Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > BUFFY Meets STAR TREK

Return To Earth

by johnnysnowball 0 reviews

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-30 - Updated: 2010-05-31 - 3518 words - Complete

- Return To Earth -


Earth, 4 days later:

The sun shimmered gold over the blue-green waters of the San Francisco Bay area. The orange vermilion towers of the Golden Gate Bridge stood monolithic, supporting the cables of the expansive suspension bridge and reaching their art deco spires to the sky. At one end of the historic monument, overlooking Horseshoe Bay, were the grounds of Starfleet Headquarters. Deep within the complex, the final session of a court martial was taking place.

Within hours of arriving on Earth there had been a hearing in which Picard and Data had faced combined charges of misconduct, negligence, sabotage, murder, terrorism, and treason. The Scoobs, watching the proceedings from a public observation gallery, had been told that some minority groups among the Federation population had filed a complaint questioning Data's operational safety and Picard's command choices. The entire situation had apparently caused a galactic scare. But the Scoobs had been assured that the trial was just a formality to appease the few who handled their fear by casting blame.

Members of the starship crews and Scoobs and others involved were in attendance, all fixed on one end of the long hall where the Federation Council of Judges sat. Presiding over them and speaking on their behalf, the Federation President approached the speaker's podium.

After a long deliberation, their verdicts were ready to be heard.

"Will the accused please come forward."

Captain Picard and Commander Data, in full dress uniform with white tunic, came from a side door and stepped across the black marble floor to approach the panel. They stopped with their feet resting over the ornate symbol of the United Federation of Planets.

"Lieutenant Commander Data," began the President. "Taking into consideration the testimonies of our extra-dimensional visitors - whose knowledge, guidance and unique abilities made it possible to avoid disaster - it is the judgement of the panel that you are... innocent of all charges."

Relief sounded throughout the room.

"This was an atrocious incident caused by a violent and sadistic parasite to whom your body was made a vessel, rendering you inculpable for its actions. Commander Data, You may step down."

Data regarded his captain and addressed the presiding judge: "I wish to remain."

"Certainly." The President continued: "Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The commanding officer of a starship is personally accountable for the conduct of his entire crew. Due to the ruling that Commander Data is not guilty of misconduct, there is nothing for you to be held accountable for. Therefore a verdict of not guilty is returned accordingly."

Again the audible sound of relief spread across the hall.

"Other than the charges regarding the wilful destruction of Science Station three-two-three-five at Sal Fusia Six - which have been dropped due to the necessity of the situation - there is one other, very serious charge facing you. One of negligence on your part. Valuable Starfleet sites and properties were allowed to be destroyed. Hundreds of people have been killed. The civilisation of an alien world was put in danger. And this danger was allowed to set foot on Earth's very doorstep risking catastrophe. The question at the forefront of this panel's deliberation was ... Could this tragedy that cost the lives of a thousand seven hundred and eighty two innocent victims have been averted if you had acted with greater responsibly and swiftness as a captain?"

Picard's head remained firmly upright yet within he bowed a little. He could not easily refute the charges as there was always that question in his mind. But the advice to him had been to plead not guilty and, in truth, he didn't consider himself guilty of any crime. Any failure on his part he put down to confusion and human frailty.

"You afforded this entity the freedom to manipulate Commander Data and to wreak unthinkable havoc upon our galaxy," the President continued. "Your choice of action has been considered long and hard." He paused to gather all the information discussed by the panel of judges in their 7-hour analysis of the matter. "Bearing in mind the supernatural nature of this entire incident, and the supernatural methods required to neutralise the threat, it is the judgement of this panel that you, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, could not have anticipated events, nor have acted to any greater degree with the knowledge of a Starfleet captain. The nature of the crisis and the circumstances of the mission that followed were clearly beyond the experience of our society. Therefore, it has been deemed unanimously by all members of the Council of Judges that you acted correctly and, ultimately, with success." The agreeable mumblings of the galleries filled the courtroom. Once quietened, he went on to add: "You, and your crew, and all those involved with you in the operation, are hereby cleared of any transgression."

A restrained applause at the verdicts swept through the hall.

"Speaking as President of the United Federation of Planets, I would like to say; well done, Captain, on a successful mission. And, as Captain James T. Kirk before you, you and your valiant crew bring great credit to the name 'Enterprise'."

