Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blue Moon

An Unexpected Visitor

by SmashAuthority2 7 reviews

Stella comes home to find an angry Gerard waiting for her....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-06-06 - Updated: 2010-06-06 - 2356 words

Thank you to all the lovely people who rated and reviewed!! Love you all!xx

He breaks the silence first. "You're back," he says tersely, whilst staring at the wall.

I don't say anything. I stand by the door, nervously tugging Jacob's shirt sleeve.

"Where have you been all night?" he whispers in an unnerving tone.

I gulp, but cannot form words to speak.

He shifts his position on the stairs so his elbows are resting either side of him and raises his head to look me up and down. "Nice outfit," he remarks. The sarcasm does not go undetected by me.

"Jacob gave it to me," I confess in a small voice.

He raises an eyebrow. "Really? So the dog is back in town?" His tone is mocking and I get the sense he already knows Jacob is back.

I nod. "We met in the forest." I explain.

"And that's the first you knew he was back?" he inquires casually.

I nod again, pushing the birthday card to the back of my mind. Gerard gets to his feet suddenly and advances towards me slowly. Instinctively I take a step backwards, but then decide to hold my ground. After all, I have done nothing wrong.

"Really?" He stops in front of me. "What's this then?" He waves a glittery card-my birthday card, in my face. "Would you care to explain this?"

I take it from his hands and stare at it. "Where did you get this?" I ask in a low voice.

"From your locker," he replies coolly.

I raise my head sharply to look at him. "Who gave you the right to go through my locker?"

"I did," he answers darkly.

I don't know which century he's stuck in but there's no way in hell I'm letting anyone invade my privacy-not even my boyfriend.

I can feel the anger rising in my throat and I struggle to control it. This is way out of line. "This is so not cool Gerard," I say, my voice trembling.

"No, Stella," he says. "What's not cool is you keeping this information from me."

"What's the point?" I challenge. "You hate his guts."

"I like to know when my enemies are close by."

"He's not my enemy."

Gerard narrows his eyes. "That much is clear," he says. "Would you care to tell me what happened to your dress?"

"Jacob removed it," I tell him, then pause. That so didn't come out right. "I mean," I stutter. "He took it off while I was asleep." Yeah, that just sounds worse. "I mean, he ripped it off." Shut up Stella.

"He stripped you?" asks Gerard in a controlled tone. I see his hands balled into fists.

"He didn't have a choice," I reply, rather pathetically I have to say.

"Of course he didn't," he says bitterly.

"He didn't look or anything," I say, feeling flustered. "He's not like that."

"Whatever you say," he snipes.

He's attitude is getting on my nerves now. "Look at you!" I say, now annoyed. "Standing there like there's a stick shoved up your backside. None of this would have happened if Mikey-yeah, YOUR crazy brother, hadn't thrown me into a glass table!"

"He said it was an accident," says Gerard.

I stare at him incredulously. Did he just say what I think he just said? "For real? An accident?" I repeat in disbelief.

Gerard shrugs nonchalantly. I guess the careless way he does it tips me over the edge.

I suddenly find myself filled with rage.

"I'll tell you what an accident is! An accident is when you mistakenly step on someone's toes, an accident is when you bump into someone when you weren't looking, an ACCIDENT is when you forget to tape Lost! Throwing someone into a glass table is not an accident! It's a murder attempt!" I scream, now completely insane with fury.

"Lower your voice, Stella," he orders calmly.

"No, I will not!" I holler. "I will not lower my voice. I will also not allow you to go through my stuff!"

"I said quiet Stella!" hisses Gerard.

"Up yours!" I yell. "Stupid vampires!" I try to push past him but he grabs my arm.

"You're not going anywhere," he growls.

"Let go of my arm," I demand. His grip is quite loose so as not to hurt me, but not loose enough for me to escape.

He refuses so I turn around and bite him on his hand.

He sighs. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to cause maximum damage," I reply in a muffled voice.

"You'll break your teeth if you don't stop that," he warns me.

I remove his hand from my mouth and glare at him. "Let go of me."

"Make me."

"o you have a stake?" I ask politely.

He gives me a dirty look. "Stakes don't work on us."

"I'll scream," I threaten.

"No-on will hear you. Plus, your dad isn't at home."

"Motherfucker," I mutter.

"Watch your language," he says.

"I'm sorry," I say softly, then I take a deep breath. "Get the fuck off me you crazy ass, blood drinking, psychotic jackass!" I suddenly feel so much better.

"Enough of the foul language, Stella," he growls.

"Motherfucker. Motherfucker. Motherfucker." I repeat it like a chant.

He spins around and storms into the living room. I follow him.

He takes a deep breath before turning back to face me. "Can we behave like adults, please?"

I shrug. "Whatever, dude." I don't know what makes me more angry. The fact he went through my locker or the fact he still hasn't asked me how I am. I mean, I nearly bled to death and all he's interested in is that Jacob took my dress off. How weird are men?

He takes a seat in the chair opposite me and gestures for me to do the same-even though it's my house we are standing in.

Out of pure rebellion I refuse to sit down-a decision I quickly regret as my legs are starting to ache, but damn it! I'm not going to let him see that!

He looks at me shrewdly. "Are you okay to stand there? Because I have to say, we're not going anywhere soon."

"I'm fine," I reply defiantly. I'm not, my legs are shaking and the room I spinning a little.

"If you say so," he says, though he doesn't look convinced.

"Just say what you have to say," I say, trying not to sound like I'm pleading. Seriously, I can feel that I'm not going to last very long like this. Damned inconsiderate vampires.

"Fine," he begins soberly. "I want to know exactly what happened at it's hut."

