Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Day My Life Changed Completely.

Letting go.

by ElenasaurGoesRawr 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-06-03 - Updated: 2010-06-04 - 313 words

Rachel's POV

I don't really know what I was doing. I didn't want to get away, I didn't want to leave Gerard and the rest of the band, who had been so kind to me and gone through all this trouble for a complete stranger. Yet I was running. And where was I even going? I don't fucking know. I was just... running.

I remember hearing the slapping sound of shoes against the pavement, and being aware of Gerard chasing after me. And before I knew it, he had already caught up and grabbed me. I screamed and struggled and pushed him away, but his grip only seemed to get tighter. The frustration of it all was enough to form tears in my eyes for the billionth time that night, and I gave up. He cautiously let go of me, and I fell to the ground crying.

I didn't even know why I was crying, but it felt fucking good. I cried for what seemed like forever. For every tragedy that has ever happened in my life, for every time I've held back tears, for every time I've wanted desperately to just be someone else and not have a single problem to worry about, I just lay there and cried and let it all go. Gerard picked me up and held me silently, letting me cry into his shirt and not trying to say some bullshit like "Don't worry, everything will be okay." I appreciated that.

"I'm sorry," I managed to choke out.

"Don't be."

My crying had finally ceased, so I lay there silently. A sudden drowsiness took over me, and I was vaguely aware of Gerard picking me up and walking towards the bus. I was so tired that I didn't even mind (I usually can't stand being off the ground). I drifted off to sleep before we were even inside.
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