Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM 0 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-06-14 - Updated: 2010-06-14 - 450 words

heyyaa! here's an update!

Shadow's POV

'So do you know who the father is?' Alex asked Cat. We were at Cat's house and for once, Brendon and Ryan were there. We'd finally told Alex about Lace/Lauri. Cat still didn't know the baby's gender, so the pair of us (AKA me) came up with two names. Brendon, Ryan and the others still didn't know. Funnily enough, neither did the school.
'Yeah. His name's Jaye or something' Cat sighed.
'Jaye?! What does he look like?!' Alex yelled.
'It's none of your buisness!' I blurted out. Suddenly, I had two very pissed off faces glaring at me. I just shrugged and began tapping my feet to a song I was writing in my head.
'He has mahogany red... longish hair with... aqua streaks... that's all I remember' Cat sighed, staring awkwadly around the room. I just sat there smirking, because it was typical of Cat to remember hair colors and styles.
'I know him! He's my best friend! You slut!' Alex screamed, racing out of the room.

- 4 hours later -

'Cat, you have to tell the others' I sighed.
'No, they'll think we're together or something' Cat sighed, chewing on the cuffs of her hoodie. I was actually kind of annoyed that she'd stolen my habit, since I would spend pretty much all my time chewing on the cuffs of my hoodies.
'Look, Cat, we're just best friends, even they know that! Just tell them, it'd make thinks a fuck of a lot easier. So just tell them!' I said. Actually, I yelled the last part.
'Tell them what?' Ryan asked, barging into the room, his eyes red and puffy.
'Shit' I whispered, trying hard not to think of things that would make Ryan cry. I knew he'd been crying.
'Ryan... don't freak... but... I'm pregnant' Cat said, shaking.
'Oh, honey! Why? Like... who?' Ryan asked.
'Alex's friend. That's why she left here earlier in a pissy fit... she was so mad at Cat' I sighed.
'Did Brendon leave with her?' Ryan asked.
'No... why?' I asked, concerned.
'He's missing, guys!' Ryan said, practically throwing himself on the floor.
'What?!' I screamed, bursting into tears, hoping Ryan would suddenly jump up and yell 'Haha, fooled you! He's actually downstairs watching TV' but he didn't. He just remained on the floor, crying. Cat told us she needed fresh air and left the house.
'Maybe Alex has something to do with this...' I heard Cat mutter as she left the house, leaving Ryan and I in a house we didn't live in, laying on the bed (and floor) crying.
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