Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Miss you

I Miss you

by PatrickStumpisaBAMF 0 reviews

Pete's left on his own in the streets, will he survive the night?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-07-13 - Updated: 2010-07-13 - 462 words

Pete stumbled through the, well he didn't know what it was or where he was. He hadn't noticed anything for days he'd just walked. Not since that argument. The argument he couldn't even think about. Why did he have to upset him. He meant the most in the whole world to Pete. Why?
Pete walked into the nearest bar he could see and sat down. The barman limped over to where Pete was sitting
" what d'you want?" he asked " and why d'you look so depressed?"
" beer please, and its none of your business why im not too happy, all right!" Pete snapped back
"all right I was only asking!"
he slouched back to the small refrigerator and came back holding a grubby bottle.
"there that's $1.50"
after a while of rummaging in his pockets Pete found the change and handed it over. He really needed to find some money soon or he was gonna die on these streets.
Hed left the house in a huge hurry he hadn't even got any clothes which explained why he had been wearing these clothes for a week.
He lifted the bottle up to his lips and drank. It was his first drink in ages and he really needed it. Slamming the bottle onto the bar he quickly jogged out of the bar and into the cold night air.
After a while Pete was basically jogging to try and keep warm. He needed to find somewhere to sleep and as he turned the corner he found just the right place. It was a little alleyway that looked uninhabited except for maybe one of two spiders. But spiders didn't bother Pete anymore, he had bigger problems.
He walked over to the corner where it looked like he could get comfiest and sat down. After about an hour he finally drifted off into an uneasy, nightmare filled sleep.
He was woken after what seemed like minutes by raised voices and laughter"
" look its that emo faggot from that emo faggot band with the fat ugly lead singer" shouted the hardest and meanest of the lot.
"lets teach this little bastard a thing or two about what happens when he gets on my nerves"
there were cries of "yeah" from all sides of Pete and he was hauled to his feet by many pairs of rough hands.
Just as he managed to shove some of the hands off him he got hit hard in the stomach and staggered backwards into the wall. More punches and kicks followed until he was bunched up in a ball on the floor trying desprately not to think about the fact he knew he was about to die.
Patrick I just want Patrick. I will love you forever Tricky. And the the world went black
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