Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I wont look back

I wont look back

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

When Frankie's pregnant he has to deal with alot of stress.. Mikey trying to kill himself, Bert killing himself. but then he's got Gerard and His son... But not forever.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-03-26 - Updated: 2010-03-26 - 631 words - Complete

I stood over the washtub with it in my hands

Waiting for the color to change and a cross or line to form.

I looked in the mirror for the shortest of times
but something blue stole my attention

Things were beginning to change.. The color was changing.
I nervously awaited for the finial result

The stick started to shake in my hand and the box of it in my other hand

two pink lines appeared on the stick thing
I quickly checked the box

Tears flew down my face

I was hopping from one foot to the other waving my hands around

Gerard wasn't gonna be home for another 2 hours and I had no idea on how I was gonna tell him

I double checked the pregnancy test over and over again

"Me... I'm gonna be a dad!"

There was no way possiable to stop myself from crying and smiling.
Gee always beats everyone home so I knew exatly how I was gonna tell him

I headed for the door, Took the keys, jumped in my car and went to the first store I could find

I killed the engien and went inside looking for chocolate whipped cream.
When I found it, I went back to the front of the store and grabbed a basket

I held the basket up under the shelf and pushed all the bottles of whiped cream in there.

"Hello" The check out person said trying to be friendly

"Wow this sure is alot of whipped cream"
"Yeah I have something importaint to tell my boyfriend"

I watched her as she realized what I ment
Her face fell

I gave her a quick smile, My Gerard is anything but discusting

"Have a good day" I called as I left that mean person with a screwed up face

I sat in the car and I remembered candles

I got another basket and went to the candle display
and did the same thing as I did with the cream.

I knew that bitch didn't want me to go to her check out. But I did just because I creeped her out

She stared scaning and didnt say one word. I knew she was still horrorfied about what I said.

"I need these to light up the darkness to see where I'm going" being pretty vocal about it meaning fucking Gee
"You know you are a horriable horriable person"

"Yes I am"
"God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"
"Well if thats what God wanted why would he let it happen"

I picked up my bag of candles and left. I know I fucked her on that one Haha stupid bitch!

When I was back in mine and Gees room I started placing unlit candles everywhere I possiably could
Then put the cream around the bed.

I put the black rose petals on the bed (I got them on the way home aswell)

My phone was ringing and I knew it was Gerard telling me that he was on his way home

"Hey Babe"
"Hello Gorgeous"
"Are you just leaving?"
"In about 20 minutes. Hope you dont mind I just got one more thing to finish then I'll be home"
"Okay Have fun"
"I will, I love you"
"I love you too Gee"

I hung up and went to get dressed into my maids outfit. Never used it before but I've had it for the longest of times.

Once I was safetly in it I 'Borrowed' One of Mikeys long coats because it was really cold
Then I got to work on lighting candles.

When they were all done I heard Gerards car pull in so I turned off the light and went into the bathroom
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