudist or not, a young lady just does not lock herself in a room alone with a boy and strip in front of him."

"And as if that wasn't bad enough, you let him photograph you. Didn't you learn anything from my experience with Playwizard Magazine," Hermione asked, exceedingly upset.

"Girls," Hermione continued, "being nude among family and friends or even in a naturist environment is one thing. Being nude when you are alone with a boy is asking for trouble."

Emily shook her head furiously. "That's a lot of rot. Most of my childhood friends were boys. Not one of them ever tried to take advantage of being alone with me when I was naked. Clothes are no different than Muggle locks."

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked.

"Locks won't prevent a thief from stealing from you, but they aren't necessary to protect your valuables from an honest man," Emily replied.

Harry and Hermione both stared at Emily, neither able at the moment to argue with her logic. Therefore, the subject was at least temporarily put aside and Emily was allowed to go on with her story. She continued uninterrupted, until she got to the part where the boys undressed and were then followed into the showers.

Initially Hermione reacted with shock, but in next to no time, her face was covered with a smile and the same pride as Harry's.

"You turned the tables on them completely," Harry said, trying to maintain an adult fatherly approach, but in actuality wanting to give the girls all high fives.

"And the final chapter was this morning. You guys just had to see their reaction to the pictures." Hermione stated, looking at Harry and just shaking her head. She was already holding Harry's hand, but gave it a tight squeeze as she winked at him.

"Hermione and I have to walk a fine line as we play separate but entwined roles in your lives," Harry said. "We are Hogwarts professors and, as such, have a responsibility to see that the rules of the school are obeyed. In that roll, I'm afraid we will have to recommend that you each receive detention and a deduction of house points for your escapade."

"But the detentions will be served under our supervision and in our quarters," Hermione said with a smile. "I'm also confident that your actions today during dreadful conditions warrant you receiving house points at least matching those that you have lost."

Caitlin, Emily and Kim all exchanged thankful fleeting looks.

"As parents, we want you to know that you had us extremely concerned. That includes you," Harry said, giving Kim a hug. "Will you girls please learn to trust us and come to us when you have a problem. We are not the enemy; we're on your side."

"We might be your parents and professors, but we are also your friends," Hermione said beaming. "As such, we're proud of you, proud because you had a problem and solved it on your own. But we're especially proud because when it came to choosing between running home and hiding what you had done or staying and helping injured people, you did the right thing and stayed."

Upon returning to the castle, Kim excused herself and then hurried off in the direction of the Slytherin dungeon while Caitlin and Emily returned to the staff quarters with their parents.

When Harry quickly, but silently opened the door to their quarters, the group of four was stunned, but not nearly as staggered as the young couple lying on the floor. The boy was fully dressed, but the girl, as was her custom, was completely nude.

It wasn't the state of dress of the girl or even the fact that they were lying together on the floor that caused everyone to act in response; it was rather, the position of the boy's head and what he was doing to the girl with his tongue.

Jamie and Alex maladroitly leapt to their feet, both turning a vivid red. Jamie's blush visible along the full extent of her body. Hermione took a quick look in the direction of Caitlin and Emily, hoping that they had not seen what Alex was doing to Jamie. From the expressions on their faces, it was quite evident they both had.

"I'm sorry," Jamie said, thrown off balance. "We were just..."

"Harry and I know what you were doing," Hermione said quickly, trying fruitlessly to gain her composure. Her face now also a bright red. "I just wasn't expecting either of the girls to witness such... Well, I guess it will make explaining it a little easier."

Emily shook her head in frustration. "Mum, Caitlin and I aren't six years old. We know all about sex and oral sex." Emily turned toward Jamie. "Do you return the favor and suck Alex's penis?" she asked Jamie without the least trepidation.

Although seemingly impossible, Jamie and Alex turned even a brighter red. Harry meanwhile just stared at Emily in shock.

"I didn't mean either of us ever did it," Emily cried defensively, observing the expression on her Dad's face.

"We haven't," Caitlin swiftly added, but then she looked at Jamie. "The expression on your face before you realized we were here. You looked like you were in ecstasy."

"Okay you two," Harry said, pointing to the chesterfield. "Time for a father, daughter, mother talk."

