Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > On Tour (The Black Parade)

Meeting the Band

by AddixxSin 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-07-29 - Updated: 2010-07-29 - 523 words

Gerard’s Pov.

So as we waited on the bus for Addie and Morgan to arrive, the boys and I decided to clean up a little bit. Considering it was the second day of the tour and it was already trashed, the bus could use some organization. Hopefully with some women on board it will keep us in line.

I was wiping off surfaces with some Windex; Frank was vacuuming with the mini vacuum. Bob was picking up clothes and shoving them into a hamper and Ray was doing dishes. Mikey was making the beds in the back of the bus where the girls would be sleeping. There are seven useable bunks in the back; two of them are separated from the rest by the bathroom and storage closet. On the other side of them is another bunk along with a bunk for storage of suitcases and crap.

“They’re here!” Frank shouted and everybody started tossing clothes and stuff into a pile underneath the kitchen table. Great, they are going to think we are slobs.

Jeff opened the door and in stepped a tall brown haired girl with bright blue eyes and a lot of luggage. Following her was Jeff and another girl who was about the same height as the first, But with short blonde hair and glasses. She was holding a tissue to her lip and had a back pack that looked really heavy.

“Here, let me take that. I will put this in your bunk.” Jeff said as the blonde one handed him her backpack. It fell to the floor and Jeff looked shocked. “How did you carry all this?! What you got in there anyways?” He asked dragging it back.

“Books and stuff. Nothing super heavy.” She said removing the tissue.” Hi, Im Addie.” She said and came to each of us and gave us a hug.

“Im Morgan!” The brunette added and jumped on Mikey.” And you are cute!” She said and gave him a bear hug. The guys looked kind of freaked by this, but not Frank.

“I got these for you!” He said, holding out the stuffed animals. Addie accepted the zebra and said a quiet thank you and Morgan freaked out.

“OH MY GOSH! IT’S SO FLUFFY!” She hugged it to her and then hugged Frank super tight. The poor guys face was hidden in the animal.

“Your welcome.” He said as he escaped her grasp.

“So welcome to the bus. This is our mini TV, kitchen-ish room. Back there is the bunks and the bathroom. And that is all.” Jeff explained as he returned. “There are some cameras in the hallway, and out here. So don’t get dressed in kitchen unless you want America to see your junk.” He warned and the girls gave each other a slightly nervous glance.

“Don’t scare them Jeff. They are going to love it here! “Frank said and we all agreed. Everyone wasn’t as talkative as they were before. Probably because the fact that it’s two teenage girls. I mean, what are we supposed to do with them?

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