Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Photograph

"My Chemical who?"

by Disenchantedxo 11 reviews

A new character has been added, and she has something for Charlotte...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-19 - Updated: 2010-02-28 - 1730 words

Gah. I couldn't wait any longer for more auditions so i just decided to use the fisrt person who auditioned - which was xBlackHeartedAngelx! I hope you're okay with this character, she'll be in it alot :P ohh and also Elsarina you will be included in my story and you may have Bob if you wish! :D I have already wrote the next chapter of this so.... if i get good reviews i shall upload it :) x

Gerard’s POV

“Geeeeeeraaaard!” Bob screamed in my ear to wake me up. My eyelids fluttered open and I sat upright causing my head to collide with Bob’s.
“Ouch.” I winced rubbing my forehead. Bob rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me off the bed.

“Gerard come one, we’ve gotta get going.” He said dragging me along to the dressing room. I’d almost forgotten about the tour we’d been on now for about three weeks. Everything was so new to me, it only seemed like yesterday our little band had been practising in my basement bedroom, yet here we are today on our very own tour. I was so tired I could hardly focus on breakfast that morning never mind getting ready for a concert. My droopy eyes stared into the bathroom mirror and I groaned at the sight of my messy hair. I really couldn’t be bothered fixing it all, so I fussed with it a bit then left the bathroom yawning loudly.

“Wow Gee, you look as if you haven’t had sleep for days.” Frank said giggling. I stared at him furrowing my eyebrows.
“That’s because I haven’t Frank. I was up all last night trying to go over what I’m gonna talk about for this interview today.” I answered.
“Well the interview only lasts like fifteen minutes Gee, you gotta relax.” Frank said patting my shoulder. I sighed heavily and walked out of the dressing room with him.

When we arrived at the interview set, I caught a glance of Ray’s afro. It wasn’t looking too good this morning, it flopped to the side a bit and it looked really flat. I scurried over to him and started messing it about, ruffling the curls out and making it big again.

“Gerard, what the fuck are you doing?” He asked laughing while trying to shove me off. I backed away from him and shrugged with a sly smirk on my face.
“Your fro aint as pretty as it usually is Ray darling.” I said in my best English accent. I curtsied to him then marched off toward the interview.

“And we’re live in 5-4-3-2-1…” The camera man said and motioned an action sign. The woman interviewer stared into the camera lens with a huge smile spread across her face.
“Welcome back to Kerrang! TV, here we have a new band to enter the world of music, My Chemical Romance!” She gestured towards us and I smiled at the camera like her, though maybe not just as cheesy.

“So how’s it been on your very own tour? I expect it must be totally different from touring with other bands?” She asked turning to meet my gaze and smiling again. I hated it when people expected me to answer for the band, just because I was the lead singer didn’t make me the voice of the band.
“It’s been tough. And yeah it is different from touring with other bands, but it’s pretty cool.” I said nodding to the others. They nodded with me and tried their best to look interested in what the woman was talking about.

The interview went on for what seemed like ages, but actually it had only been an hour.
“It’s been amazing having you guys with us today!” She said brightly and I put on my fake agreement smile. “So where are you headed to next?” She asked and I had to think for a minute before I could answer her. I never was good at remembering tour dates.
“The next show’s in LA, then we head off down to Dallas.” Mikey spoke up seeing as I had lost my train of thought. I glanced at him for a minute to see him grinning widely. Dallas, that’s where we’d moved to when we were little kids. I hadn’t been there since we moved back to Jersey when I was like fifteen. My eyes widened as I realised why Mikey had been smirking. Dallas brung back so many memories…

When the interview finally ended, we had to leave immediately for LA. So while on the tour bus, I had some time to talk to Mikey.
“So lil’ bro, we’re headin’ back to Dallas after this.” I said resting my arm on his shoulder. He nudged me off and that stupid grin formed back on his face. “What?” I asked and stared him up and down.

“Aw you know Gee, I’m just thinking back to the last time we were there.” He said slowly.