"Can we get comfy first?" Caitlin asked innocently.

"I suppose so," Harry said, trying very hard to sound strict. "Hermione, did you want to get comfortable, too?

Hermione stared questioningly at Harry and then glanced toward Alex.

"It's your option, Professor Granger," Alex said timorously. "My parents had no problems with me visiting Jamie parent's last year and they knew the Zacherley's would all be nude." Alex squeezed Jamie's hand to comfort her. "I'm past the ogling at naked women stage. I guess it all comes down to whether you trust me?"

If the decision came down to whether or not Hermione trusted Alex, then there was no choice to be made. Hermione went to her bedroom and returned a few minutes later unclothed.

"Now that every one is comfortable," Harry said, "suppose you all grab a seat."

Hermione went to sit next to Harry on the sofa, but Caitlin nudged her way in between them. At first Emily looked disappointed, but then Harry patted his leg and she enthusiastically climbed up on his lap.

"Are we going to talk about sex?" Emily asked keenly.

"Should we?" Harry inquired. "You just told me that you and Caitlin knew all about it."

"Not all about it," Caitlin said candidly. "We know the nuts and bolts of what goes where and that we can't do it until fifteen without causing major grief, but what about what Jamie and Alex were doing. Do you have to be fifteen to do that?"

Hermione gave Harry a trenchant look as Harry felt a large knot form in his stomach. Suddenly the idea of facing Voldemort all over again seemed attractive, certainly more appealing than a discussion of oral sex with his two young daughters.

"No, you don't have to be fifteen to do what Jamie and Alex were doing, but it is something that should not be taken lightly," he said nervously. "Doing that sort of thing is very personal and should only be done with someone you have a strong relationship with. Usually someone you love and if not already married, have plans to marry."

"Alex, are you and Jamie getting married?" Emily asked bluntly.

Alex was caught off guard, but looked lovingly at Jamie who was now sitting on his lap. He gave her a brief hug. "Yes, we are. Actually we were just discussing it today. We still have a year at Hogwarts and then hopefully Auror training, but after that we want to get married."

"I'll be an aunt," Emily said joyfully, "Aunt Emily."

"Let's not rush things," Jamie said cautiously. "We both want children, but not too soon."

"Sometimes you can't plan out your life," Hermione said, first clutching Caitlin's hand and then patting Emily's thigh. "But children are something you love whenever they pop into your life."

"Can we get back to talking about sex," Emily said with annoyance as she looked at her Dad. "How are we expected to know how to do things if no one ever teaches us or at least lets us watch them do it?"

Harry was both flustered and tongued tied. Was Emily suggesting that her and Caitlin be allowed to watch Hermione and him make love?

Hermione gave Harry a sympathetic look and then decided to come to his rescue. "When you're old enough and have found that special person, you'll know what to do. It isn't anything you need learn out of a book or by watching." She blushed. "It's one of the few things in life that you don't have to get right from the very beginning. Practice with the right partner can be very enjoyable," she said as she smiled and squeezed Harry's hand.

"Enough talk about sex," Harry said. "You two are much too young to have such an insatiable curiosity on the subject. Besides, we have two heroes in our presence. I want to hear all the details of what happened today. How did you get back so early? Did the Ministry portkey you back to Hogwarts?"

"Yes, the Ministry did give us a portkey to get back to school. As for what happened, it was all a case of being in the right place at the right time," Alex said.

"The remarkable thing, is that it all happened because of some prankster's joke," Jamie said.

"Joke?" Hermione questioned.

"When we approached Ollivanders, there was a 'Closed for Lunch' sign in the window." Jamie explained. "Later, Mr. Ollivander told us that although he was preparing to close for lunch, he hadn't as yet hung up his sign. He had no idea where the brand new sign in the door had come from."

"That's strange," Harry said, giving Hermione a shrewd look.

"The shop being closed really put us in a panic," Alex admitted. "We only had little more than an hour to purchase my wand and get back to the train station.

"Rather than wonder off, we decided to just nosey about, hoping that Mr. Ollivander would return shortly," Jamie said. "There was a pathway between the two stores and so we decided to have a look around."

"I was inquisitive as to what was behind the shops to separate them from Muggle London," Alex added.

