Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM

i hate summaries... (yup, that's my summary!)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-05-12 - Updated: 2010-05-12 - 487 words

heya! here's an update. hope ya likey!

Brendon's POV

I watched as the ambulance drove him away. I wanted him so much. I was wrong, I didn't want Hannah. 'What was I THINKING?! At least I know I'm gay...' I thought, as I sat curled up on the bedroom floor. I opened one of the small boxes under the bed and made a few deep cuts. The blood trickling down my arms relaxed me. I sighed as I placed the razor back in the box,a dn kicked it back under the bed. I wlaked to the bathroom and turned on the water. The hot water. I watched the liquid flood into the tub. I pulled off my clother, revealing other cuts and scars, some newish and others old and faded. I turne doff the water and climbed into the boiling water, letting it wash my new self-inflicted wounds. The liquid was burning against my skin, the pain was almost unbearable. I was about to submerge my head and end my life for good. It was all I wanted, I only ruined others lives. But the telephone rang, breaking the eerie silence. I climbed out of the bath, water droplets resting on my now red skin. I ran to the phone, still completely naked, and picked it up.
'Hello? Is this the number of the contact for Mr. Ross?' A voice siad. I knew it was a doctor.
'Y-yeah' I said, stuttering because of the crippling pain I was currently in.
'Yeah, well, I have some good news. He's going to be fine, he should wake up in the next 48 hours. There is a larghe chance we will put him on suicide watch, just to be safe. Unless the reason could be changed...' The doctor told me. I breathed a long, deep sigh of relief. But the reson why he'd done ti was obvious. It was all my fault. If I got back with him, he'd never do it again. I knew what I had to do. And honestly, I wanted to do that more than anything. I missed him.
'T-thanks' I said, stuttering again.
'Something wrong, sir?' The doctor asked, a hint of concern seeping into his voice. I was sure it was just an act though. It's not like doctors REALLY care about their patients.
'N-no... I'm f-fine' I said, hanging up the phone. I raced into the room I used to share with Ryan, the same room I found Ryan unconcious just a few hours earlier.. I threw on his dressing gown. It was really tight, and barely fit, but I didn't have a choice, unless I wanted to sleep naked, which I didn't. It was only half seven at night, but I climbed straight into the bed, letting my muscles relax, my body still throbbing. I sighed and shut my eyes, before falling into a dreamless sleep.
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