Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
Willy's POint Of View
I looked down at the phone and dialed Qwest.
"If you are a woman press 1, if you are a man press 2," the voice said. I looked around and pressed 1.
"If you are seeking a woman press 1, if you are seeking a man press 2," the voice said. I pressed 2. Whoops. Must've been by accident.
The line started ringing until someone picked up.
"Hey babe, looking for a good time?" I heard a man's voice on the other end.
"1... 2... 3?"
"So... you, uh... YA SMOKING POT?" Suddenly a team of deadly trained assasins and ninja's lead by Mr. Buchanan came crashing in at every angle, threw every window.
Bob started screaming.
I looked down at the phone and dialed Qwest.
"If you are a woman press 1, if you are a man press 2," the voice said. I looked around and pressed 1.
"If you are seeking a woman press 1, if you are seeking a man press 2," the voice said. I pressed 2. Whoops. Must've been by accident.
The line started ringing until someone picked up.
"Hey babe, looking for a good time?" I heard a man's voice on the other end.
"1... 2... 3?"
"So... you, uh... YA SMOKING POT?" Suddenly a team of deadly trained assasins and ninja's lead by Mr. Buchanan came crashing in at every angle, threw every window.
Bob started screaming.
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