Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Burning it down

Explosive Verbal Diarrhoea

by i-want-sum-coffee 1 review

Gerard is feeling guilty after he hurt mikey, bill makes him forget

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-26 - Updated: 2010-05-27 - 337 words

Mikey’s POV

Bill has the magic touch, as soon as he put his hand on my wound I felt like I was gonna live, man that sounds weird but Bill was something else.

Gerard’s POV
I quietly waited outside of the hospital I could bear to be in the same from as Mikey, how could I stab my own brother? Was I a bad person because of I what I had done?

I heard quite footsteps coming from behind me

“hey kid how you feeling?” bill asked
“Fine” I mumbled
“Look, I don’t know you that well and I can tell your lying” he said with a smirk
“How could I do that to mikey, he my brother!”
“You didn’t know it was him did you?”
I shook my head
“Then it’s not your fault”
“Thanks bill”
“By the way the doctors want me to find out where your parents are” he asked
“There out of town for the month doing work” I replied

Bill paused
“I have the rest of the day if you like I could stay and look out for you and your brother if you won’t”

I smiled nervously
“I would like that” I giggled

Bill was just so kind and........ kinda cute
“So how old are you Gerard?”
“I’m 14 almost 15 what about you?”
“I just turned 18”

The way his blue eyes sparkled in the sun took my mind of everything

“You have a girlfriend or boyfriend which everyone you prefer?” he asked

This this guy I like called frank, say it gerard You like a guy called frank!


What the hell you like frank!

"really? a good looking guy like you is single?"

Yeah but i like frank!

"Yeah i know" i start to blush furiously
"what bout you, anyone in your life?" i asked Curiously
"na me and my boyfriend broke up recently" he mumbled
"oh im sorry" i whispered

Wait a second you like frank gerard, what about him?
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