Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM

..................................... xD

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-05-24 - Updated: 2010-05-24 - 376 words

heya, it's update time! since this one is kinda short, I might put anothe rone up staright after, okayy?? But then again... I can't promise you so...

Gerard's POV

'Hey Patrick!' I smiled, lightly pecking his lips.
'Gee! How are you, babe?' he asked me. Our greetings always made it seem like me hadn't seen each other for months... even years... but no; it had been about 5 hours.
'I'm okay, I guess' I sighed.
'Guessing you heard about the whole RyRo situation?' Patrick asked.
'Yeah. I mean, who hasn't? Personally, though, I think that if Brendon had any sense, he'd dump the slut and get back with Ryan' I said staring at a brick wall. It took me a while to realise it wasn't a wall, it was Patrick's parents' house (AKA Patricks house) I actually should have known that, but I was spending to much time in my mind. And by that, I mean thinking.
'Yeah, BUT what if Ryan hates Brendon?' Patrick questioned.
'Ain't gonna happen! Anyway... Apparently, Ryan told Frank that he was perfect for me...' I sighed, trying not to drift back into thought.
'Ryan and you?' Patrick asked.
'No. Frank and I'
'Umm... Yeah' I laughed nervously, staring into space.
'But what about me and Pete?' He asked. Well, two can play at the previosuly mentioned 'game'...
'PETERICK! But it ain't gonna happen, sweetheart' I smiled, reassuring him.
'You sure?' He questioned, staring directly into my eyes.
'Uhuh, indeed I am'

Pete's POV

'Hey baby!' I laughed, hugging my boyfriend, Frank.
'Hey! I still can't believe Ryan...' He sighed, immediately bringing up the obvious.
'Yeah... You went to see him though. I still can't believe that apparently he thinks you'd be better with GERARD! I'm perfect!' I said, laughing at the end, strutting up and down the room, showing off my best 'diva' face... and walk.
'How do you know?' Frank asked, his face full of shock and fear.
'You told me YESTERDAY! In fact, you said it the second you got back from there!' I laughed.
'Oh... I did?' he asked. I just nodded. Frankie's forgetfulness always made him even more adorable.
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