Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angels Don't Cry

Angels Don't Cry

by savedbymcr15 0 reviews

After a show, the guys notice that something is wrong with Gerard. Mikey takes it upon himself to find out what it is, and how to fix it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Frank Iero,Ray Toro,Bob Bryar - Published: 2010-07-07 - Updated: 2010-07-07 - 731 words - Complete

Mikey's pov

We had just finished another great show, and we were all pretty excited about it. At least, that was what I had thought until I took a glance at my older brother. He seemed upset about something, which is never a good sign. Frank was talking to me about some new guitar riff that he'd thought up, but after a while of me not responding, he decided that he'd stop. Don't get me wrong, I really was excited, and I cared, but right now, I was just worried about Gerard. He's one of those people who only gets upset over things that are really worth it. Ray and Bob had stopped their conversation, and were now also looking at Gerard. My brother looked up, and seemed a little creeped out that there were four pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Is there something on my face or something?" Gerard asked, clearly confused.

I opened my mouth to speak, but then decided against it. I just shook my head to assure him. He raised an eyebrow, and then looked away, the look of sadness returning. I was concerned that maybe something had happened to him during the concert, or maybe something had happened with Lindsey or Bandit. I turned around to find Bob, Ray and Frank all looking at me.

"Go on, talk to him." Ray said. I nodded, and walked over to him. Gerard seemed really out of it, and he didn't even notice when I had gotten there. He looked up, and jumped a little when he saw me there.

"I don't look that scary!" I joked, trying to make him laugh. I sighed when he just shrugged.

"Sorry, Mikes. I'm just not in the mood for this right now." he sighed, and walked away.

This caused me to become even more worried. Perhaps he was just tired. It would have been nice if I could have convinced myself of that, but I knew that there was something deeper than that. Gerard was my brother, and we'd always known when the other had a problem.

As Frank, Ray, Bob and I all walked back to the bus, a fan approached us. At first we thought that she was going to ask for an autograph or a picture, but when we saw the look on her face, something told us that it was actually going to be important.

"Mikey," she started. I gave her my undivided attention. "Is there something wrong with Gerard?" she asked.

"I don't think so." I replied, still careful. I didn't want to give away too much about my brother's life, especially to someone I didn't know. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that I saw him when I was walking out from the Starbucks over there." she told me, gesturing to the Starbucks beside the venue. I looked at her, expecting her to go on. "He was crying." She said.

"Well, do you know where he is now?" I asked.

"I think he's still in there." she replied.

"Thanks." I said, giving her a quick smile before dashing towards Starbucks. I opened the doors, and there was Gerard, sitting at a booth in the back corner, his eyes bloodshot, his cheeks red. I slowly approached him.

"Are we leaving?" Gerard asked. I nodded. He got up, and left without another word. I followed my brother onto the tour bus, where the others were already waiting.

"We're going to watch Saw V, do you guys want to watch it?" Bob asked. We all looked at Gerard. He raised his eyebrow again.

"I'm actually just going to go to bed...I'm pretty tired from the show...Enjoy the movie, I guess." Gerard said, and walked into the bunks.

"I think I'll pass, too." I said, my spirits quite low.

I walked past the washroom, and I heard what sounded like quiet sobs. I pressed my ear up against the door. It was Gerard.

When I heard his footsteps coming closer to the door, I quickly walked into the bunks, and I hopped into my bed, so I wouldn't seem suspicious.

Gerard walked into the bunks, and climbed into his own bed, which was right across from mine. He seemed deep in his own thoughts again. There was no doubt in my mind that there was something wrong, and I was determined to make it okay.
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