Categories > Celebrities > Metallica > That Was Just Your Life

Thorn Within

by devilsgyrl

Things just get worse for Olivia...

Category: Metallica - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-05-16 - Updated: 2010-05-16 - 1957 words

Ever so slowly, I lifted my eyelids and met Ray's amused gaze. I certainly didn't want to "try something new" with him today. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know what this "something new" was going to be. I stayed on the ground, lying on my back and looking up at Ray with fearful, unsure eyes.

Ray laughed at my expression and raised an eyebrow at me as he asked, "Have you ever had oral sex before, girl?" I scrunched my face up at the thought of having oral sex and spontaneously shook my head. Why the hell would I want to have oral sex? In my opinion, oral sex was even more disgusting than sexual intercourse. Ray wasn't actually going to force me to have oral sex with him...was he? I could see by the smug expression on Ray's face that it was exactly what he intended to do with me.

"Lick me, won't you?" Ray asked, pointing to his cock that was hard as rock and looked very large and evil in the darkness of the alley. When I hesitated, Ray's eyes narrowed and he put a hand on the shiny gun that always rested by his side. Knowing I didn't have a choice about this, I reluctantly leaned forward and ran my tongue tentatively over Ray's cock. It was a slimy and gruesome process. I couldn't wait to get Ray out of my mouth and run back home.

"Good girl," Ray praised as if he was talking to a very young child. Then, without warning, he pushed all the way into my mouth and commanded, "Now that you've got that hand of that, suck me off." I choked as Ray shoved his cock into the back of my throat, cutting off my air supply. I tried to cough, but that was nearly impossible since Ray filled my entire mouth and most of my throat. Knowing I had to find another way to breathe, I exhaled through my nose and then inhaled the same way. It wasn't exactly the easiest way to breathe, but at least I wasn't going to suffocate.

Since Ray and I both knew that he wasn't going to let me out of this hell hole until I had done what he had demanded, I closed my lips around his cock and sucked down on him while Ray pushed further into my throat. As he pushed back and forth, I squished up my face with disgust. This whole process was sickening. In a sense, it was worse than the usual rape because I had to do most of the work here. At least when Ray fucked me, all I had to do was lay still and let him do all the dirty work.

After what seemed like an eternity to me, but was probably not that long of a time, Ray finally came. I could taste his filthy, rancid juices fill my mouth. I don't know what came over me, but I had a sudden impulse to spit. Without bothering to think about the consequences of my actions, I spat out the damn liquid all over Ray's chest, gagging all the while.

There was a long silence while Ray watched me gag and spit out every last drop of his cum. When I was done, he gave me a strange look and said, "That wasn't too bad, but you could definitely use some work. We'll practice this more tomorrow." My heart sank at his words; we were going to do this again already tomorrow? I wanted to argue with him or suggest going back to regular intercourse, but I knew that arguing would only get me into more trouble. So instead of arguing, I just nodded obediently and climbed on my hands and knees over to where my school bag sat in the corner of the alley. I ignored Ray while he dressed and opened my bag to search for my water bottle.

While I rummaged through the bag, Ray announced loudly, "I'm leaving now. I'll meet you tomorrow at the normal place." I didn't even bother to acknowledge or respond to Ray as I continued to root through my bag, knowing that I needed pure water to cleanse my mouth. That was when I remembered that I had drank all the water in my water bottle in gym earlier today because we had to run the mile. Shit! Now I was going to have to deal with this rotting taste in my mouth for the whole way home.

As I walked home, my thoughts were focused on Ray. I kept thinking about how I'd like to see him in pain. He needed a taste of his own medicine, that was for sure! I would give so much see him suffer for what he had done to me. The only thing I felt towards Ray was animosity. I couldn't believe how I had actually wanted to be friends with him when we had first met!

But somehow as I was thinking all this, the image of Ray being tortured in my head faded and a friendly voice calling my name entered my head instead. The voice calling my name was James' voice, I was positive about that. Why did I keep thinking about James though? I needed to forget about him and get him out of my brain! How exactly was I suppose to do that though? No matter how hard I tried, he kept popping up in my head or cornering me in school. There had to be a reason why he kept following me around. It obviously wasn't because he wanted to be friends with me. After all, I had turned into a rude, seclusive girl who had been nothing but mean to him. To be honest, I couldn't see why anyone in the whole world would want to be friends with me.

