Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Afterlife


by TheChimera 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-31 - Updated: 2010-06-01 - 1374 words

Going in between worlds isn't a pleasant sensation. After stepping through the door, I feel like I am shot out of a cannon. The wind that has been constant in the other world is now suddenly a thousand times stronger, making it almost impossible to breathe. Just as my breath is running out, I am suddenly looking up at a cloudless blue sky. Although it didn't hurt, per se, the hole process is rather unnerving.
The immediate area is a huge grassland. There aren't any trees around, but there are several large bushes, some almost big enough to be mistaken for trees. Off in the distance, I can see what looks a lot like a castle, although nothing as grand as Hogwarts. There aren't any people around, although it's easy to tell that someone takes care of the of the land. I stand up and begin to head towards the castle, the sixth sense in my gut telling me that it's the place to go.
It's a long walk, but I enjoy it. It gives me time to reflect upon the events of the last few days, or however much time I spent in the white-land. I try to remember how I died, but I can only come up with flashes of red and green light. A battle then. The corners of my mouth twitch a little. I always knew that I'd go down fighting.
After about an hour, I finally reach the castle. Golden gates protect the entrance, and two guards stand on either side of them. They aren't talking, or even moving, which is a little unnerving. I step up to the gate and put my hands on it, wondering what I should do. Beyond the gates, I can see a long, wide street, made up of brick. There aren't any shops or homes. Only the road stretching forever into the distance. Looking to my left, I stare at the guard, hoping for him to help me. He simply stands there.
"Hello? A little help would be nice!" I call. Nobody answers. I'm start to panic a little. What if I'm stuck in this grassland forever? I sink down to the ground, my back against the gate, and close my eyes. The sound of the wind whispering through the grass is soothing, and I soon drop off to sleep.
I jolt into awareness as I hear trumpets blare. Jumping onto my feet, I turn around and look at the gates. They are starting to open slowly, making a loud groaning noise. I shuffle back a couple paces and wait for them to open completely, and then walk through. The gates close behind me. Deciding that it can't hurt to continue walking, I do so, although making sure to be aware of my surroundings. Strangely enough, I'm not hungry or tired, merely inquisitive. Where does this road lead to?
On either side of the road, there are more grasslands, although these are dotted with trees. The grasslands don't seem to have an end, or at least not one that is visible to me.
Several an hours later, I see a building up in the distance. Excitement bubbles up within me, and I prepare myself to see all of the friends and family that I had lost. I break out into a run, and reach the building within minutes. It's tall and statuesque, with a certain grandeur about it that makes me feel in awe of it. Although I never have been much of an admirer of architecture, I can tell that this one completely blows away anything on earth. There are numerous fountains surrounding it, and huge statues of what looks like queens and kings. The quiet tranquility of the place makes me feel happy; happier than I've felt in a long time, if ever.
I approach the double doors that are centered under a huge statue of a beautiful woman, and knock twice. For a moment, the only sound is that of the running water, but then there are footsteps approaching the doors, and they open. My face lights up with excitement when I see who it is.
"Sirius!" I cry, running towards him and giving him a huge hug. He returns it laughing happily. Tears of joy well in my eyes, and I struggle not to sob. After several seconds, we let go of each other. "Where are we Sirius?" I ask him.
"Welcome to the house of Elenor, Harry." He gives me a huge grin, flashing his pearly white teeth. "You're gonna' love it here! All the food you can eat. All the woman you can want, and the biggest baths you've ever seen!" I laugh at his mention of women. He always was a womanizer.
"I see that dying hasn't changed you a bit Sirius." He shakes his head vigorously.
"Of course it hasn't Harry! Death isn't gonna' put change somebody as great as I am." He says, puffing up his chest proudly. We both laugh at that. "Come on in, Harry. I think it's time you meet your parents again." My heart nearly stops beating, and my eyes widen at the mention of my parents.
"Truly Sirius? They are here?" I can tell that my voice is trembling, but I can't bring myself to care.
"Well of course they're here! How could they not be?" He beckons to me with his hand, and then turns around and walks back into the building with me following. The inside of the place is just as incredible as the outside, if not more so. Exquisite paintings line the wall, muggle and magical. More statues are littered around artistically, and some are made of what looks to be pure gold and silver. In my excitement to meet my parents, I ignore it all and follow Sirius closely. After what seems like hours of walking, but in reality is only a few minutes, we make it into a large room full of people. They're all sitting down at long tables, chattering and laughing happily. As soon as we enter, the voices all die down and they turn they're head to look at me. I gape as I see all of the people that had died during the war alive and well.
The tables are set up in rows. It seems that the further back the rows are, the longer it's been since they've died. In the first row are most of the people that I fought with recently. I watched some of them die. They all smile brightly at me and wave. I wave back, although I can hardly believe my eyes.
In the next row I see Dumbledore, Remus, Tonks, and one empty chair that I assume is Sirius'. Tonks and Remus both wave at me (Tonks waves so hard that she almost falls out of her chair), and Dumbledore turns up the "twinkle" in his eyes. I laugh happily at them.
My eyes then travel back a little further, and they land on a woman with bright red hair and bright green eyes. My mouth drops open in shock. It's my mother. Beside her is a man with messy black hair sporting a mischievous grin. At this point, I'm so shocked that I'm incapable of speech. My mother stands up and practically floats over to me before embracing me in a hug. I feel a solitary tear fall down my cheek and the metaphorical dam breaks. I begin crying and I hug her back, afraid that I'll lose her if I let her go.
"We're so proud of you Harry." She says. I don't have a response for her. After what seems like hours, my tears die down and I let go of her. She smiles at me and then takes a hold of my hand, guiding me to an empty spot at their table. I greet all of the people that I had lost, giving most of them hugs. A sense of peace wells up within me, and I know that nothing can take that away. The meeting with my father goes much the same as with my mother, although without the tears. As we sit down, food appears on the table, and we all dig into the delicious feast.
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