Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

The Shadow

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-11 - Updated: 2010-06-11 - 2114 words

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney. OCs and plot belongs to me. I also don't own the other Final Fantasy characters I use.
The Shadow


The river Styx, the river leading to Hades. There is always a boat that ferries people across this river. There was another marvel on the river Styx other then Hades and that was the under-dome, it was also the destination of the ferry. Aboard that ferry was the boatman (Does he have a name, if so, please tell me) and three living humans, two adults with silver hair and one boy with snow white hair. Normally the boatman wouldn't ferry the living across the river Styx except for when there was a tournament being held at the under dome however he made an exception this time after hearing their plan. They wished to free Hades from his prison, things had gotten pretty hectic down in Hades since he had been imprisoned by Hercules and his friends. The three humans each had four gold coins, two to get to the under dome and two to get back to Hades, the boy also had a large slice of stake.

"Do we have a plan?" The silver haired man asked in a monotone voice

"Of course Sephy" Ultimecia playfully replied, "You didn't think I would try and rescue our captive comrade without a plan did you?" Ultimecia leaned forward and kissed Sephiroth on his check, the boy in the boat merely rolled his eyes

As the boat arrived, the three passed two of their coins to the boat man as they left, "Wait here, this shouldn't take long" Ultimecia ordered as she stepped out of the boat and onto the under dome arena. The three continued to walk in to the centre as a loud growl erupted. They turned around and were met by the large three headed dog Cerberus. Sephiroth reached for his Masamune however Ultimecia stuck out her hand in protest, "Hold on, let him deal with this" Ultimecia said as she looked over to the boy. The boy approached Cerberus making the enormous dog growl, the boy responded by showing him the grand stake

"Are you hungry boy, catch" The boy threw the stake to Cerberus who caught it in his middle mouth, almost instantly the other two heads began fighting for it as if the three heads belonged to three different creatures. Cautiously, the boy approached Cerberus before stroking the fur on his chest. The boy always had a way of calming most creatures, "Do you miss him boy? Don't worry, we'll get him back" Cerberus wined like a small dog would

"Paladin, there" Ultimecia said as she pointed to a section of the wall, it wasn't too hard to find because it had a lock on it. The Paladin stepped forward as he called a miniature Keyblade to his hand. He stretched it out and pointed it at the lock, when he did; he shot a light towards it and into the lock. There was a sound like a lock being turned before that section of the wall opened revealing a ledge, an ominous green light sprayed out. The Paladin jumped onto the ledge as he looked down into the swirling pool of souls

"Hades, are you down there" The Paladin called

"Get me out of here!!" A voice shouted back

The Paladin sighed, "Well, lets get this over with. Isagiyoi Jubaku, impenetrable light!" The Paladin chanted, as he did, he was covered by a white aura. The Paladin jumped in head first down into the stream of souls. Ultimecia and Sephiroth waited for about thirty seconds until the Paladin jumped back up along with a man with blue skin and a blue flame for hair, the ruler of Hades, Hades

"Thanks Kid" Hades said as he brushed his cloths with his hands in an attempt to clean himself off. He did this for a few seconds before looking up to Ultimecia and Sephiroth, "Hey kid, who's the chick?"

"Why that is Ultimecia, the new ruler of the Heartless" The Paladin informed him

"What about the old one?" Hades asked

"There was a change in management and she unfortunately had to be removed" Ultimecia said as a smirk appeared on her face

"Ah" Was all Hades said before he disappeared in a blast of smoke, another blast of smoke appeared behind Ultimecia and Hades materialized there, "So, what do you want?" Hades asked

"Let's head back over to Hades and discuss a few things" Ultimecia said as she turned around and headed for the boat, Sephiroth close behind her. The Paladin jumped over and walked to the boat as Hades followed


Several hours later

"What is this place?" Kairi asked as she walked along side Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Sam.

"This is the underworld" Sora answered

"Technically the specific location we're at is called Hades however the entire area is the underworld" Sam stated

"Talk about vanity" Sora said, "He named the Kingdom of the dead after himself?"

"Yeah" Sam simply replied

"Hey, what's that door?" Kairi curiously asked as she pointed to one of the four doorways, this one was covered in chains

"Oh that's..." Sora began but then he came to a realization, "I don't know, I've never seen that doorway before"

"I know what it is" Sam stated

"What?" Donald asked

"It is where the worst souls are taken to for an eternity of punishment. It has been given many names, you will all know it as Hell" Sam answered

"Hell?" Goofy asked as he swallowed the lump in his throat

"That isn't its real name though, its real name is Tartarus" Sam stated, "Only one man has escaped from that place against Hades' wishes"

"Who?" Riku asked showing interest

"They call him the Shadow, the infamous assassin" Sam said, "I could go on for hours talking about the tales if heared about him but that won't really help us now well it" Sam said

"So, should we split up and see what we can find?" Sora asked everyone

"No way, every time we split up, someone always either gets captured or has some pervert attack them!" Riku exclaimed

"What do you think?" Sora asked Sam

"We'll cover less ground if we stay together however we will be safer. The decision is up to you Sora, I'll do whatever everyone else decides" Sam stated

"Alright, we'll stick together for now" Sora said, "Let's check the coliseum. I have a feeling that it'll be too late to help anyone we find down here"