Picard gave an appreciative bow of the head. "It should be noted, Mr. President, that success would have been impossible without the help of the U.S.S. Rutherford."

"And so it has, Captain."

"And the Spooky Group," the android added.

"Yes, Commander Data, that too has been noted. This court martial is adjourned and closed."

With that, the members of the galleries poured out into the black floor of the hall. There, after shaking many hands and accepting many approvals, Picard came across a familiar face he hadn't seen in the flesh for far too long. Miles Edward O'Brien.

"Captain Picard," said the Irishman, shaking his hand firmly.

"Chief O'Brien," the captain replied in amazement. "Or, should I say, Professor?"

"I might be professor of engineering at Starfleet Academy but I'll always be a chief at heart," he replied.

"I have to say, I was surprised to hear you'd taken the position. I never pictured you planet-side behind a desk."

"It was the war, sir. Quite frankly I've seen enough of war. I'm not getting any younger and I have to think about the family now. I am...taking the safe road."

"Sounds very wise," Picard acknowledged. "How are Keiko and Molly?"

"They're doing great. Actually there's another member of the O'Brien clan now - Kirayoshi."

Picard's brow lifted. "Really? ...When did this happen?"

"Three years ago. He's a little runt right now. Into everything. Actually Keiko's-"

At that moment they were interrupted by a slender man with a chiselled jaw who wore a very formal black uniform.

"Excuse the intrusion, Captain Picard," he said with the tone of a command rather than a request. "I am Agent Hellström of the Federation Department of Temporal Investigations." The stiff blond man offered no hand to shake. "It may please you to know we have processed and approved your request to time travel. We will contact you within the next twenty-four hours to arrange a meeting in which you and your key officers will be instructed in our regulations. Also, I shall be joining your mission to ensure the safety of the timeline." Then he suddenly leaned into the captain, and his stony veneer evaporated for an instant. "Actually, Captain, I will be the first agent of Temporal Investigations to actually travel to another time. It's quite exciting. I'm looking forward to the mission." Then he reverted to his previous stance, gave a mechanical nod and walked away.

"You must be thrilled at the prospect," Miles said to Picard.

Picard grimaced.

O'Brien went on: "It's gotta be ironic, though. Temporal Investigators who never time travel."

Picard spotted Rupert Giles and decided to introduce the two men. After an initial exchange, Picard explained that the professor had helped Geordi to build a multidimensional transporter device from his own schematics. "We're gonna spend the next few days fitting the device into a ship's transporter pad," O'Brien explained to Giles. "After all, we can't go letting you take one back to the past with you."

Many more people came to speak with Picard before he finally got away from that courtroom. It was time, thankfully, to move on to the next mission.


The week that followed went by much more slowly than the last for the Scooby Gang, and much more enjoyably. While the Enterprise underwent repairs in Spacedock, La Forge had worked feverishly with O'Brien to finish work on the multidimensional transporter device. There had been talk of fitting this device into the transporter pad of a newly commissioned starship, as repairs to both the Enterprise and Rutherford would take weeks to complete. Apparently it would have been much easier to transport with the portable device, however Starfleet had ruled that out as an unacceptable sharing of advanced technology. If the rumours were true, they would be using something called a 'Defiant-class' ship. It seemed this ship had yet to be assigned a crew thus the keys, so to speak, had been handed to Picard and a small crew for their upcoming homecoming journey. Willow had discovered that Data had spent the previous 2 days making all the necessary calculations to make the trip successfully.

Though the Scoobs had been restricted to certain areas of the massive Spacedock since the trial, they had never once felt imprisoned. There had been a great deal to occupy themselves with - holodecks and such, and members of the Enterprise and Rutherford crew had always made themselves available to keep them company. It felt good for them to be so close to Earth, even if it was the wrong one. What they enjoyed most of all was the chance, for just this once, to relax with no worries and no stress. There were no evil creatures to slay, no demon research to do, and they were safe in the knowledge they were finally going home.

Spike had spent most of his time alone and the gang had seen very little of Giles. He was too busy meeting people - Crusher, Picard and other more official sorts. From what they could gather, he was providing them with a basic guide to Demon lore. Something of a helpful parting gift. This dimension of reality had been exposed to the supernatural for the first time and now they would have to adapt and learn to manage with it. Their solution: the Centre for Supernatural Research at Starfleet HQ.

But, now, it was 18 and a half days since their arrival in this dimension and the Scoobs were ready to depart.


