Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Kisses

Gardenia (kiss #11)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A series of related short stories based on Live Journal's 30 Kisses

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-04-23 - Updated: 2006-04-23 - 1999 words

Gardenia (#11)
By kira

Author's note: more LJ kisses based on "Moonlight" featuring Izayoi and Inutaisho.

Wikipedia defines a gardenia as a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and Oceana. Gardenia plants are prized for the strong sweet scent of their flowers, which can be very large in some species. In Japan and China, Gardenia augusta is called Kuchinashi; the bloom is used as a yellow dye, which is used for food and clothes. Gardenia augusta is the plant used here...

Inutaisho stood there, arms folded neatly across his chest as he watched Uekiya plant the small tree in the courtyard garden just outside Izayoi's room. She had just given birth to their son, Inuyasha, the day before and while the human woman was recovering in his wife's rooms, he decided to take the opportunity to have a gardenia tree planted in honor of Inuyasha's birth.

Uekiya thought it was an odd choice, but kept such thoughts to himself. Besides, he'd much rather plant one small tree than a whole garden of flowers anyway. "It looks beautiful here in the corner just like you said it would, Dono-sama," the old gardener said as he straightened up and stood back from the tree. "And the changing light and shadow it'll get from the old pine on the other side of the wall is perfect for it. But why such a tree?"

"Arigatou. It's just that I remembered Izayoi-hime once saying that there was one just outside her room as a child and she told me about much she loved the scent of it. I was very happy to have come across this one too. I think it's a fitting gift, ne?"

" is." The old gardener smiled. "And it'll cause less talk around here than replanting the garden would," he said wryly.

The dog general laughed. "How true! This way you'll be spared the fun of creating a new garden for my wife. Oh, I have another flowering quince for you to plant in the okugata's peony garden. I found this beautiful one in my travels that is most amazing. It has red, white and pink flowers on the same plant!" he laughed. "I bet once Oniyuri-hime sees it; she'll want some cuttings for her bonsai garden-"

"And that'll be enough to take the okugata-sama's mind off the new pup, ne?"

"Hai..." the dog general laughed as the old gardener shook his head.


The day after Inuyasha's seventh day celebration, Izayoi was sent back to her rooms as Inuyasha had proved to be a noisy pup and the okugata-sama was tired of his constant crying and fussing.

So Inutaisho hurried through his morning meetings as today was the day he planned on showing Izayoi her gift of the gardenia. He made his way swiftly through the palace corridors and before he knew it, he had entered the women's quarters. Another few paces and he stood just outside her room. Inutaisho knelt before the low door and knocked softly.

"Who is it?" Izayoi said softly as she nursed her newborn son.

"It's me, Koishii," he replied. "May I enter?"


Minutes later, the dog general was inside, holding his sleeping son as he explained to his mate that he had something for her in the garden.

"Hontoni, my love?" Izayoi smiled at him, her fatigue momentarily forgotten.

"Hai...Let's just put Inu-chan to sleep in his basket and we can go," the dog general said as he stood up and walked over to the soft woven grass basket Inuyasha slept in. After settling the infant hanyou down for his nap, he gathered Izayoi in his arms and held her close.

Izayoi loved the feel of his arms around her and she sighed contentedly, giggling softly when he kissed the top of her head.

"If you're tired, you can sleep too, and I'll show you the gift another time," Inutaisho murmured into the top of her head.

"Iie, it's alright, I'll be fine. Honestly, I don't think I would able to sleep much, as you've made me very curious to see it, my love."

"Very well then, let's go!" Inutaisho said, and gathering Izayoi up in his arms, he carried her to the shoji leading to the courtyard. After some careful maneuvering on his part and giggling on hers, they were outside on the low covered veranda. Two steps later they were heading towards the far corner of the garden. Once there, Inutaisho gently set her down. "What do you think?"

"I love it! It's just like the one from when I was a little girl! Where did ever find one like it?"

He smiled. "I found it in my travels. When I saw it, I knew you would like it."

"I do! It's the perfect gift. Everyone that sits out here will be able to enjoy it, and when he's big enough, I'll be able to sit in its shade while Inu-chan plays. Domo arigatou, my love," Izayoi said happily as she melted into his embrace.

"Douitashimashite, I'm just glad you like it..." His soft murmuring voice drew her attention upwards and as Izayoi shifted to look up at him, Inutaisho leaned in and captured her lips with his own, heedless of the talk that would have flown around the women's quarters if anyone had seen them. Breaking the kiss, Inutaisho said softly, "Come, you need your rest."


He kissed her again before they walked slowly back to her room where they spent the time napping until Inuyasha woke up, loudly demanding to be fed.