Hermione and Harry both exchanged glances, neither, until now, having ever given this a thought.

"Our mere surprise presence evidently gave the two beefy oaths that were prowling about a fright because they immediately drew their wands on us. They caught me off guard and Alex unfortunately was unarmed," Jamie stated. "Before we knew what was happening; we were both struck by curses that sent us crashing against the back wall of the shop."

"Mr. Ollivander, who was inside the shop, came bursting through the door like some superhero in a Muggle movie or comic book," Alex said admiringly. "He might be elderly, but it certainly hasn't lessened his magical ability. Those two oafs didn't know what hit them."

"Harry, it... it was the same two that attacked me after the World Cup Match," Jamie said nervously. "Mr. Ollivander must have sounded some sort of silent alarm, because within minutes, the area was swarming with law enforcement. Once everything was deemed safe, even Minster Wrong Apparated along with some Aurors."

"Then they took the culprits into custody?" Harry asked. "No one was hurt? You're both heroes!"

"That's what Minister Wrong said," Jamie acknowledged. "Although all we did was get ourselves thrown against a building."

"But that appraised Mr. Ollivander of the dangerous situation and afforded him the opportunity to capture the perpetrators," Harry said proudly.

"What exactly did they intend to do?" Harry asked.

"They had Muggle explosives planted all around the rear of the shop," Jamie explained. "They had intended to blow it to bits."

"But why bother with Muggle means when they could have used an explosive curse from there wands?" Hermione questioned.

"The Minister seemed to think that whoever was behind the attack wanted Muggles to be blamed," Alex stated.

"Either that or they wanted time to get far from the area and not have their wands linked to the incident," Jamie suggested.

"Minister Wrong says we will probably receive an award," Alex said meekly, "but Mr. Ollivander already gave us both something to show his appreciation."

"What did he give you?" Emily asked excitedly as if it were Christmas.

"Well, he gave Alex his new wand free of charge, but he gave me something really neat," Jamie said nearly as excitedly. "Emily feel my thigh where I normally wear my wand sheath."

Without hesitation Emily jumped off Harry's lap and hurried over to her sister. She began to rub her hand on the upper part of Jamie's leg, but suddenly stopped, looking at her sister in disbelief. "He gave you an invisible wand?" she questioned with awe.

"No, but almost as good," Jamie said elatedly as she withdrew her wand. "It's an invisible sheath, but what makes it in fact great is that it projects its spell to include the portion of the wand protruding from the sheath."

"Harry, we have to look into those," Hermione said, obviously impressed. "This is where Fred and George lack proper direction. Remember those hats they invented that made the wearer's head disappear. I'm sure this works in a similar way, but with a much more practical purpose."

Harry nodded his head in agreement. This wouldn't be the first time someone made a fortune off one of Fred and George's idea. They too often got caught up in the joke side of their products, neglecting to see the practical implications.

"Emily, did you get a good look at what Alex was doing to Jamie when we walked in the door?" Caitlin questioned, as the two girls lay in their beds talking, neither able or actually wanting to fall asleep.

"Not as good as I would have liked to have gotten," Emily admitted. "He wasn't just licking her; he actually had her spread open and had his tongue inside of her."

"Yeah!" Caitlin said, her voice sounding envious.

"If I tell you something will you promise not to make fun of me?" Emily asked, hesitantly.

"Emily, you should know by now that I'd never make fun of you in a way that was hurtful. You're my sister and I love you," Caitlin declared.

"I love you, too," Emily said, as she bounded from her bed and gave Caitlin a hug before crawling into bed and nestling next to her sister. "You know how evil I am about making fun of boys and men when they get a stifee."

Caitlin laughed. "You do have a nasty habit of making sure that no one within a mile radius misses it."

"Up until two years ago, I thought it just meant they had to go to the bathroom," Emily admitted, feeling rather naïve and stupid. "I had no idea that it indicated that they were sexually aroused. I thought this," she touched herself between the legs, "and penises were only different equipment men and women had for peeing. I had no idea a penis was used for sex and that they put it inside of a girl. Some men are really big; they'd never fit."

