Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why ?

Chapter 1

by EmoMCRFanatic 1 review

well this was originally about my brother's band but i decided to change it to be about MCR because i love them and they saved my life oh and just to let you no there is no Frerard or Waycest or an...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-07-22 - Updated: 2010-07-22 - 861 words

Chapter 1

I was not used to New Jersey yet. I was so accustomed to the sun in Pheonix that rain and snow basically didn’t exist to me, at all and there was a lot of that in New Jersey. “Ew,” I mumbled as I walked out into the pure white world that was Belleville. The trees were covered…… no, smothered in snow and for god’s sake it was mid spring.
“You don’t like snow,” Melissa asked, surprised.
“I hate snow Mizsie,” I replied with a sound of disgust in my voice. Oh, by the way, my name is Michelle, I’m 17 years old and I hate anything wet that comes from the sky although I think you’ve figured that out already.
“You amaze me Shelly, you really do,”
“Hey, it is not my fault that I was raised with no other weather than sun,” I replied defensively, “so back off !”
“ Okay, okay, I’m sorry Shelly, I’ll back off , God you can be really defensive when you want to be, you know,” she said with a hint of a smile on her face.

We got into my truck and I put the key in the ignition. I turned the key, but because of my luck, (my bad luck) it wouldn’t start. “Outta gas,” I said to Mizsie.
“Aaaaw, come on man, that’s perfect, just perfect. First this morning, the water pipe was frozen so I couldn’t take a shower or brush my teeth, thank god I was coming over to yours to go to school, then I dropped my phone and broke the screen, and then when I got into my car to come over here I turned the key and it wouldn’t start because the battery was fucking dead so I had to walk here, and now this ! Honestly I think God hates me, yeah that’s it, he hates me.” She was seriously going overboard, I mean God doesn’t hate anyone does he? I don’t really think Mizsie has ever done anything to upset him, I mean, honestly, she’s a vegetarian, (as well as myself) she is absolutely repulsed by anyone who eats meat, so she only eats salads. Oh my God what am I even blabbing about, I mean I don’t even believe in God never mind what somebody did to upset him. Anyway I think I better introduce Mizsie and myself properly. Okay so as I already told you, I’m 17 and my name is Michelle, though everyone (including my teachers) call me Shelly. Mizsie is 17 too. We’re both called emos (even though we‘re not) and to be honest, we do get made fun of and picked on for the way we dress but we just ignore them and all our friends are really, really cool and most of them are called emos too but they’re not. So yeah, we all like the same music … GREEN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I mean who doesn’t like them.

Oh my God, one of my friends Gerard is the coolest person ever. I love him, but not in a boyfriend kind of way, I mean in a brotherly type of way, I mean, I would do anything for the guy, seriously. Anyway he’s also in my brother’s band My Chemical Romance and well, they’re amazing, I mean really, totally amazing. I really hope they get famous because they deserve it, right now they’re just a garage band so every weekend that they can, they come over to our house and spend the whole day either in the garage or on the trampoline which Gerard loves, seriously the first time he came over to practice he came around the back, saw the trampoline and went “Oh my God, you’ve a trampoline, you have fucking a trampoline !” He got so excited when he saw it, he dropped everything he was carrying from the car and ran straight towards it, luckily Ray was right behind him and caught everything before they hit the ground, but he put them down gently and ran after Gerard to smack him over the head for almost breaking one of the amps, it was so funny. So anyway, the band is like this, Gerard : Singer and, Ray : Guitarist, Frank : Rhythm Guitarist, Mikey : Bassist, Bob (my brother) : Drummer. So yeah, that’s My Chemical Romance. Sometimes the guy’s girlfriends will come over (well only Bob and Mikey have girlfriends at the moment). Two of their songs are called Skylines and Turnstiles and Early Sunsets Over Monroeville. Their sign is amazing. (*) I love it, but then again I did design it.

It’s kinda weird, because lately Gerard and I have been closer than usual, you know, like talking about everything and some people would swear we were going out or something. I guess it’s probably nothing, smarter just to leave it because if I don’t, well, it could turn into something huge and I don’t want that.

(*)This is their sign incase you don't know :
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