Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Nothing Bad Is Going To Happen

Part One

by thatcrazedfan 6 reviews

Frank and Gerard are stuck at home when a terrbile storm hits. When they start hearing weird things, Frank becomes more scared than before. Will they both live to see mornings light?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-01-20 - Updated: 2012-05-26 - 901 words - Complete

The cackling sound of thunder was heard throughout the house, waking a sleeping Gerard. He gazed across the bed and noticed that his husband, Frank, wasn’t lying beside him. Suddenly startled, Gerard jumped out of bed and ran into the living room, where he saw Frank sitting on the couch curled up in a blanket watching TV. Gerard sat down next to him and smiled, “Scared?”

Frank glanced away from the TV and looked at Gerard, “Very. The thunder woke me up, so I came out here and turned on the TV. First they were saying it was only a thunderstorm and now they are talking about a tornado.”

Gerard’s eyes widened, “And you didn’t wake me up!”

Frank smiled, “If it got too bad, I told myself that I would wake you up.”

Gerard smirked, “Thanks Frankie; I’m glad you care,” Gerard crawled under the blanket and Frank cuddled up to him. Gerard noticed for the first time that the coffee table had a number of flashlights scattered across it. Along with the flashlights were a number of batteries and their portable radio.

Gerard laughed to himself and rested his eyes on Frank. He lightly kissed Frank’s forehead and pulled him closer to him. Frank grabbed Gerard’s hand and squeezed it as the lights flickered. Gerard could tell that Frank was genuinely scared.

“Frank, nothing bad is going to happen,” Gerard tried to comfort Frank, as well as himself as another thundering sound echoed throughout the house.

They sat in silence with only the sounds of the weather report and thunder outside. When lights flickered off and on again, Frank jumped slightly.

Gerard laughed, but then the lights flickered off. He felt Frank scramble around beside him and then turn on one of the Flashlights. Able to see, Frank then grabbed another flashlight and handed it to Gerard.

“Gerard, I’m scared…” Frank paused, “What if something bad happens?” Frank asked, curling up to Gerard once again.

Gerard squeezed Frank’s hand and smiled, “Nothing bad is going to ha--,” the sound of glass breaking made him stop. He stared at Frank with horrified eyes, “Did you hear that?”

Frank nodded, “What do you think it was?” Frank asked, scared.

Gerard shook his head, “It sounded like glass breaking…” This made Frank jump onto Gerard’s lap, “Someone is trying to break into our house!” he screamed.

Gerard wrapped his arms tightly around Frank, “You’re over re-acting. No one is trying to break into our house…”

“Then how do you explain that noise?” Frank asked, agitated.

Maybe one of the glass dishes broke in the kitchen…” Seeing that Frank still looked frightened, Gerard lightly pressed his lips to Frank’s. Upon pulling away, he smiled and pushed Frank down on the couch, straddling him.

“Gerard, this is a bad time…” Frank moaned as Gerard began grinding his crotch against Frank’s. Gerard was beginning to unbutton Frank’s shirt when he heard a crashing noise.

Frank looked up at Gerard, terrified, “That sounded like it came from our bedroom…”
Gerard took a deep breath and grabbed a flashlight off the table. He turned it on, “I’ll be right back.” He stood up and slowly walked down the hall towards their bedroom, leaving Frank alone in the living room.

Gerard quietly cracked open the door and peered inside. Upon not seeing anything, he walked in. Once in the room he noticed that one of the windows were open, so he walked over and closed it. When he turned around, he saw that there was an array of clothes scattered on the floor. Confused as to how they got there he walked over and started picking them up. When he picked up one of Frank’s shirt’s he felt a searing pain in his index finger. He looked at it and a sticky read liquid was coming out of a cut on his finger.

He then pointed the flashlight directly on the floor and saw that it was littered with shards of glass. Quickly adding everything up, Gerard ran into the living room. He looked at the couch and upon seeing Frank; he fell to his knees and began bawling like a baby.

Frank was covered in blood, along with most of the blanket that was covering him. Gerard rubbed the tears from his eyes and slowly stood back up. He walked over to Frank and checked for a pulse, sure enough, there was none. Gerard suddenly knew that he had to get out of the house, but how? It was turning into a tornado outside.

Before Gerard could move, he felt a burning pain in the center of his back. He glanced around and watched as a masked stranger wiped blood off a knife. Gerard watched in horror as the stranger turned Gerard around to face him and stabbed him again in the chest. Gerard could feel the life draining from his body, until all the life was completely gone and he collapsed on the floor in front of the couch.

The masked figure smiled at what he had done. He took off his mask and threw it and his knife on the stomach of Gerard’s lifeless body, “Sorry brother.”

Mikey walked to the front door and opened it. He glanced back at the lifeless bodies once more before walking away.
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