Caitlin shuddered, thinking about some of the rather large tools she had seen last summer on vacation. "I think that is one of the reasons we're not allowed to have sex until we are fifteen," Caitlin said. "We're too small down there, but I imagine we'd probably be able to handle boys our own age. They aren't nearly as big as full-grown men."

"Caitlin, have you ever played with yourself?" Emily asked curiously. "You know, put your finger or anything else inside of you?"

Caitlin visibly shook, remembering the ordeal she had been subjected to by Madam Hooch. "I used to," Caitlin admitted, "but ever since the attack, I just can't."

"I'm sorry," Emily said, quickly. "I forgot about the awful things that vicious woman did to you."

"I try not to think about it," Caitlin said. "Mum was amazed that I could even consider being a nudist after what had happened."

Emily nodded her head in agreement.

"I think everyone plays with themselves at one time or another," Caitlin said, trying to get off the subject of Hooch. "But I think it's sort of like tickling yourself. The results are so different when someone else does it. I had goose bumps all over when Matt touched and kissed my breasts."

Caitlin leaned over and whispered in Emily's ear. "I know I'm too young to have actual sex, but I'd love to experience what Alex did to Jamie today. She looked like she was in seventh heaven."

"I know what you mean," Emily agreed. "From the expression on her face it must have been pure delight."

Emily laid back and thought for a while. "Caitlin, I love you. You've always been here to comfort me. You helped me through the loss of my parents and most recently through my situation with Tyler. I'm not Matt, but I'm willing to do it if it means that much to you."

"Do what?" Caitlin said lazily and then suddenly she realized what Emily meant. "But were both girls."

"I know and don't get the idea I'm a lesbian because I'm not," Emily said empathically. "I couldn't do it to anyone else, not even Kim or Jamie, but for some reason, I know I can do it to you. Actually, I want to do it to you. I want to try to make you feel as good and as happy as Jamie looked."

"You're not kidding. You're serious, aren't you?" Caitlin asked in disbelief.

"I've never been more serious," Emily said, "but I swear if you ever tell anyone that I did this, I'll kill you."

"You won't have to worry about me saying anything," Caitlin promised, "because I'll only let you do it on one condition."

"What's the condition?" Emily asked suspiciously.

"You have to allow me to do it to you in return," Caitlin said, completely somber.

"Do you mean it?" Emily asked, elatedly.

"I'm quite serious," Caitlin declared. "If you can do something like that to me, I'm going to do it to you as well. You should experience how it feels, too."

Emily and Caitlin nervously hugged each other. "I can't believe we're going to do this," Emily said nervously. "Who goes first?"

Caitlin got on her knees and gave Emily a light kiss on the lips. "This was your idea," Caitlin said. "You were caring enough to volunteer to do this to make me feel good, so I think it's only fair I do it to you first."

"Are you sure?" Emily asked, expectantly.

"No. Actually I think we're both crazy, but I honestly want to go through with it," Caitlin said.

"What do I have to do?" Emily asked.

"If the expression on Jamie's face was any indication, just lay there and enjoy yourself." Caitlin stared at Emily. "Although it might help if you spread your legs apart instead of crossing them," Caitlin suggested.

"I'm sorry, I have to pee," Emily said, unable to hold back a snicker.

"You best be kidding," Caitlin said lightheartedly. Momentarily, she gazed at Emily's crotch, not believing what she was about to do.

"That was a relief," Harry said as Hermione nestled in his arms. "I'm not sure if I could have handled the knowledge that our saving Jamie had cost another life."

"I'm not certain that mortals should have the power to change time," Hermione said disquietingly. "Part of me feels I should destroy the time turner, but I can't. If it hadn't been for that device, Jamie would be dead. Harry, that's three innocent lives we've saved."

"Innocent in different ways, but yes," Harry agreed. "I only hope that Jamie's stay on earth is a great deal longer than that of Sirius. I used to lie in bed feeling sorry for myself because of the terrible childhood I had. Look at me now. I have every thing a man could desire. Sirius was the one that had a truly awful life. Firstly, coming from that horrible family of his, but then to be sent to Azkaban for all those years for a crime he didn't commit."

"Then spending years on the run, only to die at that evil woman's hands. At least she finally got what she deserved," Hermione said.

