Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cherry Blossom

Crazy, Or Not?

by Moribund 4 reviews

Frank finds out what the mysterious boy really is.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-20 - Updated: 2010-06-20 - 820 words - Complete


The wind whistled past my house, causing a tree to knock and scrape at my window like a zombie feebly, brainlessly trying to get in. It was night, but no stars could be seen through the thick clouds. I lay on my bed trying to work out the puzzle my life had become, but it’s difficult to see the whole picture when you have only a few pieces from round the edge.

Trying to think back to when I first started seeing these peculiar people, I recalled seeing a frightfully old man walking down the street, close to the old folk’s home. This man was almost colourless, like an old piece of wooden furniture pales due to years of sunlight, now I know this isn’t overly strange itself, but what happened next was unnatural; this old man turned and actually walked through a wall. At the time I swore to myself that I had imagined it. That had been about two weeks before I met Gerard.

I racked my brain, trying to think to think if there was anything strange I ate that might have caused these hallucinations. But alas, nothing, there was only one conclusion.
“I’m losing my mind.”


The next morning, Sunday morning, I resolved to confront the curious ghostly boy from underneath the cherry blossom tree. Yes, I would ask him what his problem was, or if it indeed was my problem, and he was just a figment of my imagination. So off I went, and sure enough, there he was; sitting underneath the tree, earphone in, sketchpad out. I couldn’t deny that this guy was fucking gorgeous when he was sat there, dappled sunlight playing across his soft, pale features.

He didn’t look up as I approached him, he couldn’t hear me over the Iron Maiden blasting from his headphones. He couldn’t see me either as his attention was focused completely on the page in front of him. I could not see what he was drawing as I was not approaching him from behind, but I assumed it must be good as he was putting so much effort into it.

As I stopped in front of him, he looked up, his hazel eyes wide and doe like. He barely stuttered out a hello before I began my verbal rampage.

“So what the fuck’s going on, huh? Why is it so strange that I can see you? You think you’re invisible or something, like a superhero outta a comic book? Freak. You crazy or something?!” I lowered my voice to a whisper, “Am I crazy?”

He stared up at me; I could see an internal battle going on in his eyes, one that seemed to be causing him pain.

“No, you’re not crazy. It’s just, well, I’m dead.” His voice wobbled on the last part, but the look in his eyes was sincere.

In shock, I just stood there with my mouth agape and my heart having a fit in my chest. My body went cold, the air around me was heavy and choking as my vision went fuzzy and my head swam.

I can see ghosts.

Everything suddenly makes sense. I’m not crazy, I can just see the disembodied spirits of the dead that walk the mortal plain.

I slid down the tree onto the grass next to him, I wasn’t crazy. I turned to look at the mysterious, vampiric, dead stranger. He was drawing again, but though I could see the paper if I lent a little closer, I didn’t. What I could see in front of me was far more beautiful than anything that could be imagined. There was a light breeze today, and his messy ebony hair was being tossed ever so slightly across his face, a contrast to the smooth ivory skin. His long, dark eyelashes framed his hazel eyes perfectly, like a work of art. My gaze trailed down to his lips, they were parted slightly, a small pink tongue sticking out, a much darker hue than the soft pastel colour of the lips it rested on.
After staring at him for what must have been a good ten minutes, I blurted out what I had been wondering since the first time I saw him.

“What’s your name?”

He tore his attention from his sketchpad with a soft ‘hmm?’ and stared at me with sleepy eyes.

“Um, what’s your name?” I repeated softly.

A smirk spread across his lips at the same speed as the blush spread across his cheeks.

“Gerard. And may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?”

“Frank, but you can call me Frankie, if you want.”

“Oh I do, it’s so much cuter.” He giggled.

I looked away quickly to hide the heat of my cheeks and the goofy grin he had caused.
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