"First of all," I say, irritated. "His name is Jacob, not "It" and secondly, it's not a hut-it's his home." I conveniently forget to mention that I also refer to it as a hut.

He looks bored. I am reminded of the Gerard I used to know when I first moved here-the Gerard I didn't like.

"Fine," he sighs. "But get on with it."

I raise my eyebrows. No-one talks to me like that. I decide he needs to be punished. A little mental torture never hurt anybody.

"Well," I start, with a sigh. "It all began when your brother tried to take my life-not that you're bothered about that, of course."

"Let's skip this part, shall we?" he suggests with a frown.

"Why?" I exclaim. "It was the most fabulous experience, you know, having glass pieces sticking into my butt."

Gerard rubs his temples. "I understand you're upset, Stella."

"Of course I'm not upset!" I cry. "In fact, tell Mikey he can come round and throw me in front of a moving car, you know, "accidently." I emphasize my point by making air quotes.

Before he can respond I forge ahead. "Anyway, after I got to my feet I realized I was bleeding, now, a little blood doesn't bother me, but when you're in a room full of vampires......" I trail off suggestively.

"Grabbing the knife for protection-from my own boyfriend and his family, I might add, I made a run for it." I purposefully ignore the fact he is the reason I got away. "I ran into the forest, it wasn't long before I was lost.

Well, with blood running down my legs and arms and the world spinning like a disco ball I thought all hope was lost. I assumed I would be eaten by wild forest creatures." Gerard rolls his eyes. "But, suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a rustle ahead. At this point I was feeling dizzy and weak-there was no way I could put up much of a fight if it turned out to be giant man-eating spiders, but I was in luck. There standing in the dark was my hero, my saviour. My Jacob." Gerard stares daggers at me. I have to say, I'm quite enjoying myself right now.

"Unfortunately I passed out at the precise moment. When I woke up I saw I was lying in his bed," I pause for dramatic affect. "Completely naked."

Gerard is gripping the arm rest violently with a murderous expression on his face. If he doesn't relax his grip soon the whole thing could come clean off. Revenge is sweet.

"When I saw Jacob I relaxed totally," I say. "Even though his shirt was mysteriously missing," I add naughtily. "I wondered why he was only wearing jeans." I shrug carelessly.

Gerard has gone very white. It occurs to me I may be overdoing the whole make-your-boyfriend-jealous thing. Then I remember why I'm mad at him and continue brazenly.

"It turns out that while I was out, Jacob cleaned my wounds. You see, he had to strip me naked-I was injured all over the place. I was unconscious for a long time though-but I completely trust Jacob." I look at Gerard innocently. That'll teach him to go through my locker.

Gerard gets up swiftly, surprising me. "Where are you going?" I ask as he heads for the door.

"To kill Jacob," he replies simply, like he's off to buy some bread.

"What?!" I rush towards him. The room spins faster.

"He needs to die," says Gerard vehemently.

"Why?" I cry. "Is it because of the whole seeing-me-naked thing?"

When he doesn't reply I understand. "For goodness sake, Gerard!" I shout. "You can't kill him because of that. He was just helping me." I shake his arm madly.

"An interesting way to help a girl," he muses. "But I cannot allow him to live."

I lean against the wall, exhausted. "What if I decide to become a porn star or a stripper? Would you kill everyone that saw me naked?"

"Of course."

This is simply to much for me to handle right now. I am so tired it's a wonder I still stand. The last thing I need is a vengeful Gerard. It occurs to me I may have made a terrible mistake. How could I forget how jealous vampires can be?

"If you'll excuse me," he says politely. "I have a murder to commit-and get away with."

"If you go," I say weakly, "then we're through." The words slip out of my mouth without thought. I stare at him in horror when I realize what I have said, but the thing I find most disturbing is that a part of me is deadly serious.

"Yeah," I say a little louder. "If you go then it's over between us."

"You don't mean that," he says calmly.

"Yes I do," I say. "I totally mean it. If you go after Jacob then I'll make sure you never see me again."

"I don't believe you," he says, still incredibly calmly. His face is blank though.

I force myself to stand up straight and look into his eyes. "I mean it." And I do. I can't allow him to snuff out Jacob's life. It would be all my fault.

He takes a step away from me, surprising me. "You would finish what we have for him?"

"If it means saving a life, then yes, I would end it." I reply seriously.

His eyes bore into mine. "Well, at least I know where I stand with you," he says softly.

"You're being unreasonable," I say, sensing a change in his demeanor. "We're talking about a human being here. You can't take someone's life like it doesn't mean anything-it's not right!"

"It's quite clear I don't mean as much to you as I thought either," he says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demand, shaking my head in disbelief. I have no idea how it got this far. "You mean everything to me."

He doesn't say a word, just stands and stares at me with the strangest expression on his face. It is incredibly unsettling.

"Gerard," I say in a small voice. "Please say something."

"You should rest now," he finally says. "You must be exhausted. You've had an eventful night."

I wonder what he means. My evening with his family, or the night I spent with Jacob?

"Okay," I mutter, feeling battered and bruised in every way.

I stagger towards the stairs like a drunk before I lose my balance. He catches me before I fall.

"Let me help you." He picks me up and carries me up the stairs. I so want to rest my head on his chest but for reason it doesn't seem appropriate at the moment. It's clear he is upset with me and I don't know whether I should be mad at him or not. I mean, he was threatening to kill Jacob, what was I supposed to do? It's not like I could physically stop him-he's just too strong for me. Saying I would break up with him was the only weapon I had.

He lays me down on my bed and I look up at him willing him to kiss me but he doesn't. He gazes at me for a split second before nodding his head slightly and walking out.

He doesn't even look back.

Who, in your opinion, is being the ass here? I'm firmly on Stella's side.
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