Categories > Original > Romance

Chemical Reaction

by AnnieJane 0 reviews

“We are a chemical reaction baby, nothing more nothing less”

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-05-16 - Updated: 2010-05-17 - 160 words - Complete


Chemical Reaction

"We are a chemical reaction baby, nothing more nothing less". As your words bite I feel the pain, but it's dulled when you smile like that. If you were to smile forever I believe I would throw away everything I ever knew just for the hope of being with you. But you and I are just a chemical reaction, nothing more and nothing less. And we'd need so much more to pass this test. Love is not love with you, its just some man-made creation there to keep the loneliness at bay. That's why I can't be alone with you I need the camera there to stop me feeling like I'm loosing myself in you. I want to be me and the thought that we could meld into the same being scares me like nothing else. To change our chemical position of two into one is not something that I want. That is something that I can't have.

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