Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreaming With A Broken Heart

Chapter 11

by savedbymcr15 0 reviews

Gerard has a confrontation with his grandfather. This can't end well...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-07-09 - Updated: 2010-07-09 - 609 words - Complete

Fear pulsed through Gerard's body. After so many years, he was suddenly face to face with the man that had hurt him so many years ago. Gerard knew that he was older now, and he could protect himself. First, he had to protect Mikey. Yes, he knew what their grandfather had done, but he still didn't know just how powerful he was. Granted, he was much older now, but Gerard saw that he still had that sadistic glint in his eyes. Gerard moved in front of Mikey. He would do anything to protect him from this man, even if it meant suffering through that past pain again. Mikey grabbed Gerard's arm, as if to keep him from straying too far away. Gerard glanced back at Mikey, seeing fear and confusion in his eyes. Gerard turned around again to face his grandfather.

"What are you doing here?" Gerard asked, venom seeping out of his words. This man had caused so much pain. Gerard couldn't let that happen again.

"No 'hello' or anything? Is that any way to speak to your grandfather?"

"You don't count as being related to us. Besides, our grandmother left you for a reason." Gerard spat. Mikey tightened his grip on Gerard's arm, trying to get him to stop.

"You really want to do this, Gerard? You couldn't fight me off then. What makes you think that you'll be able to fight me off now?"

"I know that I can." Gerard responded. Mikey tried to move in front of Gerard, but was pushed back.

"Still trying to protect him? You can't. You never have, and you never will." Their grandfather sneered.

"You're wrong. Now leave, before I make you regret coming here." Gerard growled murderously.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to hit an old man?"

"As a matter of fact, I am." With that, Gerard punched his grandfather square in the jaw. He closed the door, locked it, and began to cry. "What have I done?"

"I don't know, Gerard." Mikey responded. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He couldn't believe how strong Gerard had just appeared to be, or how he had actually meant to harm another person. Gerard never hurts anyone...Ever. What just happened?

"Mikey, I didn't mean to! I was just so upset, and I just wanted to protect you!" Gerard sobbed. Mikey sat down beside him.

"It's okay, Gerard. You did it for the right reasons. Besides, it's not like you killed him." Mikey sighed.

"He said that I couldn't protect you!"

"It's okay, Gee." Mikey said. He wrapped him arms around Gerard. His sobs subsided, but something didn't seem right. "Gee?" Mikey asked. He looked down when Gerard didn't respond. His eyes were wide open, and he was shaking, rapidly going pale.

"Help me." Gerard said, his words seeming to come out with difficulty.

"What's going on, Gerard?" Mikey asked. Panic seared through him. Something was happening to his big brother, and he didn't know how to fix it.

Gerard screamed out in pain. Before Mikey could do anything, Gerard had blacked out.

"Gee! Wake up!" Mikey cried. He laid Gerard down, and listened to hear if he was breathing. He wasn't. Tears rolled down Mikey's face as he listened for a heartbeat. Mikey could hear a faint heartbeat, but it was slowing down and getting softer. "What's going on?" He cried. Mikey's world started to spin. "I can fix this!" He cried. He began to do CPR when the door opened. I thought that was locked...Mikey thought. He looked up and saw his grandfather standing there, with that same sadistic glint in his eyes.
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