Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pen Pals


by MCR_Vampire_321 5 reviews

Short chapter, but another chatroom addict tells Roxy something about NotEmo that she didn't want to hear...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-03-29 - Updated: 2010-03-29 - 446 words - Complete

Roxys POV...

I sat down at my computer screen again. I knew it was still only 5.30 and we'd agreed to meet at 6... But I couldn't wait that long.
I clicked on the chatroom and noticed Toran was online. My 'penpal' wasn't so I decided to talk to Toran.

MCRGirl - Hi Toz :)
Tozzy - Sorry I didn't come online yesterday, my mum has banned me from the chatroom.

Her mum works at our school as a sort of supply. If a teacher is off ill, they call in Toran's mom. She hates having her mom work at the school.

MCRGirl - If you're banned what are you doing online?
Tozzy - Since when did I care what my mum says?
MCRGirl - That is true.
Tozzy - Shit! She's coming in! I'd better log off... Bye...
MCRGirl - Uhh, bye!

I clicked the little x in the corner of the chatbox and looked to see if NotEmo was online yet. Still nothing. But we had said 6.
Somebody's talking to me. The name is YourFriend...

YourFriend - Are you talking to somebody called NotEmo over private chat?
MCRGirl - Yeah, but I don't see how it's any of your buisness.
YourFriend - Stop talking to him.
MCRGirl - Why should I? Like I said, it's none of your buisness.
YourFriend - He's a liar.
MCRGirl - How would you know?
YourFriend - He was talking to my friend, a couple of months ago. He made him believe that he was Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. It took him a while to make him believe it, but he did. Then my friend went to meet up with him and he wasn't who he said he was. Just a pervert who had more things on his mind than just getting coffee with him.

I started at the screen in shock. Surely he couldn't be possible of this!
Then I thought back to the conversations we had had. He hadn't said he was an MCR Fan, he said he guessed he was. He said he was years older than me.

MCRGirl - Are you sure?
YourFriend - He looks for girls like you (I'm assuming you're a girl) that write MCR or Gerard Way and things in their names and talks to them. He makes them believe...
MCRGirl - Then why hasn't somebody reported him?
YourFriend - Some things are hard to explain.

I clicked the X in the corner and noticed that NotEmo was online.
Which should I do? Carry on talking to NotEmo and see if what YourFriend is saying is true? Ignore him and forget him?
I thought about it and then I made my choice.
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