Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Savior

Hidden Imp

by Loise 0 reviews


Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Duo, Hilde, Quatre - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-04-20 - Updated: 2006-04-21 - 1515 words


The man pointed the gun directly at Quatre's head, next to him Hilde was scrambling as she tried to find a way to escape, in the back seat Duo was sitting calmly an odd expression on his face as he gripped his leg, knuckles white with force.

The gun was fired. With tremendous speed the bullet raced into the window where it impacted heavily digging deeply into the thick grass. The glass splintered under the force, spraying out in spider like web patterns.

A nervous smile on his face, Quatre with his hands in a blur as he reversed the car sharply from the stock still shooter, gun grasped loosely in his fingers. With a flip of his fingers, Quatre flicked the head lights on, so that shined directly in the shooter's face and on the empty silent streets. Quatre with his teeth clenched, took one last look at the frozen shooter, pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator.

Springing into action, the gun wielder fled into a side alley. With a fluid motion Quatre spun the car around to face the alley way with his head lights on full power, found nothing. The man had escaped, he was gone.

Breathing harshly, Quatre flashed a glance at Hilde. She was pale and was clutching at her seat with tight fingers. Giving Quatre a small smile, she nodded her okay. At the rear Duo was composed but for the big grin stretched across his face. Staring back at Duo, Quatre could clearly see the tension etched on his face as Duo took in a small gulp of air and then Duo collapsed in on himself as the adrenaline left him.

"Certainly wakes you up, don't you think?" Duo exclaimed into the anxious atmosphere of the car. Stretching himself, Duo shook his body, "Beats coffee anyhow."

"Let's just get out of here, you short cut gives me the creeps, Duo. Guess you don't know L4 as well as you thought you did," Hilde muttered brusquely at Duo, her lips pursed.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't," Duo said quietly as he lowered his chin to rest on his chest. A curious expression filtered across his face as his shoulders hunched.

Grinning anxiously in the atmosphere of nervous tension and at Hilde and Duo, Quatre affected a lighter tone when he spoke, "Let's just get out of here, okay? This was no one's fault." Quatre chuckled in relief, "I'm only glad I insisted on bullet proof glass."

In the back Duo nodded somberly while in the front Hilde gripped his hand, with a warm smile on her face, "Yeah, so am I Quatre, " Hilde whispered. Then added, "This place now gives me the willies. Get out here quick!"

Leaning back in his seat Duo nodded to Hilde's words, "Yeah, we're as late enough as it is. Une is going to kick my asses."

"Your asses?" Quatre and Hilde said together.

"Well, she'll excuse you Quatre, being the 'angel'." Here Quatre scrowled and stuck his tongue childishly at Duo in the rear mirror. Duo replied, his words muffled by snickering, "Yeah, well, you're so polite and all."

"I was a Gundam pilot! She tried to engineer my death! She captured me!"

"And yet..." Duo grinned as the car sped up.

"And me?" Hilde piped out, her curiosity piqued by what Duo might say.

"I'm a much bigger target Hilde, she is still harping on me about that silly report I failed to hand in."

Looking at him caught between amusement and anger, Hilde choose the route that made her happier. "So, your arse is bigger than mine?"

"Hmmm, I don't have a measuring tape but I suppose Quatre could compare and see whose ass is biggest."

"Er..." Quatre burst out awkwardly.

"Or maybe not," Hilde snapped.

"Speed up Quatre, we're late!" Duo said calmly.

Quatre concentrated on the road as Hilde and Duo bickered childishly.

"Late!" For a moment Hilde seemed to struggle for words as anger crossed her face, "You! You are the one who likes to be late, and always is! If I could reach and it wouldn't ruin the leather seats I would kill you!"

"Such sweet words from a fair maiden," Duo drawled, looking down right smug, "There is such a thing as fashionably late Hilde, and I intend to keep in style!" Duo murmured in a falsetto tone.

"Shut it! The only style you pay attention to is the latest in Guns and Ammo." Hilde snapped.

"Sweet maiden indeed." With a blown raspberry Duo settled back in his seat a grin on his face while Hilde fumed in the front.

In his driver's seat Quatre struck a off tune cheerful whistle, trying to break the mood that Hilde was emitting

"Shut it Winner." Hilde said quietly but seriously, her voice tight.

Quatre wisely did so after one quick look at her face. Women, Quatre thought, were very dangerous.


"...and then we arrived here at the Preventers. We tried to get here on time, but events and circumstances stopped us from doing so," Quatre shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly and charmingly. There is a small cut on his face and when he smiles it pulls and turns the smile into a grimace.

Duo frowned next to him, before shaking his head and smiling too. "That's pretty much what happened. I don't know what the hell happened to the man. He just disappeared."

"You suspect that there were other people involved in this carjacking? This attack?" Une murmured, brow creased, a pen that was loosely clasped in ger fingers tapping a piece of paper in front of her.

He shrugged, "I didn't see anyone else there, but, it would be logical if this was organized and I think that it is. That guy, while one crazy person, did know how to handle a gun. He just wasn't good or quick enough."

"Have you any suspicions on why you three were attacked?" Une asked, a light in her eyes indicating that she already had ideas about the attack.

There is a pause and for a while there is only tense glances and strange blank faces.

"Yes," Duo says slowly, "I think..." he stares at his hands before continuing again, "I believe that they were after Quatre, his position as CEO. They probably wanted to kidnap him and ransom him."

Une carefully shuffles a couple pieces of paper together. "That does make sense.

A pause and Duo looks away from the stare that Quatre is giving.


"This is ridiculous." Quatre says almost calmly, but his fists are clenched and his tone his tight. He's leaning against a locker, his bangs mussed by the shower mist.

"No," Duo mutters, throwing a clean shirt over his shoulders, and because of that he doesn't see the flash of anger that crosses Quatre's face before starts staring at the ground.

"You know what happened, you were there! They weren't simply over me, they didn't want to kidnap us, they wanted to kill us. It wasn't just me. They weren't after money but our lives."

"We're can't be too sure, Quatre and I'd rather - "

"This isn't like you." Quatre frowns. "I don't understand why - "

"Then you don't know me very well at all, do you Quatre?" Duo says just calmly as Quatre was before. The locker slams after him as he holsters his gun under a baggy leather jacket. A cap is added to his head, hiding his features.

Quatre watches open mouthed as Duo leaves the locker room before sinking to the ground and resting his head back he stares at the ceiling.

"Something isn't right. Something..."

Everything darkens as the lights go out.

Quatre suddenly realizes that he is alone, all showers have stopped and every person has left. There is no one but him and his heavy breathing. That's him, isn't it?

Standing quickly, his tries to see anything in the oppressing darkness, reaching out with one hand. All he feels in the slimy feel of the wet lockers and heavy, hot air.

It feels so hollow he thinks as he tries to soothe his breathing, him surrounded by nothing, the huge room like cave. No one speaks. The sound of water, dripping, slowly makes him twitch.

Whirling around, as he hears hurried footprints, Quatre nearly loses balance as the ground seems slides under his feet. That isn't right, he thinks, finding his balance. He brings a hand to his forehead, it's warmer than it should be and clammy with sweat.

There is the sound of metal against metal, smooth and slick, as well as deadly.

The darkness blurs as the footsteps speed up and something hard hits his skull. Red, dark crimson screws up his vision as he blindly lashes out with a kick, he hits something, but he can't be sure what when he falls to the ground.

Sweet, is now all that he feels and smells. Sweet and overpowering, he struggles against the multiple hands trying to escape, but they press him down until there is nothing.

Nothing to feel, nothing to smell, nothing to think.
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