"Yes, but in many ways, death seemed too good for her," Harry responded. "There simply is no proper way to make a person as evil as her atone for all the pain and suffering they have caused. In ways, she was more wicked than Voldemort himself."

"They're both gone," Hermione said. "Suppose I try to make you think of something more pleasant."

"Did you here a moaning sound?" Harry asked, sitting up with a start.

"No," Hermione lied. "Maybe it was one of the ghosts."

"I don't think so," Harry said listening intently. "There it is again. That sounds like Caitlin. I better check on the girls" He started to move to get up, but Hermione stopped him.

"Don't Harry," Hermione begged, "you'll embarrass them. I think they may be doing a little experimenting."

"Experimenting?" He said questioningly. "What do you mean?"

But before Hermione could answer, he realized exactly what she meant. He looked at Hermione as if panic stricken. "But they're both girls. I'll go make some noise in the living area so that they stop," he suggested.

"Leave them be, Harry. If either of us do what you suggest, it is likely to cause far more harm than good. They will probably try again somewhere outside our quarters where getting caught would be very detrimental. Trust me - they are alright." Hermione said, calmly.

"But they're only twelve! Do you think they are lesbians?" Harry asked, dismayed at the thought.

"Harry, I am no expert in adolescent psychology, but I have read some as Head of House. It is not uncommon for pre-teens to experiment. Often it is with a same-sex partner, but that has nothing to do with whether or not they will be homosexual as adults," Hermione proclaimed. "Besides, we've discussed this before. I don't think they are lesbians and could ever possibly be 'in love' with each other, but I do believe that they love each other a very great deal and would do anything for each other."

"I know what you said," Harry answered with annoyance. "In school Ron and I were best friends. Dumbledore thought in year four that he would be the thing I would miss most. And I did go to him first in the Triwizard tournament." Harry looked at Hermione quite seriously. "But there is no way in hell that I would ever consider sucking his cock. Yet the girls are doing virtually the same think to each other and it doesn't even phase you."

"Well, that was the case for you and Ron. The girls, however, have an emotional intimacy that I don't think you two felt, so after Emily started asking all of her questions about sex and oral sex after seeing Jamie and Alex, I knew that they might do this, regardless of anything I might say to dissuade them. Harry, even if they were lesbian or bi-sexual, I know you would not love them any less."

"No! Of course not."

"Even so, I think that Caitlin and Emily will in time find love of both a mental and physical nature with someone of the opposite sex, just like you and I have, but I think they will always have a special love between themselves. I think those girls would not only die for each other, but would also do anything else for the other, and I mean anything."

"I'm just going to have to trust you on this one," Harry said shaking is head.

"Do you remember the three of us back in first year? By the end of that year, we were willing to die for each other, yet we were hesitant to put a comforting arm around each other. Isn't it weird that we don't think twice about dieing, but shudder at the thought of physical intimacy, especially with someone of the same sex?"

February 14, 2005

"Are you sure you want to skip dinner?" Jamie asked, as she and Alex nervously made their way up to the seventh floor.

"I can't think about food," Alex answered, holding her hand even tighter. "The only thing I want on my menu tonight is you."

"Oh! That sounds bad in a good sort of way," Jamie teased as they hurried along the corridor to the stretch of blank wall opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. "Okay, we must walk past this wall three times, concentrating hard on what we need."

"I'm holding the hand of the only thing I need," Alex said, finding it difficult to fathom that in a few minutes he would at long last be making love with his best friend.

"Forget about me for a few minutes and concentrate on the room," Jamie scolded.

When they turned for the third time, Alex said sharply, "Is that it?

The high polished door that Jamie told him about had appeared in the wall. Jamie reached out, grabbed hold of the brass handle, and pulled the door open.

"Wow," Alex said in amazement as they crossed the threshold of the cozily lit room. "This is unbelievable."

The room was toasty warm, thanks to a crackling fire in the ornate fireplace. In the center of the room was a heart shape bed easily large enough to sleep six. The floor, although having the appearance of being made of stone, was soft and springy with silk cushions flung all about.

On the side of the room opposite the fireplace was a marble, rectangular shaped pool sunk into the floor. The pool even had a diving board, and around the pool's edge stood about a hundred golden taps, each with a colored jewel set into its handle.

