Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > God Help Us

A Whole Lot Of Whats - Chapter Eight

by EvieSaunders 10 reviews

'"Shit. I'll call 911"'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-04-17 - Updated: 2010-04-17 - 769 words

Chapter Eight:

"Oh my god! Oh my god!!"
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself laying on the floor of the schools courtyard. Books and pens were scattered all around me.
"She's awake!"
"Wha.. What are you doing here?" I asked as I saw a panicked girl standing over me next to Sam, Jamie, Amanda, Frank and Mikey.
I reached my hand up to my banging head and realised the girl was the one who bumped into the day I went home and found Brooke gone.
"I bumped into you and you hit your head real hard on the concrete."
"No. I dropped out of school. I shouldn't be here!"
I began to push myself up but Mikey sat me down again.
"Tues, this is the second day of school you have been to. Last night was Gerard's party." Jamie said.
Amanda and Frank both exchanged glances and Sam came and sat down next to me.
"No. NO! I live with Gerard! Its been two weeks since this happened!"
Jamie covered her mouth with her hands and gasped.
"What's wrong with her?" Jamie asked out loud to no one in particular.
Frank shrugged his shoulders and sat by me, brushing my hair out of my face.
"Honey, none of that's true" He said.
"Your Lucy!" I shouted, pointing at the girl who bumped me over.
I remembered her name as soon as I saw her silver bracelet.
"How do you know that?" She asked.
For I moment I could see she believed what I was saying.
"She could have heard your name anywhere..." Amanda said.
"No. This is my first day at school. I haven't told anyone my name yet."
"Should we call 911?" Sam asked.
She looked real concerned.
"She's bleeding!" Jamie blurted out, kneeling down next to Mikey and holding his hand.
I reached up to the back of my head and felt a hot liquid trickling from something. I ran my fingers through my hair and winced as my finger landed in a deep gash.
"Shit. I'll call 911" Frank said pulling his phone out.
"No, I'll call. Stay with her." Mikey said getting up, Amanda followed.
Frank took his place and rested his hand on my back to support me.
"Fuck off all of you!" Frank screamed at the large group of people surrounding me.
They slowly stepped a couple of steps back.
"Brookes dead, Jamie! You must know this!"
Sam shushed me and began to dab at the back of my head. I ignored the pain.
"I don't. Oh please Frank! Do something!"
Jamie turned around, she was close to tears.
"Did I tell you my name last time?" Lucy asked.
"Don't encourage her!" Sam snapped.
Lucy looked down at her bracelet and played with the charms.
She turned around, her face wet with tears.
"You stole Franks car keys as you pulled him back! You ran out to come drive me home after I bumped into Lucy!"
Jamie's face turned white. Frank turned around and looked at her.
"Did you?" He asked.
Jamie only nodded her head and burst out crying.
"I took your keys. I was going to go out and offer her a lift after! Tues, how did you know I took them?!"
"It happened!"
"I think she's concust" Sam said.
"You think?" Frank said rolling his eyes.
Mikey soon ran up with Amanda.
"We called 911. A ambulance is on the way!" Mikey said.
"Are you okay?" Amanda asked, sitting down next to Frank.
"Amanda... does she look okay?"
I couldn't hold it in anymore. Maybe Brooke is still at home now. Maybe I could save her. I looked pleadingly over to Lucy who looked like she believed what I was saying. She nodded her head and pulled out her phone. She began to dial a number.
"What are you doing?" Amanda asked her.
"You're not calling them are you?!"
"It won't stop bleeding!" Sam squealed.
She was now in tears too.
"Hello police?"
Lucy held up her finger and walked off.
"Is she nuts?" Frank said.
The pain in my head began to get worse and worse and I felt myself get sleepy. I closed my eyes for a few seconds when no one was looking.
"Tuesday, TUESDAY?! OPEN YOUR EYES!" Frank yelled.
I felt my body being swallowed by darkness as I gave into the pain.

A/N: So I hope you understand. She basically woke up on the day she bumped into Lucy and nothing has happened... yet ;) Hope you enjoyed :) xo
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