Categories > Anime/Manga > Beyblade > The Lair


by Nekocin 0 reviews

Rei finds something sentimental to think in his closet

Category: Beyblade - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Kai, Ray - Published: 2006-04-28 - Updated: 2006-04-28 - 471 words

Title: The gifted past
Pairing: mention of KaiRei (established) and mild YuriRei
Themes: #5 Memories and #8 Echoes of a song
Rating/Warnings: PG, AU-ish, OoC(?)
Disclaimer: Beyblade doesn't belong to me.

Rei finds something sentimental to think in his closet


You found it accidentally among the junk in one of the many boxes stored up under your closet. It was a bright-colored bandana with an equally bright-colored message on it, saying something of "you 'n me will take the world" in a foreign language you'd once understood.

A sense of déjà vu enraptures your thoughts in a whirlwind of overwhelming source of warmth, threatening you to look at those words more closely. The message was signed with small woven initials 'y.i.'...

...and you remembered.

His rarely seen smiles. His often shy touches. His barely contained mischief. His rather inexperienced kisses. The flashes of scenes that came to mind were like echoes of a song--slowly repeating verses, the words, the notes--quickly going over to a climax, playing the F-is tune along with the A and the E--which then fade away as it ends within the passage of time.

You just realize how much you have forgotten (or have almost forgotten) about him. Strangely enough, you find comfort within those thoughts of him, those memories with him. Almost fondly, you bound the bandana atop the current red one and looked in the hand mirror you've snatched from the dresser.

And stuffed the cloth further away into the very back of your closet.

"Silly, you. Neon yellow clashes with my eyes and hair," You chuckled.

Your skin crawled when you suddenly heard someone behind you, quietly saying, "What are you talking about?"

An unconscious hand went to your breastbone as you tried to calm down, smiling sheepishly up at the other. "Nothing. Nothing at all," When did he come in?

He raised his eyebrows inquiringly. "It's almost time to go. Are you done?"

You shot a fleeting look to your side to check if your bags were ready and then nodded. "Aa,"

He didn't get enough time to blink when you abruptly leaned to his face to give him a faint brush against his lips.

"--what's that for?"

You hesitated, unsure whether you should be truthful or not about whom you've been thinking of. And the opted with, "Today is a wonderful day! I couldn't resist surprising you!"





Uhm... yeah, not really that good. But oh well... I thought it was nice to have Yuri in it. Erm... yeah, anyways, I'm already done with the next one. Will post them next week I suppose.
Oh, if anyone is wondering I used to play the recorder (one of the many flutes out there) which explains why I use the F, A and E.

Thank you for reading this!


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