"This certainly beats the Astronomy Tower," Alex said as he soaked in the ambiance of the room.

"But don't you think it lacks the intimacy of the train compartment," Jamie joked.

Alex ignored Jamie's remark as he became lost in her eyes. "Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Not when I'm with you," she responded. "Are we just going to stand here looking at each other or did you have something else in mind that you'd like to do?"

Alex didn't answer, but instead took Jamie in his arms and kissed her, first slowly and gently, but then ever more intensely as her robes dropped to the floor. Alex fumbled to open the buttons on Jamie's blouse and then froze looking at her in amazement.

"You're wearing a bra," he said in amazement. "You never wear a bra."

"It was Hermione's idea," Jamie said with a giggle. "She said that every guy should get to take a girl's bra off at least once in his life. This is your first and last time."

"You two really have a special relationship, don't you?" Alex asked, as he sought to discover the secrets to removing the stubborn garment.

"Very special," Jamie confirmed. "I'd do anything for her and I think she feels the same way about me."

"Right now I wish you'd do something for me and that's show me how to get this darn thing open," Alex pleaded.

Jamie smiled as she undid the clasp, allowing her breasts to burst free from the tight garment.

"I am so glad to be out of that," Jamie remarked as Alex plied her breasts with kisses.

"Do you have knickers on, too?" Alex asked as he began to undo the buttons of her skirt.

"She tried to talk me into wearing them, but I flatly refused," Jamie said. "Cloth will never touch those lips."

As her skirt slipped past her knees, Alex just stared at her now bare body. "I've seen you nude at least a thousand times since we were first years, but you always take my breath away."

"No need to sweet-talk me Mr. Ward. I'm not about to change my mind," Jamie said "but I also don't propose to be the only one in the room naked." Jamie wasted no time removing Alex's clothes, leaning down to kiss the head of his penis as it sprang free.

"It appears that someone is anxious to get started," she said with a laugh.

"Maybe too eager," Alex said as he lifted Jamie into his arms and tenderly carried her toward the bed. "I want tonight to be special for you, put I'm afraid I won't be able to last once I'm inside of you until you're... you know... ready."

Jamie chuckled as she gave Alex a hug. "Hermione gives you twenty seconds max."

Alex looked at her horrified. "You two even discussed that," he said trying not to show his annoyance.

"Alex, don't be upset," Jamie begged. "Don't you understand? It's better I know these things - that we know them I should say - so that we don't set our initial expectations too high and be disappointed. It's our first time; it's normal for you to have difficulty holding back." She kissed Alex and then hugged him tightly. "We'll just have to keep doing it again and again until we get it perfect, even if it takes us weeks or months."

"What about you?" Alex asked nervously. "I heard that it might hurt and that you might even bleed."

"That's only if a girl's hymen is still intact," Jamie said. "With all the accidents and falls that I've been through, not to mention tampon use, my hymen is ancient history. Now are we going to talk about our fears and worries all night or are we going to make love?"

"I do love you Jamie," Alex said genuinely. "I only hope I can come close to physically showing you the love I have for you in my heart."

At first they just kissed and held each other tightly. They'd done so much together, but tonight they were exploring new territory and they were both extremely nervous. Tonight they were joining, and this had a special significance for both Alex and Jamie. This wasn't a one-night shag, and they both realized this. They knew that this marked their giving of themselves to each other: there would never be another in either of their lives. After tonight they would be one, connected forever by unbreakable bonds.

Jamie could tell that Alex was nervous; she could feel him literally shaking as he first caressed her breasts and then gently kissed them. She decided to make the first move as she initially kissed his neck and then his chest, paying special attention to his nipples. Her fingers gently circled his chest before she leaned forward and allowed her tongue to flutter over his nipples. They became rigid, as she knew hers would when he returned the favor.

He tried to move in order to pleasure her, but she would have no part of it. He would get his turn later. At this moment, he belonged to her! Alex tried in vain to relax as Jamie's nose and tongue continue their journey south, her hands still gently stroking the skin on his sides. Her tongue making ever decreasing circles on his flat stomach.

Then without warning, she slid down further. He anticipated her taking him in her mouth, something that would surely bring him to a premature climax, but she didn't. Instead she took his penis and just held it firmly in her small hand as she ever so gently played with his testicles, first with her fingers and then with her tongue.

