Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Feathers

Tsunade Learns the Truth

by underthesky 0 reviews

Naruto Uzumaki is slowly dying inside. His life spirling down the drain. Of course that meant that Iruka had to send him to a therapist. Kukuku...poor Naruto didn't know that Sasuke Uchiha would be...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Naruto,Tsunade - Published: 2010-03-24 - Updated: 2010-03-24 - 724 words

Author's Note: Just a filler. Adding the next chapter tomorrow.


Chapter Two:

As I took a sip of my coffee the next morning, I couldn't help but regret picking myself up and walking out of that alley. If I stayed there, there was a chance that I could've died…and…I…

Sighing, I drained the rest of my coffee and put my cup in the sink. I don't know what's wrong with me…I've been so out of it since Kyuubi…disappeared….

Liar liar pants on fire…

I abruptly stood up, knocking over my chair in the process. "I need to see Tsunade-baa-chan…" I grumbled. I stumbled my way over to my front door, shrugging on my jacket as I did so. Once outside, I started running. However, I couldn't stop those words from clouding my mind, filling up the depths of my heart. 'That's right,' I thought desperately to myself, skidding to a stop in front of the 5th Hokage's office. 'I will burn in hell, for all the lies I've made, all the deceit. I'm a fucking lair and that's that.'

"Baa-chan!!" I threw open her door and hurtled in. Tsunade looked up in surprise, and I don't blame her; I rushed out of my apartment deliberately forgetting to put on my Henge. No more…no more am I the normal blonde loser.

"You might want to close your mouth, Baa-chan." I sniggered. I remember my reaction when I woke up the morning after Kyuubi's disappearance looking like this, so maybe it was a bit mean to tease her about it….nah.

"What happened?" Her voice is calm and controlled.

I gave a small twirl. "Tsunade, I have something to tell you, something very important concerning Kyuubi…" After sitting down comfortably on one of her guest chairs, I began my story, twirling a strand of my now black-streaked spiky blonde hair, my red-pupil cobalt eyes shining.

"Do you remember…the day before Iruka found out about my 'problem'? That day, Kyuubi disappeared…but not before merging half of himself with me…Tsunade, did you know that he had wings? Guess what, what you see before you is a more humane version of the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon, my wings are hidden of course." I gave a small chuckle at Tsundae's frozen shocked face, and then continued. "But, Kyuubi didn't just disappear, he was kidnapped."

I had stood up at that point, completely serious, "I have to train, and I have to get stronger." My eyes glinted with fierce determination. "I know who kidnapped Kyuubi…"

Tsunade bowed her head. "It was Itachi Uchiha, wasn't it?" I smiled, "Always the clever one weren't you?"

"Tsunade-Baa-chan…" I leaned in close, "I have to kill him before he obtains the rest of Kyuubi's powers…or else we're all doomed."

She smiled grimly. "Then we don't have a choice."

"Don't be stupid, this doesn't concern you. This is between me and that bastard weasel."

She chuckled, "Oh, Sasuke is not going to like this!" She snuck a glance at me, "But of course, you have a plan for that, don't you, my Yaoi Prince?"

I sighed and shook my head, "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not gay? And even if I was, why would I like that Uchiha asshole?"

The Hokage gazed at me solemnly, stapling her fingers under her chin. "Naruto, your chakra tells me otherwise." I narrow my eyes at her, not quite believing what she was saying.

"Yeah well," I said slowly, "You see, even if you are attracted to someone, that doesn't mean that you like them..."

Baa-chan cleared her throat softly. "So you admit that you're attracted to Sasuke?"

"U-uhm..." I stammered. "That doesn't mean I'm gay!!!"

Tsunade giggled -giggled?! Oh god, that's creepy…- and ruffled my hair. "It's nice to see you so…I don't know normal." I swiped her hand away. "I have not forgotten my goal," I informed her frostily, "I will kill that bastard, Itachi Uchiha!"

Baa-chan smiled softly. "I have the uttermost faith in you, Naruto-uke, never forget that." With a snarl, I jumped on her. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

But, it felt good to pretend that even for a moment, that everything was normal.


yayyy filler done. Maybe I'll update the new chapter now ^^
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