The sphere of the Earth spun slowly in the big black; stars glimmering like fairy dust all about it.

"Space. The final frontier..." Xander's voice echoed across the scene.

"Whatcha doin'?" asked Buffy, entering the observation room.

"Just a voiceover monologue to capture the moment," he replied.

She approached him at the window. "As you do." She smiled. It was good to see he'd overcome his fear of space.

They both looked out at Earth in all its splendour.

"We've saved it so many times..." Buffy began.

"And this is the first time we've seen it," Xander finished.

For a while they simply stood transfixed by the sight of their home planet.

"Should be a piece of cake now," Xander said at last.

"What's that?"

"Saving the world. Now we saved the universe and all."

Buffy's lips formed a cute but cynical smile. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." After another long moment of staring at the world, she said what she had come to tell him: "They're waiting. It's time to go home."

Xander turned to her then happily. They left the room and didn't look back.


The Sunnydale group, baring Giles who was not with them, met up with a station crewman who escorted them to the umbilical tunnel that led to their awaiting ship. He explained to them that the crew were already onboard. On the way to the airlock, by a large window, they met Captain Dave Freeman. The man wore some futuristic form of leg brace to strengthen his wounded limb.

"There's your new ship," Captain Freeman declared, signalling beyond the glass.

It was like no other ship they'd seen. There was no saucer. No engines on sticks. It was a small, compact machine with side-mounted warp engines that hugged tight up to her body. She was sleek and mean. She was similar in style to the Defiant that came before her, but with a little more of an aggressive character. She had a rounder look. The nose was less prominent and the engines had a sharper appearance.

Spike thought it looked like a pancake with stumpy wings.

"The /U.S.S. Phantom/," Freeman explained. "There are still creatures out there. After taking you guys home, the Phantom's mission will be to gather them up." He turned to Xander. "It's a pity you can't stay, soldier. Her new crew could use a supernatural sensei to train them up for their assignment. That way I'd know the two members of my crew who requested a posting there'd get the best training in the galaxy." He put out a hand and gave Xander's a sturdy tug. "It was a privilege serving at your side, Mr. Harris."

Xander flushed. "Well... Thanks, Dave. It was a pleasure to be a member of the Rutherford family."

The rugged captain addressed Anya: "Sass asked me to convey her best to you and to wish you well."

"Ah, that was very pleasant of her," Anya replied in her robot tone. "Please return the same from us."

"Alright, you should get going," said Freeman. "Or you might not get /back in time/."

Xander told him to watch the leg and the group parted company with the captain of the Rutherford. Freeman remained at the window alone to watch them ship out.

They were shown to the small bridge of the Phantom where they recognised only Data and Geordi who were at a side terminal with a curly-haired man. At the rear stood a thin man in black watching every move like a nazi sentinel.

Picard and Giles entered through the second door.

The captain was laughing heartily. "I'm sure Constantine would see it differently," he said jovially.

Giles replied with his own gleeful chuckle. "No doubt he would."

Buffy, Will and Xander exchanged a look.

It wasn't long before the small bridge was packed. Buffy, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya and Spike stood together at the far rear beside the Temporal Agent. Picard had the centre chair. To his right were La Forge and O'Brien, with Worf at tactical and Data sat to his left at Ops. Before him, Riker had the helm.

Deanna, also at Picard's left, reported from the communications post: "We're receiving the all-clear from Spacedock, Captain."

"Power her up, Number One," said Picard. "Take her out."

"Aye, sir," Riker acknowledged, loving every second. He was thrilled to be giving this new bird a test flight.

Dwarfed by the great opening leading out of Spacedock, the small vessel slipped through easily at half impulse.

Soon they were clear of Earth and the station. Giles was asked to confirm the date and time of their departure from their own reality. Going back 18 days, he was fairly certain of the time. His companions agreed. About 8:05pm when Giles had finished his long-winded tale about the myth. The myth that turned out not to be.

La Forge keyed in for 2pm to give them 6 hours to prepare for the final phase of the trip. "Warp field configured, Captain. We're ready to generate the temporal vortex."

"Helm and vessel ready, sir," Riker reported.

"Lay in a course for the twenty-first century, Will," said Picard. "Engage."


A sizzling green gateway of energy exploded before them on the viewer and the Phantom vanished in time.