"Good idea" Kairi agreed. With everything said, the six began their journey up the stairs to the archway that sent light through all of Hades

The coliseum was a completely different sight from Hades. It was unbelievably bright; Sam had to raise his hand to his eyes to block out the light. The coliseum building was bigger then ever, thanks to the Hydra over a year ago, they had to rebuild it however that just made everyone work twice as hard this time around to make it bigger and better then ever. The moment they arrived, they all saw a stubby figure that half of them recognised instantly

"Phil!" Sora, Donald and Goofy shouted enthusiastically as they ran towards their old trainer, instantly he turned around, when he did a smile grew on his face

"Sora! Donald! Goofy!" Phil shouted ecstatically, "How are my junior heroes?! Whops, I mean true heroes"

"We're good" Sora replied, soon the other three came forward

"So, care to introduce us?" Riku asked

"Let me guess" Phil began, "You must be Riku" Phil assumed

"Yeah" Riku replied

"And you young lady must be Kairi, right?" Phil asked as he approached Kairi, She smiled and nodded her head


Next, Phil approached Sam and for the first time in a while Phil was silent, "Sorry, Sora hasn't told me anything about you"

"He's new" Sora stated

"Yeah, I haven't even gotten dentil yet" Sam joked, "Sam Heartily"

"Nice to meet you kid! So, you want to become a hero like your three friends over there?" Phil asked

"Hell no" Sam thought however he replied with a more appropriate response, "Not really"

"Believe me it's not as hard as it looks. Two words. Train" Sam shook his head

"He's numerically challenged, that's just great" Sam thought

"On second thought, I don't know if you have what it takes" Phil said

"Hey Phil, where's Herc?" Sora asked

"Oh right, he's at the arena getting his portrait painted"

"Portrait?" Donald asked

"Yeah, some young girl came by and insisted that Herc let her paint him, so there he is" Phil stated

"Do ya think she'll mind if we pop in and see him?" Goofy asked

"I don't think so, just try not to disturb her painting" Phil warned, "She had a pretty vicious looking dog with her and she may have him attack you. That'll be embracing, true heroes being taken down by a dog" As Phil stopped talking he noticed that the six of them had already left, "Hey!"


The six slowly and quietly slipped out of the lobby and into the arena. As they did, they saw Hercules standing in the middle of the arena in a heroic stance and with his sword out stretched in front of him. Also they saw a girl behind a canvas, although they didn't see her face they could tell by her height that she was about the same age as Sam although her body would be mature for her age. In the corner, there was a large, black dog napping lazily. As the six arrived, a smile instantly grew on Herc's face

"Sora! Donald! Goofy!" Hercules' shouted joyfully

"Ssshh, stop moving!" The girl protested

"Sorry" Hercules apologised before returning to his stance, "So, are those your friends?" Herc asked through his teeth and trying not to move too much

"Yeah. This is Riku and this is Kairi" Sora reached around and pulled Kairi towards him as he said the later one. Kairi blushed

"I'm new" Sam said as he raised his hand

"I'm finished!" The girl exclaimed joyfully as she picked up the canvas and ran to the group. As she approached them, she turned the canvas so they could see. The painting was perfect except for one thing, it blinked

"What the hell!" Riku exclaimed

"Whoopee! I'm free" The painting of Hercules shouted as it jumped out of the canvas and ran out through the doors of the arena

"Hey! Get back here!" The girl shouted as she ran after her masterpiece, unfortunately she wasn't looking where she was going and crashed into Sam, making her fall. Sam looked down at the young girl, he saw that she had semi-long and curly blonde hair covered mostly by a purple hat; also she wore a black tank top and a pink short skirt, although it wasn't short enough to be a mini skirt it wasn't long enough to be anything else. Also, she had a burn mark on her right shoulder. Sam examined this intensely

"Hi" She said with a smile braking Sam's concentration as she jumped up, "Sorry" she apologised

"Are you alright" Sora asked

"I'm fine" She replied, "Hi, I'm Relm" She greeted

"I'm Sora. This is Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy and Sam"

Relm smiled at Sam, "Sam" She repeated. Sam merely stood there with no emotion at all

"Hey, are you here for the new tournament?" Hercules asked

"Tournament?" Riku asked

"Yeah, it's an event where heroes from all different worlds come together and fight to see who's the strongest" Sora informed him

"Sounds like fun" Kairi admitted

"Is killing allowed?" Sam asked

"Not up here" Hercules answered

"Sounds pretty boring to me" Sam stated

"Alright, we'll enter" Sora answered

"Of course you would, not like we're doing anything important" Sam thought

"Alright, you should go train with Phil then"

"Right" Sora said

"Wait" Relm shouted, "I forgot to introduce you to someone. INTERCEPTOR!!" Suddenly, the large black dog jumped up and ran over to Relm's side, "Guys, this is Interceptor. He's the best and most loyal dog you'll find" At that very moment, Interceptor raised his nose into the air and his tail began wagging back and forth 'Ruff' he barked before running off, "Hey Interceptor, you're making me look bad. Come back!" Relm shouted before running off after him

"Should we go after her" Hercules asked

"I suppose so" Sam replied

"Yeah, let's go after her" Sora said, and with that, the seven chased after the girl who was chasing after the dog who chassed after the very familiar scent.
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