“Oh really, what happened last time?” I moved closer to him and furrowed my eyebrows.
“Shit Gee, stop acting like you don’t remember.” He said backing away from me. I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked. Of course I knew exactly what he was getting at, but I thought I’d wind him up a bit.

“Well remind me dear brother, what happened in Dallas the last time we were there?” I asked sarcastically and he laughed a little.
“You do remember that Charlotte girl right?” He looked at me with curious eyes, I nodded. “Well you obviously remember the rest.” He stated and walked off towards his bunk. I sighed and leaned against the wall, Charlotte Jane Mason. I hadn’t gone through a day without thinking about her, even when we’d moved back to Jersey. The moment I’d saw her sitting on that swing, I’d had a crush on her for all those years. Until I finally became brave enough to ask her out. She’d been my first girlfriend and my first kiss, and fuck I must’ve been a bad kisser.

I felt a sudden urge of hope rush through my body, maybe she’d come to the show in Dallas… Maybe I’d bang into her randomly… Maybe I’d see her again. But I couldn’t let my hopes get high; I knew the chances of seeing her again were near enough zero. She’d probably moved from Dallas with some guy and forgotten all about me; after all she’d never once called me.


Charlotte’s POV

I’d just finished work and was about to head home when suddenly Emily ran up to me with a rather excited expression on her face. Her curly black hair bounced on her shoulders as she skipped over to me. Emily and I had known eachother in high school, and she was the only friend i had after Gerard and Mikey left. She is the only one i've ever told her about Jason being controllind and dominant... But there was no way in hell i'd ever tell her about the whole abuse thing. She was a good friend and hanging out with her always got my mind off of things going on with Jason.

She was rather mental at times, like right now she was jumping up and down hysterically and smilling so much it must've hurt.
“Hey Emz, what’s up with you?” I asked raising my eyebrow at her as she smiled widely and hid her hands behind her back. “Whatcha got there?” I asked tugging on her arm slightly; she shuffled away from me and shrugged.
“Oh you know…” She said making her bright hazel eyes wander. I furrowed my eyebrows together and crossed my arms across my chest. She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Okay, okay… here.” She extended her hands out in front of her. She opened her clenched fist to reveal a single piece of paper. She motioned for me to take it and I snatched it from her palm to study it.

It was a ticket for a band gig, My Chemical Romance or something. I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled widely.
“My Chemical who?” I asked looking at her confused. She sighed in frustration and shoved the paper in front of my eyes.

“My Chemical Romance dope! I have two backstage tickets to go see them next week.” She said. I nodded and handed her the ticket.
“Cool, have fun.” I turned to walk away, but Emily grabbed my wrist and spun me back around to face her.
“What d’you mean ‘Have fun’? You’re coming with me!” She stated excitedly and started jumping around.
“Oh come on Emily, I don’t even know who they are… How the hell am I meant to enjoy a gig when I’ve never heard of the band that’s playing at it?” I asked flinging my arms in the air. She placed them back at my sides and smiled at me pleadingly.
“Char this band is freakin awesome, trust me! You’ll love the gig no matter if you don’t know any of their songs or whatever… Plus, they are kinda hot.” She smiled widely and I couldn’t help but smile back. The two of us had always been boy mad.
“Describe them.” I ordered.

“Well… The lead singer has kinda long black hair and he is positively beautiful, then there’s his brother who actually doesn’t look like him that much but he’s still freakin' hot, and then there’s my favourite Frank. Frank is just… adorable!” She explained through a number of high-pitched giggles. I nodded in approval and she clapped excitedly.
“And we’re gonna be meeting these fine young men?” I asked in a posh accent.
“Why yes milady, I have backstage passes for after the show.” She winked and linked her arm in mine as we walked down the road and headed home.

I couldn’t promise Emily I’d be coming with her, I’d have to ask permission of Jason first. Of course I could almost bet on what the answer would be.

R&R ;) x
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