Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers


by AnythingButThis 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-04-25 - Updated: 2010-04-26 - 887 words

We were walking for quite some time and I was getting bored and stuff you know. How boring would it be if you were here and walking in silence with two people and one is your flesh and blood.

“Damn I can’t take this silence anymore someone has to talk or something.” I said; I was getting paranoid.

“Hey but you talked.” Frank said. Oh gosh how weird is that, ha I must be stupid I broke the silence anyways.

“Thanks captain obvious!?” I said sarcastically.
“So how old are you? Since I know nothing from Ray’s little sis. Just tell me about yourself” Frank asked. How can Ray not talk to them about me? Well maybe he is trying to be the overprotective brother and stuff. Well the only to people that have been acting like my brothers is my cousin Ryan and his boyfriend Brendon. Yes, I am related to Ryan Ross. Weird too huh, he is from my dad side of the family. But enough about that!

“Um I am 20, well just turned 20 as of two days ago. I love to draw and listen to music most of the time. I am going to college right now, but I am on my spring break. So, saying I am staying home alone. Um, I like to watch horror movies and Tim Burton, movies. He is so awesome and play guitar.” I said finishing my short biography of me. “I don’t know what else.”

“Yes, see Ray I am not the only one who watches Tim Burton movies. Ha now I have a movie buddy.” Frank said jumping up and down like a little kid waiting to open his toys on Christmas Day. I started laughing so hard, that I had to sit down. So I wouldn’t fall down.

When I finally calmed down, I stood up and said, “So how long to have to keep walking to this place we are going to. But hell where are we going to.” I said getting confused not knowing where I am going.

“We are going to Gee’s house.” Ray said. Oh the lead singer of the band. I kind of have a crush on him and well shhh it’s a secret, I thought.

Like five minutes later we ended up at a familiar house to me. Oh my freaking bob and I have been coming to this house ever sine last summer. I have become really good friends with Donna and Don.

“Dude you didn’t tell me we were coming to see Donna, I mean this is just so weird.” I said

“What you’ve been here before?” Ray asked.

“Yeah like ever since like two summers ago.” I said I we approached the door. Before I even knocked on the door. Donna was already there with a smile on her face.

“Oh Avery what are you doing here? Oh see you ran into your brother and Frank. I hope you didn’t have trouble with the five year old.” She said

“Hey!” Frank retorted.

“Come in so I can introduce you to the rest.” She asked and I nodded. Ooh this was going to be good.

“Hey is dad home.” I said, “Miss him and you too.” Said hugging Donna as we went inside. When I heard footsteps approaching us. I looked up, it was Don.

“DADDY!!!” I screamed my sugar was kicking in. I went over and hugged him.

“Someone had way to much sugar, right.” He asked and I nodded. “Frank we have a new buddy for you.”

“Huh?” Frank said confused.

“What the hell.” Someone said, “Did she just call you dad.” We went into the living room where the rest were located. When we went in I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. Yes I was looking at the floor. Cause I got shy all of a sudden. When I looked up I saw the most beautiful hazel eyes looking into my chocolate brown ones. We broke the dazzling stare, when somebody cleared his or her throat.

“Bob, Mickey, Gee, this is…” Donna started and I interrupted by saying, “Avery, Avery Helena Toro Ortiz.”

That when Bob bolted up, “Oh Ray why didn’t you tell us you was married.” He said.

“Hold up, what! No, now that is just gross. I’m his little sister.” I said. Before Ray can say something else.

“Oh, so you’re the girl sister he said he has.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He came to me and hugged me, even though I was told he doesn’t like hugs. When he let go. A guy with blacked rimmed glasses came to me and put his hand out.

“Hi I’m Mikey, it a pleasure to meet Ray’s sis.” He said and went back to sit down. I saw he was trying to make his brother go say hi. I knew he was his brother, cause of what Donna told me. He came up to me and did the same as Mikey. But when I touched his hand I felt a jolt of electricity go through my arm. I think he felt that to. Cause we let go almost instantly.

“I’m uh…I’m Gerard.” He said.
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