Categories > Original > Horror

Didnt your mother ever tell you!

by midnightlover 0 reviews

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-04-11 - Updated: 2010-04-11 - 1020 words

I ran I ran for my life, I couldn’t stop I had to keep going or else the vicious beast would get me. Beads of perspiration rolled down my forehead, I wiped it away, a burning pain rose in my calf’s. I wanted so much to cry out and stop, to fall to the ground, I was so exhausted but I knew I couldn’t. I could hear the beast coming closer and closer, the trees snapped, the leaves crunched as he tore through them. His deadly howl of hell ripped through the crisp night air. I didn’t have a chance, beast against human, nobody would. Twigs from branches whipped at me slashing up my pale skin like a dozen knifes. It only drove the beast madder for the lust of my sweet delicious red blood. I turned my head to see how far away he was, but failed only succeeding in tripping over a bunch of dead fall. I screamed, and crashed into the hard forest floor. I looked around expecting him to come out and gobble me up, but nothing I didn’t see nor hear him. I smiled in triumphant, I had lost him, but it didn’t last long. From the darkness the beast no the werewolf a appeared creeping ever so quietly towards me. His yellow eyes stared at me in delight, I was like a snack, and he was hungry. He started to move swiftly, just like the wolf he was. His body was disfigured; hair grew out almost everywhere, muscles bulged out. His mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth, which gleamed in the moon light. He was truly a beast. I stared at him in fright, he let out another howl of peer terror, he was enjoying this. His back legs started to coil he’s going to pounce. I closed my eyes waiting for his body to crash into mine. His teeth would rip open my throat, making a bloody mess, razor sharp claws to dig into my stomach, and rip out my inner organs one by one and eat them in satisfaction, but worst of all he would of course make me watch. My blood would be drained, and I would die of a horrible death. Nobody would have heard my screams of agony or even bin able to help but nothing like that happened. I opened my eyes to see a guy my age maybe a year older, ripping the werewolf to shreds. They where locked in a viscous battle. Blood spirited out of the deep wounds the guy had inflicted. The werewolf howled out in pain. The guy grabbed the werewolf upper and lower jaw and started to rip them apart. As he pulled blood gushed out everywhere, a horrible screaming screechy sound escaped its mouth before a snapping sound, then death. The guy pushed him off, he fell to the ground limp into his own puddle of blood. My eyes bulged out of my sockets at what had just taken place in front of me. My eyes strayed from the dead werewolf to the guy soaked in blood; he stared back at me with pitch black eyes. The guy took a step closer. I tried to move, to get away, but couldn’t I was frozen to my spot.
“Don’t be scared,” he chuckled! I recognized that voice, but how. He came closer again slowly inching forward. His long black dirty hair cascaded over his pale face, fangs protruded from his gums. He was tall and very strong. Vampire, I thought, geez I hope he doesn’t sparkle.
“I, I, I know you,” I whispered, to scared to actually say anymore. He looked at me in surprise then his features softened.
“Do you now,” he whispered.
“I have seen you fallowing me, sneaking around.” He came closer. I was shocked I knew who he was. “Alexander,” I blurted out, “It can’t be, I haven’t seen you since we were little kids!” Alexander smiled, and helped me up. He enveloped me in his huge arms hugging me. Relief washed over me I was safe, If only I knew.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he lied as he mumbled into my hair.
“I’ve missed you to,” tears sprang out, pouring down my face. I was so happy to see him again. His body began to shake like he was crying or laughing silently.
“Alexander, are you alright?” he looked at me and smirked. I looked up in to his eyes and noticed how blue they where, kind of hypnotic I’d say.
“I love you so much,” he lied. “Please forgive me Lily.” His arms tightened around me, I grew scared. What was he talking about? Wings of bone, flesh, and blood ripped out of Alexander back. A sick demented smile appeared across his face. What the hell was going on?
“Alexander, your really scaring me, what is going on?” I cried.
“I’m going to kill you.” He smirked.
“What are you?” I screamed, fighting to get away. My heart began to race; I could hear it in my own ears. Thump, thump, thump.
“Your worst nightmare, oh and I’m not Alexander” he chuckled before swiftly biting into my neck. I screamed in pain. It felt like thousands of needles being driven into my neck, my body felt as though fire was tarring its way through out my body, slowly making its way to my heart adding only more pain and suffering to my torment. I wish I would die. I became drowsy. Alexander ripped his fangs out of my neck. Blood was smeared across his mouth, my blood.
“Good bye Lily,” he whispered before a sharp pain went driving through my back ripping out my heart then through my chest. I died instantly.
“Stupid human girl, didn’t your mother ever warn you not to go into the forest at night especially alone,” he scowled, “With creatures like me lurking around,” he laughed sinisterly before dropping my life less body to the ground and disappeared into the night.
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