Alex was spellbound. She had never done this before. How did she know she had to be so gentle? Then her tongue glided up his shaft and her lips adeptly closed around him. She drove him crazy as she took him as far into her mouth as possible and then allowed him to slip out while tightly caressing him with her lips. That devilish tongue tormented the tip before she once more devoured him. All the while, her fingers were still gently, lovingly, holding his balls as if they were precious jewels.

She seemed to sense his nearing peak and stopped. Jamie was on her hands and knees looking loving into Alex's eyes. He had a look of contentment on his face; her face had a look of triumph and satisfaction. Alex pulled her to him and kissed her passionately before rolling them both over. It was his turn, and Jamie loved the look of love and determination on Alex's face.

Alex ran his fingers through Jamie's hair as he first kissed her forehead, then her eyes and then passionately on the lips. But then he surprised her by turning her over on her stomach. He straddled her body as he nibbled her ear lopes and then licked and kissed her neck. She shuddered as he gently caressed her sides with his fingertips. Then he leaned even closer, kissing her shoulder blades as his penis tickled the side of her leg.

He moved downward, kissing her waist and caressing her bum tenderly. Then his fingers stroked her legs and inner thighs once again causing her to shiver and gasp for air. He spread her legs further apart and then without warning buried his head between her legs and licked her moist pubic lips from the rear. He grasped her buttock and spread her cheeks apart and as he did so, ran his moist tongue the entire division of her cheeks.

Jamie was momentarily stunned. As much as she recognized that Alex loved her, it was quite unexpected that he would venture there, especially with his tongue. His gentle urging of her to turn over interrupted these thoughts. She was barely turned when, once again, a feeling of rapture enveloped her.

Jamie loved the look on Alex's face when he played with her breasts. He had watched them grow from nothing to their current full size, but he still had this look of wonder on his face then ever he touched them. He was so gentle when he sucked on them, more so than he needed to be. Her nipples were sensitive, but her breasts were far from frail due to their constant unfettered workouts. As if not to show favoritism, he first cupped one breast in his hands and then the other, kissing and caressing them as if he had never seen or touched them before.

At times like these, Jamie envied girls with smaller breasts, breasts that could more fully be taken into the mouth of their lover. Alex, however, seemed quite content with Jamie's large firm globes.

Jamie quivered as Alex, while still sucking on her breast, began to run his fingers lightly up and down her side, barely touching her silky skin. After a time, he reluctantly released her breast and moved further down her incredible body. He stopped briefly to tease her tummy with his tongue. While his lips and tongue taunted her stomach, his hands moved to her thighs and, ultimately, to the valley of paradise tucked between them.

Alex was captivated by this part of Jamie's body but more so by the responses his touching and tonguing here produced. His fingers had barely touched her lips when Jamie began writhing on the bed. At first he restricted his play to the outside, but quickly he surrendered to the urge to slip his longest flange inside her. Effortlessly, it slid into her extremely moist passage and was embraced by the outer walls.

As he moved his finger about, Jamie shivered and moaned in the most pleasing of ways. Tonight, at long last, this finger would be replaced with not only his tongue, but also his penis. Alex would finally feel the sensation of entering paradise. After a few minutes, Alex tried adding a second finger.

Jamie's gyrating to the presence of his fingers served only to heighten Alex's anticipation, but first, he had to taste her; he treasured the savor of Jamie.

The first time Alex pleasured Jamie orally, he had done so with great trepidation his only knowledge on the subject had come from the stories of inexperienced friends who had heard it from friends who had done it.

It seemed that a lot of boys found 'muff diving', as some called it, beneath their dignity. As far as Alex was concerned, this seemed like just another example of male chauvinism: guys expecting oral favors from their partners, but being hesitant to return equivalent.

But then Jamie wasn't the ordinary partner and neither was Alex. They both were more concerned with giving pleasure than receiving it, which made their bond exceptional. If Jamie wouldn't make him come up for air, Alex would eagerly spend hours with his head buried between her legs.

That's exactly where Alex had been when Jamie moaned, "Alex inside, please.... I love what you're doing, but I want to feel you inside of me now!"