6 hours later, the ship hung in stealth-mode over the 21st century Earth of the Starfleet dimension. Year: 2000. They'd spent the time locating the precise equivalent transport co-ordinates in this reality to set them in the correct spot in their own universe. With Giles' direction, the location was identified where the Magic Box would be, and the multidimensional transporter was programmed with the cellular pattern of the Scoobs that bore the signature of their dimension.

They had had the chance then to relax with their new friends for a few hours finally before they were called to the bridge at 8pm.

When they arrived on the bridge, Counsellor Troi, Geordi, Worf, Riker, and the captain were waiting for them. Picard allowed the Scoobs10 minutes to say their goodbyes and instructed Riker to see them to the transporter room.

Troi and La Forge offered their farewells as Picard approached Giles.

"All the best to you, Rupert," said the captain.

"And you, Jean-Luc. Goodbye."

Buffy outstretched her hands reluctantly and offered Worf her bat'leth. The sword of Gor'agh. "I guess I have to give this back."

"I am afraid so." Worf acknowledged, accepting the weapon. "However, It will always be here for you. And you will always be welcome on Kronos. There, the story of the Slayer will be told for centuries." He stepped back. He wasn't one for long goodbyes it seemed.

"Cool," she replied, and joined her friends.

Commander Riker moved to the door so that it opened before them and said: "Well, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. Let's get you home."

The 6 of them, with a little more difficulty than they had expected, took Riker's lead and headed out the bridge.

The captain returned to the centre chair. "Have a safe voyage home," he said to them all.


They arrived at the transporter room of the Phantom to find the Irishman there with Doctor Crusher and Data.

"I hope you haven't lost your touch, Professor," said Riker as he entered.

Miles smiled back at him. "Well, it's been a while. But don't worry. Operating a's like riding a bicycle. So I hear," he answered in jest.

Giles approached the doctor, after cleaning his spectacles and returning them to his face.

Crusher sighed. "'s been the longest three weeks of my life."

"It hasn't been the worst," he replied with the coy smile of a shy schoolboy.

The doctor's shoulders dropped a touch and she put her hands to his forearms.

Something passed between them. Something unspoken and intimate. It gave the Scoobs cause to wonder what exactly those two had been up to.

"Goodbye, Rupert," Doctor Crusher said finally.

He took one of her hands delicately in both of his. "Beverly."

Spike, altogether bored with the long goodbye, leaned in to Buffy and said softly yet harshly: "All the clothes he could have replicated, and he's still wearin' tweed."

"It's been a heck of a trek," Willow pronounced cutely as she stood before her android friend.

"A heck of a star trek," Xander threw in.

"I wish we could have known each other better, Data," she admitted.

"Considering the likelihood of our encountering each other being eight thousand four hundred and ninety seven billion to one," Data responded, "I am thankful the opportunity was afforded us to meet at all."

Surprisingly she gave him a hug to which he rather mechanically patted her on the back.

"Bye, Data."

"Goodbye, Willow."

Spike, rolling his eyes, moved onto the transporter pad, more eager than ever to get back to the demon-infested hellhole of Sunnydale.

Riker offered Xander a hand to shake. "I don't think I'll ever understand your world. But have a safe journey back to it."

He accepted the outstretched hand with a grateful nod.

The 5 companions stepped up onto the pad and joined Spike there.

Buffy took one final look at the room. It wasn't the Enterprise but it bore all the hallmarks of this universe.

An odd chirp sounded at O'Brien's controls and Data went to investigate.

"That didn't sound good," whispered Xander.

"There's still a slight phase variance in the matrix," Miles reported, seeing the concern on their faces. Especially Xander's. "Oh, it's nothing to worry about. It's a one-off transport. If it was a permanent installation then we'd have a problem." They didn't look any wiser for his explanation. "The device is designed to work independently so the thing kicked up a fuss when we planted it in the chamber there. It doesn't get on so well with the phase transition coils." They didn't laugh. "Anyway, let's get you home."

A moment later, Miles reported ready.

This was it.

Riker turned from O'Brien and regarded them finally. "Perhaps we'll meet again," he said, and then: "Energise, Mr. O'Brien."

Buffy watched the curly-haired Irishman run his fingers across the controls and look up to the platform where they stood. Their eyes met and he gave her a smile. She didn't have time to return the gesture. For Buffy, Willow, Giles, Spike, Xander and Anya, it was time to leave.

The transporter began to take effect...

...and the world of their star trek adventure disappeared.
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