Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-05-21 - Updated: 2010-05-21 - 619 words

sorry for taking......... FOREVER to update. I couldn't be bothered, besides this chapter was like 4 pages in my sketch book, so I was like 'OMG there's so much writing' so I didn't update... Shitty excuse, I know... and worst of all? this chapter isn't even THAT long... (that's what she said) which means that the other chapter I wanna upload are REALLY SHORT

Shadow's POV

‘Fuck my life’ I sighed, lighting a cigarette.
‘Agreed! I can’t believe my brother though...’Cat sighed, staring at the grass.
‘I hope he’s okay... and Brendon too. You know what he’ll do...’ I sighed taking a long drag of the cigarette that was in my left hand.
‘Look, Shadow, my brother attempted suicide! He’s in hospital! Brendon’s probably fucking Hannah!’ Cat yelled at me angrily. I threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.
‘Brendon hasn’t replied to ANY of my texts! What if he’s dead in a freakin’ ditch somewhere?!’ I yelled back, tears beginning to burn up in my eyes.
Look, you’re overreacting!’ Alex yelled at Cat and I.
‘Fucks sake!’ Cat and I yelled in unison, the pair of us giving Alex a death stare. I stared at what I was wearing; a bright yellow and pink t-shirt, black skinnies and black converse. Oh, and a purple Cobra Starship hoodie that Gabe gave me for my birthday last year. Actually, I wasn’t wearing the hoodie, it was laying across my legs. I was bored, and the lack of conversation was KILLING me, so I pulled my iPod out of my pocket and began to listen to Queen. In the distance I could see Gabe, William, Billie Joe and Tré walking towards us.
‘They never let us down’ I smiled, more to myself than anyone else, since i could hear them because my music was too loud. I turned my iPod down a bit so I could talk to the guys.
‘Heya!’ I smiled as the (finally) reached the bench that we were sitting on.
‘How’s Ryan?’ Billie Joe asked, his voice laced with concern.
‘Dunno’ Cat muttered.
‘And Brendon?’ Gabe asked.
‘Long story. I’m guessing you wanna know why Ryan isolated himself and then attempted suicide, right?’ I asked
‘What happened?’ William asked.
‘My dumbass brother broke up with Ryan and went off with a slut called Hannah!’ I explained, reminding myself to pause and breathe between words.
‘A girl?’ Billie Joe asked.
‘No shit, Sherlock!’ I said, folding my arms.
The four boys muttered and talked among themselves. I heard the name ‘Bella’ mentioned a few times. I shuddered every time it was said.
‘It sucks ass. Seriously. Oh and Miss Drama Queen here has been worrying about Brendon’ Cat sighed, pointing at me. I could tell that she’d heard what they were saying too.
‘Fuck off!’ I said, slapping her hand away. I’ve always hated being pointed at. It’s intimidating.
‘Bitch!’ Cat said, staring at me, smirking.
‘Why thankies, motherfucker!’ I exclaimed, trying not to laugh.
My phone began playing “Another One Bites The Dust” No one ever understood why that was my text tone. My ringtone was me, Pete, Gabe, Cat, Ryan and Brendon screaming random shit. Just because we could do that. I quickly pulled my phone out of one of my pockets and read the text.
‘It’s from Brendon...’ I whispered.
‘What does it say?’ Cat asked, leaning over my shoulder, a smug “I-told-you-so” look on her face. But that smug grin was wiped of her face by what I said next.
‘It just says “I’m sorry”... Oh my God, guys, I’m so scared!’
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