Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu Yu Hakusho


by LadyAlexiel 0 reviews

A short drabble on what Hiei thinks about his relationship with his sister and his misgivings with Kurama. Hint of HieixKurama

Category: Yu Yu Hakusho - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Hiei, Kurama, Yukina - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-04-29 - Updated: 2006-04-29 - 559 words - Complete


Hiei never liked flowers. They were just petty trivial things that died so easily. Above all else, he hated frailty.

In reality, he was afraid to touch them, afraid that his fingers would crush them. They were so much like his sister. Yet he would never allow himself to admit any connection to such things, no matter what.

Yukina's smile was so innocent and her kindness was so great. Hiei couldn't quite understand her. She had such overwhelming weakness, but he knew he'd never be able to hate her for it. She wasn't cold and frozen like the other Koorime whose hearts had long succumbed to their icy habitat.

She had such warmth and such capacity to care that she had even shown feelings for that red-headed baka, which Hiei had previously deemed impossible. In ways it would make Hiei jealous, seeing her interact with that other boy in such a familiar way. Maybe if he had grown up with a family he would've realized he had a sister complex.

It was just the way that Yukina gazed at Hiei that made him feel like they had some sort of special connection. Her gentle eyes would watch him and instantly see into his heart. It was as if she actually understood him, knew him through and through. It was then he began to desire to protect that frail thin body instead of despise it.

Hiei did not have much. Most of what he had he carried with him. His tear gem, a sword, and his clothes were his only real possessions. He lived here and there, flitting between the human and demon worlds whenever he felt it necessary.

The fact that Yukina lived in Genkai's temple made it irritating. He did not much like visiting the human world because that fox had an irritating habit of showing up whenever he decided to visit.

Kurama was all smiles and pleasant words, but Hiei could feel something sly lingering behind his former partner's facade. Hiei was not one to underestimate demons, and he had known Kurama for quite a while.

He had once glimpsed behind that mask in a spare moment of time that Kurama had captured and used for his attack. That fox always had the scent of roses drifting from his lean body, smothering Hiei's senses. Damn roses. He hated them most of all flowers.

The words Kurama had spoken had been brief and ambiguous, leaving Hiei entirely confused. Confused was something Hiei did not like at all. But it wasn't until Kurama had let his fingers brush slowly down Hiei's arm, that he felt his blood begin to boil. Was this some sort of threat?

Hiei had reacted violently, drawing his sword and putting it to the fox's throat. Kurama hadn't made a sound, not surprised at the reaction. Hiei would never forget how Kurama then sighed, and his eyes had dimmed. Those beautiful emerald eyes that usually gazed at him with such intense conviction had lost their luster.

Hiei stared as Kurama gently pushed his sword aside. He half-expected Kurama to bring out his rosewhip and take a retaliating strike, but he did no such thing. Kurama merely whispered with those mysterious, hypnotizing lips, "Goodbye Hiei."

From that day on Hiei had not been able to sleep without being haunted by those paled, empty, emerald eyes.
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