Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Use Somebody

So Real

by aerosmith14 2 reviews


Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-03-18 - Updated: 2010-03-19 - 822 words - Complete

Joe walked down the stairs and said to Cyrinda "I'm going to go out."
"You're going to go out, get drunk, and do what you did to me last night?" She asked causing him to stop and turn around. 
"What happened last night?" He asked, with a confused look on his face. 
"Oh wow..." She rolled her eyes at him and scoffed "You are so stupid!"
"How? What did I do?"
"You should know."
He shook his head and said "I don't. Please tell me."
"Why should I?" She snapped and quietly said "Joe, I think we should get a divorce."
Joe blinked and quietly asked her what she just said.  
She rolled her eyes at him and said "Divorce, Joe, I want a divorce." 
"No! Please, Don't divorce me. What can I do to make you stay?" He begged. "You mean a lot to me."
"A lot of things. Look, I don't want to talk to you right now after what you did." She turned around so her back was facing him. 
"What did I do? Please tell me." 
She ignored him.
He began thinking back. 
What did I do? Did I hit her? He asked himself and then asked her if he hit her.
She shook her head.
He slumped his shoulders and said "Well I give up." 
She turned around and growled "Are you that stupid? Jesus Christ Joe!" She sighed and said quietly "Joe, You... raped me." 
"Don't lie to me." He angrily said. 
"I'm not!" 
He saw tears form in her eyes. 
"Babe..." He walked towards her but she stepped away from him "Come over here"
"No! Get away, Joe!" 
A tear fell down her face.  
"Don't cry." He sadly said.  
"Joe, you said you would never hurt me and you did! You lied to me, Joe! You said you would stop drinking for me and our kids and you said you would never hurt me. I can't believe you would do that." She sobbed "Something was wrong with me. I almost died, and I didn't want to act all depressed around the kids. Do you think they want to see their mom depressed? No, I don't think so! I never told you because I didn't feel like telling anybody how I felt. Okay? So just leave me alone."
"I'm sorry babe. I would never do that. Please don't divorce me, You mean everything to me."
"Sorry doesn't cut it, and you just did that. None of this would be happening if you hadn't started drinking again."
He stayed quiet and walked towards her. He put his hands on her waist. 
She pushed him back and loudly said "Get your hands off me!"  
"Okay okay! Please don't divorce me. I love you. I really do."
"Well if you do, then stop drinking."
"Okay I will"
"I mean it!" She said while wiping her tears away. He stepped closer and helped her wipe her tears away. 
"Babe please just give me a second chance." He pleaded. After he said that, She began sobbing again. He wrapped his arms tightly around her.
She put her head on his chest.
"You hit me." She blurted out, causing more tears to fall down. 
He unwrapped his arms and asked "I did what!?"
She looked down and began sobbing. Joe sighed and asked her "Where did I hit you?" 
"My face." She mumbled. 
"Did I do anything else?" Joe asked, obviously concerned. 
She nodded her head "You threatened me."
"What did I say?"
"You said if I tried leaving, you'd run after me. Oh and that you would ruin my face."
He stayed quiet and looked away from her. Why would I say that to her? What kind of a monster am I?!" 
She looked at him and added "You scared me."
He looked back at her and apologized "I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to hit you. I shouldn't have hit you."
She stayed quiet and looked down. 
"Hey, I love you." Joe said, in a low voice "I love you very much, baby."
She looked back at him and lowly said "I love you, too." 
"Give me another chance, I'll treat you better. I promise. Please give me another chance." Begged Joe. 
"Okay I'll give you another chance." She looked at him "Whoever you drink with, needs to go away. Or at least stop drinking around you. I don't want you drinking ever again, You hear me?"
He nodded his head.
"You better not be lying because if you are, I will leave you!"
"Okay, I'll stop!"
Then he whispered to her "I really want you right now. Lets go up stairs..."
"No Joe. Not until you're two weeks sober." 
"Two weeks? You have got to be kidding me!" He complained.
"Yeah two weeks. Until then, We'll just settle to kisses."
He sighed "Okay fine."
She smiled and gave him a kiss. 
And so it begins..
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