But anyways, back to James. If he didn't want me for my friendship, than what did he want me for? There had to be something he wanted me for. It simply wasn't natural for a nice boy like James to go around stalking the school's monastic freak. The only explanation for his behavior was that he wanted me for the same reason Ray did. That was all there was to it.

~ ~ ~ ~

When I finally arrived home about fifteen minutes later, I opened the door as silently as I could, hoping my mother would already be in bed. I had been getting home so late that I usually didn't even have an opportunity to see her before she went to bed. That was all fine by me. The less I saw her, the better. Of course, I did end up getting yelled at in the morning for my "bad behavior" though. And if she was in a foul mood, she would slap my cheeks or hit me. I was starting to put her abuse into perspective though. After all, what she did to me was absolutely nothing compared to what Ray was making me go through. My mother had created a storm cloud over my life, but Ray had made the storm cloud rain continually.

As I snuck inside the house and silently closed the door behind me without a sound, I noticed that the light in the living room was still on. That certainly wasn't a good sign. The light in the living room was only left on it my mom was still up. I glanced at my watch and frowned. My mother was never up at this time. Something strange had to be going on.

Almost a little bit worried now, I dropped my school bag to the floor and rushed inside the living room, calling all the while, "Mom? Mom, are you still up?" The sight that met my eyes in the living room was pretty disgusting. My mom was lying flat on her back with a shattered beer bottle surrounding the floor nearby her. There was a small cut on her cheek and blood was trickling out of it ever so slowly. Her mouth was hanging wide open and her eyes were closed. I shook my head as I noticed the five other empty beer bottles that were littered around the kitchen.

My mom was definitely overdoing it. If she wasn't careful, she was going to intoxicate herself and end up dying. Deciding to pick up the mess for her, I dug the old broom out of the pantry and began to carefully sweep the glass shards into a pile. I was really tired though and only half-awake, so somehow I missed one shard and ended up stabbing my foot with it. I yowled in pain and grabbed a dishcloth that was lying on the corner. Pressing the dishcloth to my aching foot, I tried to stop the bleeding.

Now I was starting to feel angry with my mom. Couldn't she see what she was doing to herself? Couldn't she see that she was ruining her life and mine as well? If only she could try to clean up. If she could ditch the alcohol, I wouldn't ever have to come home from school to find her passed out bleeding with a smashed beer bottle around her. And if she disposed of the alcohol, I knew for a fact that I would have my sweet, caring mother back. I longed to have my old mother back so much. That mother had loved and cared for me. She would've been supportive of me through all I was going through and I might even have trusted her enough to tell her about what Ray was doing to me and about the pain I was suffering through everyday as a result of it.

By now, my foot had stopped bleeding and I tossed the rag aside and returned to dumping the strewn glass shards into the garbage. Once the floor was officially cleaned of the shards, I sank to my mother's side and wiped the blood trickling from her face. After that, I heaved her up into a sitting position and put a pillow behind her head. I couldn't really do much more for her after that. All I could do now was wait for her to wait up from her hangover the next morning.

Not wanting to go to bed quite yet, I sat down at the living room table and put my head in my heads. I decided that tomorrow would be the day where I would try to get a job. I would get up extra early and see if I could find a job as a cashier at the local drug store. I figured that would be an easy job since the drug store was close by and I would easily be able to walk to it. The only problem was the question of when I was going to work. I pretty much had two options; I could work early in the morning before school or after school. After school would be kind of hard since I never knew how long Ray was going to hold me up for after school. It would make a lot more sense to get a morning job even if it meant waking up at three or four in the morning.

After all, it wasn't like I got tired easily, right? Just as I was thinking that, a big yawn slid out of my mouth. I scowled and straightened up in my chair, repeating the phrase, "I am not tired!", over and over again in my head. But after only repeating it four times, I felt my eyelids drooping and my body leaving my control as I drifted right off to the chambers of darkness.
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