In the short time they had together, the gardenia became a symbol of their love for each other. Whenever Izayoi would make a flower arrangement for her beloved, she always included a branch of its blooms. This day was no different, for Inutaisho was soon leaving to go battle the dragon Ryukotsusei, and she wanted him to take not only the memories of their time spent together, but she wanted him to have something beautiful to look at while taking a break from the stresses of planning a battle. As she stepped outside, she could see her son playing ball with his older brother. Izayoi smiled, thinking Tsuki was right; no matter how loudly he said otherwise, Sesshomaru really did seem to enjoy his time spent with Inuyasha. She greeted the two brothers briefly before heading over to the tree and was pleased to see it awash with blossoms. Sighing softly, she picked a few of its delicate blooms, placing them carefully in her basket before moving on to gather some of the other flowers that grew in the courtyard's garden. Soon she had enough for her arrangement which she made while her friend Tsuki visited.

When Inutaisho later came to say goodbye, he told her that his wife had loved the arrangement as well. Izayoi took it to heart and days later when things had settled down in the palace, Izayoi decided the time was right to make an arrangement for the okugata-sama. Instead of finding the creamy white blooms, she found that the blossoms were all starting to fade. So she was forced to pick some of the branches off the little cherry tree that grew in the corner as well as few off the azaleas. Shrugging she picked those and as she did so she noticed that whatever white blooms were left, were brown at the edges as they were beginning to fade.

"Do you think the okugata-sama will like it if I use these pink blossoms instead? The dono-sama had said she loved the white arrangement..."

"Hai. I think so, Maru-chan once told me she loved the color pink," Tsuki said as she helped pick flowers.

"Hai, that's right. If I remember correctly she did have a lot of pink in her rooms. And she loves to wear anything pink."

Tsuki giggled, "That's because Atsuimi-hime says she wears pink because she thinks it makes her look younger."

"Hontoni? Really?" Izayoi giggled. "Oh look! The old azalea's buds are turning red," she said, pulling a branch forward so that Tsuki could see the red buds. "It's never done that before. I wonder if Uekiya knows why it's turning red instead of pink..."

"Who knows?" Tsuki shrugged. "Come let's get these inside so we can start to arrange them before Maru-chan gets tired of amusing Inu-chan. As sweet as he is, you know there'll be flowers all over the place and split water if we're not finished by the time they get here."

"Hai, but it's so adorable the way he wants to help. It's really good that Hiromasa was so understanding about Inu-chan's additions to the treaty."

"Hai, although Maru-chan wasn't very happy about it, they still got the treaty the dono-sama wanted despite the fact Inu-chan wrote his name all over it."


The two women chatted away while they made their flower arrangements blissfully unaware of what was happening a hundred ri away in the mountains.


Inutaisho fought long and hard against Ryukotsusei. It was a difficult battle as both clans were evenly matched in what would come to be known as the Great War. It went on for days with neither side giving quarter until Inutaisho somehow managed to seal the old dragon to the side of the mountain. Once that had happened the remaining dragons gave up the fight and scattered like dust in the wind. Both sides had suffered heavy losses and as the dogs surveyed the aftermath, the dog general collapsed on his way to his tent. And word was quickly sent home...


Izayoi hurriedly picked some gardenia sprays for her beloved. She had a feeling he would soon be leaving for the next realm, especially when the okugata-sama asked her to keep watch with her, and she wanted to have something, however small, that not only reminded him of her but would help ease his passing.

"How is he?" Izayoi asked as she came over to sit with the okugata-sama.

"Not good... The Tensaiga has been very unresponsive too. I have no idea why..."


The dog queen nodded. "I've had it sent to Toutou-sai. Maybe he can see what's wrong with it. All I can say is that damned fool had better be back here soon, or else..." She reached over and wiped her husband's brow. "I see you've brought some fresh gardenias; he loves their scent."

"Hai. I thought that would make him feel better."

"Arigatou, they do seem to help somewhat." The dog queen clapped her hands and a servant appeared. "Take the flowers from Ningen-hime and arrange them in the vase for her. Then bring us some tea."

"Hai!" After bowing deeply, the servant hurried to do her mistress' bidding.

The two women who loved Inutaisho sat quietly keeping vigil, and the only sounds in the room aside from the soft sipping of tea were the dog general's ragged breathing. It grew louder and more ragged with each passing minute until it finally ceased after one long rattling breath and both women knew he was gone.

"Gomen nasai...I'm so sorry..." Izayoi said with a sob.

The okugata-sama closed her eyes, blinking back her own tears. "Don't be, you've made him very happy and I appreciate it..."

"Arigatou..." Izayoi whispered and the dog queen held up a hand to silence her protests.

The okugata-sama leaned forward and gently kissed her husband good bye before she rose in one fluid motion. "Stay here while I make arrangements," she said softly and with a rustle of silk she was gone leaving Izayoi alone with her mate.

She leaned forward and gently kissed Inutaisho good bye as well, before straightening up and giving herself over to her tears, the scent of the gardenias making her sorrow all the more deeper than it was. "Goodbye, my love," she whispered softly. May we meet again and always be together...
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