Alex stopped and raised himself up on his hands. This was it. The time had arrived.

Jamie spread her legs as far apart as she could comfortably do, as Alex hovered above her. Slowly he lowered himself onto her using his arms to support his weigh.

"That's it," she said shivering with anticipation. "Now just move down a little and it should slide right in."

Alex moved, but he missed target. Twice more he tried without success. His frustration was rising.

"I have the welcome matt out," Jamie said "but you keep missing the entrance. What say I give you a guiding hand?"

Jamie reached down, grasped Alex's penis, and guided the head to her opening. "Now just push gently," she said.

Alex pushed and felt the most wonderful sensation. It felt like her lips were forming a seal around his member, holding it softly, but still firmly.

"You won't hurt me," Jamie said encouragingly. "Put it in as far as you can, but then don't move, just hold me."

Alex did as requested until their bodies met and then Jamie wrapped her legs around him and held him tightly against her.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," Jamie said, hugging him tightly. She bit her lip. "You can't imagine how good it feels to have you inside of me."

"Oh yes I can," Alex declared. "The feeling of sliding into you... of us being joined. It's just...! I can't describe how wonderful this feels. But I'm afraid to move because then it will be all over."

"Then we take a short swim and start all over again," Jamie said trying to pull even closer to him. Ever since the Christmas when she had first seen Alex with an erection, she had been concerned whether or not she would be able to accommodate him. She was relieved to find that they were a perfect fit, like a favorite pair of gloves. "Start moving in and out as slowly as you can. Just don't pull out completely."

Alex held Jamie's cheeks tightly as he started a very slow pumping motion. Much too quickly he felt a pressure start to build within him. "I don't think I can hold back," Alex moaned.

"Don't try. Just let yourself cum," Jamie said, holding on tightly to Alex.

For what seemed like so brief a time, Alex felt gratification beyond description. Quickly, much too quickly, the sensation of total bliss began to fade and soon he could feel himself shrinking within her chamber.

"Don't take it out," Jamie requested. "Just hold me tight and let it stay as long as it's able."

"That was amazing," Alex gasped. "I didn't realize it was possible to feel that great."

"Hermione tells me it only gets better and better with practice," Jamie said hesitantly, not sure if bringing up Hermione again was a good idea.

"If that be the case, I think we should schedule a practice session nightly," Alex said.

"Considering our current living arrangement, that might be rather difficult, but I'm in favor of doing it as often as possible," Jamie agreed.

They lay in each other's arm until Alex shortly slipped out of her.

"Are you ready for that swim?" Jamie said encouragingly as she slithered out of Alex's arms. Alex watched as she walked over to the side of the swimming-pool-sized bath, knelt down and turned on a few of the taps,

The more taps Jamie turned on, the faster the pool filled. Alex joined her and soon they had every tap flowing. Each spout carried a different sort of bubble bath, but not ordinary bubble bath. The bubbles were huge and the foam was so thick that it looked like you could walk on it. Soon, Alex and Jamie found themselves hurriedly closing off the taps the deep pool having filled with hot water, foam and bubbles quickly. With their feet touching bottom, the water came to Jamie's shoulders.

They swam a couple of lengths of the pool before swimming back to the side and treading water as they fooled around with each other.

"Do you think your friend is ready to come for another visit yet?" Jamie asked as she reached down and grasped Alex's penis in her hand. Alex didn't need to bother answering; Jamie could feel the answer budding in her hand. "I'll take that as a yes," she said, but instead of releasing her hold on Alex, she led him to the steps and out of the pool as if holding a leash - a growing leash.

Jamie grabbed two towels with which to dry off and tossed one to Alex. Jamie laughed. "You do know that my sister would be unmerciful if she saw you like that. Personally, I wish it stayed that way all the time."

"So do I."

Jamie and Alex both looked nervously about. They weren't alone.

End of chapter 22

After the last two chapters, I thought it was time for a more gentle cliff. I want to thank all of you who reviewed both chapter 20 and 21; you have helped me make a decission. There will be a third story in the series. Look for Hogwarts Over Exposed in July.

Thank you Amber, Paul and Peter for you normal excellent Beta job. Special thanks to Paul for some rewrite suggestions.

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