Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Alfred A History

Lies on the Floor!

by FrauleinWeisenheimer 1 review

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-07-05 - Updated: 2010-07-06 - 1265 words - Complete

As he walked into his cozy little flat, Harry immediately sensed something was off. The front room felt… crowded. Almost as if they noticed Harry noticing them, the figures in the dark converged upon him. Flashes of silver announced the presence of knives, and Harry wondered briefly why he had never asked exactly what had happened to the chalked figures on the floor.

There was only one thing for it. The battery operated meat carving knife was just going to get in a little more action than he had previously thought. Instincts that Harry barely remembered came back as the figures struck out, and the buzzing little knife met one opponent who’s arm got a little too close for comfort. Harry’s comfort anyway.

Dispatching the two closest to him was easy, but Harry still wanted to know why he had unexpected visitors. Deciding instantly between revealing magic to someone who had a high chance of not being a death eater and ruining his new extension cord, Harry had to sacrifice his cord to the greater good.

Once the last man was tied up, Harry shined a torch straight into his eyes.

“Why are you in my flat?” Harry asked softly.

“This is our flat!” the man hissed harshly.

“Really?” Harry raised one eyebrow slowly. “I don’t believe you pay rent on it. Or if you do, the land lord is cheating both of us and you should take this up with him.”

“It’s always been our flat! We don’t need to pay for it! We even took that other guy out, and we thought they would get the message.” The man snorted as he remembered the dog.

“Is that so,” If it were possible, Harry’s eyebrow twitched even higher.

The man began to look uncomfortable under such a direct gaze. “You see here!” he spluttered, “This is the only apartment where we can see into the MI5 building. How are we supposed to know what they’re up to if we can’t stake out here?”

“Why would you need to know what the MI5 is doing?” Harry was extremely confused by this leap in logic.

“Well they are situated right next to one of our warehouses.” The man finally admitted, “It’s not like we can just wait for them to raid us.”

“Hmm.” Harry stated noncommittally. The other man even started to look hopeful. Those hopes were dashed when Harry bashed him in the temple with the butt of his carving knife.

“I guess its time to meet some of my neighbors.” Harry muttered to himself and slung the extra guest over his back, flicking his wand to each intruder lying on the floor and muttering “Stupefy.”


The building the now unconscious man had indicated was rather unremarkable. It looked similar to the other buildings to its right and left, and as Harry walked in he felt it hard to believe the long nailed receptionist would ever have anything to do with a spying industry. However, Harry just smoothed his mustache and cleared his throat to bring attention to himself.

The bored looking lady looked up from the screen she had been looking at so intently, annoyed that her game of solitaire had come to an abrupt end.

“How may I help you sir?” She asked smoothly.

Harry raised the head of the unconscious man he had dragged in. “Your neighbor seems to think someone in this building is a Peeping Tom and brought the problem to me.”

To give her credit, the woman didn’t gasp. Her eyes did widen, but that is only to be expected when one sees a mild looking man carrying an unconscious thug as if everything is fine and dandy.

“Umm, let me just inform my supervisor and I’m sure we can get this all cleared up.” The receptionist grabbed her desk phone and rapidly tapped at the buttons. Speaking in hushed tones she made a quick, earnest plea for someone to deal with this problem so she could get back to her pretend job and more importantly, her game of solitaire.

When she got off the phone, Harry and the woman awkwardly shared a silence that soon became interrupted by taps from her mouse. Harry was left to mull over the situation. It would be easy to clean up his flat with magic, but he needed to make sure no one had seen anything broken. It would not do for someone to investigate and stumble on something Harry did not want revealed. Since the building manager was the only person who would have cause to care about the state of the rented rooms, Harry didn’t think that would be a problem. The man wouldn’t push himself to go up the stairs for anything less than money or death.

Harry was interrupted from his mulling by elevator doors opening to reveal a tall man and a short woman. They walked with a briskness that screamed important and Harry felt fairly uneasy with what he had gotten himself into this time.

“Who might you be?” The man of the pair asked.

“Just a neighbor, you can call me Alfred. About these men…” Harry began.

“Yes, yes. What are you doing here?” The man interrupted.

Harry’s nostrils flared but he took a deep calming breath. “I am here to turn in this man who apparently is worried about you spying on his company. I might advise you to look into some stealth techniques if a common street thug can tell when a government agency is peeking.”

The woman looked offended to see he boss put in his place like that; obviously she was a government official, probably low level bureaucracy.

“Now see here!” she started and Harry had to once again fight for calmness.

“Ma’am, with all due respect, I have got three more goons in my apartment who are there for the view of this place. I really don’t think you want to ignore this problem.” Harry dropped his hostage on the floor and was about to turn on the heel to deal with the trespassers himself when the man called out.

“Alright, I’ll send a cleanup crew over there and get rid of our little pest infestation.” He sighed.

Harry nodded solemnly and poised himself to wait for the low level grunts he would have to lead to his home.


When they finally got to Harry’s flat, two of the three prisoners were waking. Harry was glad they had gotten back before they had fully come to, if only for fear of them further destroying his furnishings.

The two grunts that had followed him quickly to surrounded the hostages and hand cuffed them to take them to the building next door for questioning. Now that they had finally broken an obvious law and as much as admitted murder, they could finally take these thugs down and hopefully stop operations.

Harry was just glad to get them out of his house. He was sick of picking up for the government. It was no small wonder so many had recently turned to vigilantism.

Harry was almost free of those scum when the last of the grunts to leave turned and said, “We’ll need to take you in for questioning too, sir. Just a practicality, but you were a witness.”

Harry valiantly managed to restrain himself from cursing. Instead he quirked an eyebrow and simply said:

“By all means, I have nothing to hide.”
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